St Nicholas and St Laurence Primary School April 2016 – September 2017

Engaging the reluctant child. / IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF PE and sports provision in and out of the school
Engaging the reluctant children to access a wider range of non-competitive and competitive sporting activities.
Introducing and embeddingnew elements to PE across the school.
Ensure that children are taking the opportunity to engage in active life events and sessions that inspire them to be active and Healthy for their lifetime. (Making sport accessible to all)
Success criteria / Pupil voice tells us that children are enjoying being active at school and home.
Adult questionnaires tell us that the children are active during the weekends and evenings.
A developed portfolio of evidence to show that our children are enjoying a range physical activities around school life.
Pupils are engaged in more competitions (measured)
Staff confident in delivering ‘real PE’sessions as part of one of their weekly sessions.
Staff using “Ipads” to develop their own coaching methods and using to assess and develop the children’s learning
Plan / Description of initiative: / Cost implications / CPD requirements / Impact on pupils / Evidence to be collected
Supporting the staff in using the Real PE Scheme of work.
Developing good practise within school. / The ‘real PE’ programme provides fun and simple activities to follow. Schemes of Work and support for Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 practitioners that give them the confidence and skills to deliver outstanding PE. / 3 – 5 sessions to support Teachers in Real PE (peer support) £300
Resources needed to replace old:
£1000 / Peer support session within Chesil partnership to analyse scheme.
Feedback to staff.
Observations / peer observations. / Engaging reluctant children. Giving children a different view of PE.
Sessions will flow and children will be able to use and develop using the new engaging equipment. / Pupil voice
Staff questionnaire
Supporting the children in ensuring that they are safe / Purchase updated Safe Practise in PE book
Joining and subscribing to the Ridgeway sports association / £50
£35 + 20p per child in KS2 / Awareness of key PE safety
N/A / safe use of equipment etc
To generate more opportunities to feel proud of being a sportsman in our school / Encourage children to feel proud, by taking part and trying their best. / Cover for sporting events.
£75 per session (half day) / N/a / Pupils experiencing new ‘adventures’, enjoying sport and gaining a sense of pride and sportsmanship. / Pride and more children competing
To generate more opportunities for non-competitive sporting events and different types of sports within lessons and after school. / Country Dancing
Summer Term – KS1
In PE sessions and an after school club / Maypole purchase (£400)
CPD ?? / ½ day CPD?? To remind KS1 staff of maypole etc – could be run by SL?? / Engaging reluctant children. Giving children a different view of PE. / Photos
Premier Sports + after school club
6 week block for each class to develop a different sport to include, tri golf, fencing and archery. (Summer Term2016) / £ 1000 / Coaching opportunity for staff – how to introduce and develop new sports and skills / Engaging reluctant children. Giving children a different view of PE. / Photos
Shared with parents collective worship
To provide taster sessions – activities children may not have heard of or tried before. (also above) / Eg – golf, trampoline, skate park / Approx.: £30- £50 per hour/ session / This will be a coaching opportunity for both children and staff. / Pupils experiencing new ‘adventures’. / Portfolio of evidence – class assemblies to share with parents.
To provide more opportunities for After school clubs / Basketball Club run by Connor Doherty / £25 per session (x6)
Then funding for PP children / N/A / Pupils enjoying sport and gaining a sense of achievement.
Building on team work skills and confidence which is conducive to learning. / photos,
pupil voice
Premier Sports
Summer Term 2016 / 6 x sessions x 3
(5/6, 3/4, 1/2) / School subsidized for parents making the price more manageable. (Sustainable)
£300 per ½ term / Pupils enjoying sport and gaining a sense of achievement.
Building on team work skills and confidence which is conducive to learning. / photos,
pupil voice
country dancing/ maypole / early summer term start KS1 / N/A / Pupils enjoying sport and gaining a sense of achievement.
Building on team work skills and confidence which is conducive to learning. / photos,
pupil voice
PHA – multi sports / 6 x sessions
KS1 / n/a / Pupils enjoying sport and gaining a sense of achievement.
Building on team work skills and confidence which is conducive to learning. / photos,
pupil voice
To implement Ipad style technology for each class/ year groups to share -assessment tool, recording of key skills, perfomances. / 10 I pads where purchased to support the development of portfolio of evidence to share with parents – last year (2015) / Money for apps
(£50-£100) / Staff meetings to learn how to use the apparatus appropriately / Sharing their experiences with parents, able to compare their work, share good practice….evaluate practice and discuss how to improve their work / Ipad used to develop portfolio and also used as a tool to develop pupils skills
To provide transport to ensure all pupils are able to engage in competitions and partnership working for competitions further afield. / To provide opportunities for “one-off” sessions above and beyond national curriculum. / £1000 / n/A / Pupils enjoying sport and gaining a sense of achievement.
Building on team work skills and confidence which is conducive to learning. / Photos of events
To provide support staff in PE where children are struggling the most. / 1 staff member to be used to support year 5 and 6 engage the reluctant learners in small group working situations – where needed. / £1000 / Staff member training in Real PE aspects and ideologies. / Children to be supported and extended with more ease. / Pupil voice on support received.
To secure a strong sporting link with Wey Valley. / A link will be made with Wey Valley where we can use their expertise, knowledge and facilities to enrich and explore new sports further. / £1200 over school year / Meetings to liaise/ organise and support
Organisation of more inter school events – especially for KS1 / Sharing good practise and coaching opportunities for staff. / Increased staff confidence in using real PE techniques
To develop the opportunities for sporting events at school. / A purchase of a PA system to develop the opportunity to hold sporting events, Country Dancing Festival (Summer 2017) / £500 / … / Pupils enjoying sport and gaining a sense of pride in their school.
Sharing good practise with school around us. / Pupil Voice,
Diary dates
To develop sporting opportunities and practise in school / Targetted PE time to be given to PE co-ordinator to ensure that all aspects are kept upto date etc / 6 x 1 day
£1200 / N/A / Children are given the best sporting opportunities and staff are kept upto date and informed of any changes/ developments.
Total spent and received
Portfolio of evidence – class assemblies to share with parents. Share evidence on shared teachers.



