Welcome to Creative Writing

2017 – 2018

Ms. Valerie McGovern

Course Overview


To develop a voice through the written word as a vehicle for self-discovery, expression and intellectual exploration.

To learn the art of critique and useful feedback of self and peer writings and the necessity and value of revision.

To experience and participate in a writing community.

To gain skills in creative expression and develop the ability to identify the successful elements of an effective piece of creative writing.

To discover and honor the individual writing process unique to each student.

To cultivate the ability to share one’s own work orally to an audience.

To notice words, their sensory qualities and the possible impact they may have within one’s poetry and prose.

To continue to nurture the qualities necessary to become “a good reader.”

To attend at least one outside literary reading.


A journal which may be a spiral notebook, a small binder, or something fancier, that is, one “that speaks to you!”

Your journals will be well used as they will be written in each day in and out of class.


Your grade will be based on earning points in various categories, such as, finished pieces, journal entries (graded for thoroughness, honesty and thoughtfulness), attendance at an outside reading, attention to the writing process through revision, sharing via feedback, ideas, and your own writing, as well as support of peers and timeliness to class. Each segment of your overall grade will be evaluated using a rubric system.

All final pieces will be submitted through “Turnitin.” Late papers may not be submitted for a grade, that is, they can no longer earn points, however they may be turned in to keep your overall grade from dropping. You most likely will not receive written comments.

Journals are graded periodically, announced and unannounced. If you have an excused absence on any of these occasions, your journal will be evaluated the next class day.

Finished Pieces / 40%
Journals, Blogging, Vocabulary / 20%
Objective Assessment such as Tests and
Quizzes / 10%
Rough Drafts / 5%
Revisions / 5%
Sharing Writing and Ideas / 10%
Supporting Others, Including Appropriate Peer Review and Attendance at an Outside Reading / 5%
Timeliness to Class
Preparedness for Class / 5%

Expectations of Students:

Help to create an environment that enhances learning and sharing within a space that is respectful and simultaneously creative.

Allow the lights of classmates to shine by making room for the gifts that others bring to the creative space.

Come to class on time with a sense of passion, purpose and preparedness.

Write every day. Maintain and nourish journals…this writing serves as “compost” for finished pieces.

Revise, polish and submit pieces on time.

I have read and understand the above course overview and expectations for the Creative Writing class.


Student Name


Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian email