Module 4
Case Study 3
George Metesky
Profiling exercise
Obviously such documents as police reports and pathologists’ report are not available to you. Using the information available to you in this module and any further information you can collect from further research in books or the internet complete the following profile sheet. Try to avoid simple yes or no answers, give reasons to support your answer. Using the information from your profile sheet, write a brief pen picture of the offender. (approx 250 words)
1. What type of crime(s) did Metesky commit?2. Evaluate the criminal act (I.e. what was the modus operandi? Why does he do it?)
3. Evaluate the specifics of the crime scene (s).
4. Comprehensive analysis of victim(s).
5. Description of offender characteristics.
6. What is the primary motive for the offence(s)?(Sexual, financial, personal, mental disturbance.)
7. What levels of risk did the victims experience?
8. What level of risk did the offender take in carrying out the crimes?
9. What was the sequence of acts before and after the crimes?
10. How long did the acts take to commit?
11. Where were the crimes committed?
12. Was the crime staged to mislead the police?
13. What motivations are revealed by details such as:
a) Type of bomb?
b) Construction of the bomb
c) Position of bomb?
14. What racial group did the bomber belong to?
15. What was the gender of the offender?
16. What was the age range of the offender?
17. What was the marital status of the offender?
18. What was the general employment of the offender?
19. What were the psychological characteristics, beliefs and values of the offender?
20. What was the offender’s reaction when questioned by the police?
21. Did criminal records check suggest a possibility of the commission of such offences?