Over the last year we have used the money to:

Develop the use of an skilled sports TA to target those children who need extra support and develop the provision for a range of lunchtime and within class sporting activities.

IMPACT- As a result our sports teams are now much stronger (more competitive results). Children that could already partake in sporting events have the skills to uphold a strong team and great leadership skills. Children who have not been engaged in sports events are now putting their names forward to be considered. The children in Year 5 and 6, who have had the specialist support, have been able to access a wider range of sporting opportunities such as; cycling, hockey, tennis, cricket, ultimate Frisbee and rugby.

Inspire and guide teachers’ understanding and key skills knowledge using specialist coaches.

IMPACT- We have had tennis, multi sports, tri golf, rugby, football, gymnastics and basketball coaches in for parts of or whole half terms.This has allowed teachers to build confidence in their own teaching and work alongside a specialist to build skill. In some sports, gymnastics and football, we were using a team teach model to support a sustainable increase in teacher knowledge. Due to this, children have had access to highly skilled, and resourced,adults that can help the school model and teach a wider range of sports. They are beginning to enjoy a range of different competitive and non-competitive sporting opportunities.

Keep our equipment and resources safe and up to date.

IMPACT- Children have a range of safe and effective equipment to use to support their sporting opportunities in school.

Join a new school sports association (Ridgeway Sports Association) to be run by local schools PE coordinators, the Chesil Trust and our Dorset schools sports link. This has enabled us entry to the ‘School Games’ calendar fixtures and the local RSA fixtures. It has also paid for insurance for sporting events off site and running costs for competitions we attend.

IMPACT- We have more competitive football for Yr 5 and 6 with a new football league set up by PE staff at RSA meetings. Events are specialised using local sports personnel. This builds a sustainable resource which has the potential to inspire future uptake in the sports.

We have had more after school sports club running this year to target different sports.

IMPACT: Children have enjoyed the opportunities for having different sports in school including skateboarding. IN the pupil voice questionnaires, this was an area which the children wished for us to continue to have in new sports/ activities.

Providing helmets to ensure that all children are able to partake in sporting activities.

IMPACT- all children are included.

create a link with a local secondary school to provide links to the community and be able to partake in more sporting events.

IMPACT- Each class has had the opportunity to take part in a non-competitive event with local schools. For example: The year 2’s took part in a dance festival where the children from the local secondary school taught sessions and developed the dance with the children. The Year 5/6’s took part in an orienteering festival. The Year 5/6’s took part in a tennis festival. The Year 4’s took part ina cricket festival. This has increased our participation in out of school events.


- Children are feeling more confident in PE. (Pupil Voice Summer ’17)

- 2 children attended the Dorset County Finals for Year 4 swimming.

- 3 Children were invited to attend the Dorset County Finals for Athletics.

- We reached the semi-finals in a local run football tournament.

- We were placed 5th out of Weymouth Schools in a Year 5 and 6 Football League.

- 3 Children were headhunted for Tennis at a Year 5/6 Tennis Festival.

What needs to happen next year:

We will continue to enter teams to competitions and provide transport when needed. We want to compete in a wider range of sports. This will link to the School Games calendar, where our participation, and affiliation, with the Ridgeway Sports Association will be key to buy into yearly.

We will continue to get specialist coaches in. Staff will get to work with coaches and then be able to carry on the learning in future. This will allow our skills set to be increased.

We will continue to keep our resources and equipment up to date and safe. This will enable all purchases to be more sustainable.

We will continue to spend on using local OAA opportunities- e.g. WOEC sailing and adventure day offers. Last Year only Year 5 took up the offer. We aim to have at least two year groups going next year. This is a key area where our school currently cannot provide great experiences in OAA, so it is worth taking up opportunities in the local area whilst we have this funding.

We will develop our links with SUSTRANS to build up skills in cycling and scooting.

We will develop our out-of-school hours provision, ensuring that we have at least 3 nights a week where children are able to take part in an activity. This will be a sustainable development due to parent’s paying for their children to take part.

We will purchase Maypole CPD and develop this with the possibility of holding a country dancing event.

We will introduce a new scheme of work for dance, as this is an area which staff feel they need more support with.


SL September 2017