HSA Meeting Minutes

Sept 24, 2015

The meeting was opened by president Kathy Schinaman at 7 pm in the Library, with eleven in attendance.

Discussion was held regarding a contest for the students to create an HSA logo to be put on our letterhead. Principal Johnson suggested we talk with the art department to get details finalized.

A big thank you goes out to the Student Council which covered the insurance cost for our group.

There will be a meeting for the presidents of school groups and the Superintendent on Nov 16 at 5pm to discuss the district.

Current membership stands at 33 members, and a large number were picked up before the meeting.

The Welcome Back Picnic is this Saturday 4-7pm in conjunction with the 75th Anniversary Celebration run by the Alumni Assoc.

Over the summer the board met to get things rolling, to set up a bank account after receiving the EIN tax exempt number, and to begin plans for the year. Our info and updates will be on the school webpage under the ‘Our School’ drop box.

Picture days were the first week of school. All went smoothly. Discussion was held regarding receiving the bonus check in a timely manner so it can be used for this school year. Retake Day is October 7, with a camera for senior pictures, too. The principal will put this info on a Shout Point notification.

There was discussion regarding allowing a school sport group to use our bank account for a tax free purchase. We will refer them to the district Athletic Director.

Teacher Report: Ms Ganci from the math department talked about the program for ECC credit, which leads to an Advanced Regents Degree, and access with a student ID to ECC buildings and benefits.

Administrator’s Report: The principal thanked Jen Morrow for all her work on the school picnic; He discussed the upcoming 7-8th grade Open house for prospective students; he presented the results of the Parent engagement Survey from April which points out the school’s strengths & weaknesses; he reported on a college and career readiness study. Then he opened the floor for questions: There was a question re. the school setting apart a wing for the 8th graders when they attend KW in 2016-17. He reported that a group went to Cazenovia to see their set up to accommodate 8th graders in the HS, and then the group reviewed the KW facility. Q: Will shadowing be offered? A: yes; The president mentioned a tie in- Todd Potter from the school board will attend the Oct 14 meeting to talk about the consolidation process. The principal suggested that we may wish to change the venue for the meeting if a large number will be attending. Also, because of the consolidation, course scheduling for next year will be moved up to November . Q: re pushing test scores and grades vs the stress level on the student. A: there is a balance, but the school wants to prepare students who attend college.

Open Discussion: There will be a Public Education Reform Conference in October sponsored by WNYers for Public Education; a parent emailed the HSA re a Halloween Dance at KW. She will be redirected to StuCo who holds dances.

With no further discussion the meeting was closed at 8:35 pm.