Membership Meeting

August 31, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 9:00am by Hank Bacich.

The Association currently has 61 ownership rights (all active), so a quorum requires 41 votes (i.e., 2/3). At this meeting, 25 members representing 35

votes and carrying proxies for 5 members representing 6 votes were present. The Secretary, Bill Nelson, declared that with the 41 votes represented, this would be an official meeting.

The following new members were welcomed:

Mitch and Jill Hendricks (Hunter)

Mike and Peggy Nemetz (Van Dyke)

The minutes from the last meeting (May 25, 2013), having been mailed to all members, were approved as written.

The Treasurer, Bill Nelson reported that the Association has $762.74 in checking, $24,613.17 in savings, and $22,816.55 in certificates of deposit. All dues payments for 2013 have been received. The only remaining significant expense to be paid for the year is the insurance premiums (projected to be about $1,000).


Fish Committee - Bill Nelson led a brief discussion about how fishing seemed to have been good so far this summer. Bill stated that our usual 700 hybrid bluegills had been stocked into the lake earlier in the summer, thanking Dennis Gusick for picking them up in Coleman and putting them into Morgan Lake. Minnow populations also seem to be quite good. Several members stated that large crappie and perch were being caught. Bill answered a question about stocking crappie and perch by stating that the DNR was most receptive to hybrid fish stocking so that the breeding of native species would not be disrupted. When the question of walleye came up. Bill reminded the members that the DNR had told us that Morgan Lake could support about 400 predator fish, and that right now, largemouth bass were the primary predator. To introduce walleye would put pressure on the native bass, and the DNR did not recommend doing that.

Refuse Committee – Hank Bacich reported that we have had no significant issues with the dumpsters, but did ask members to avoid placing building materials in the garbage dumpster. He went on to remind the members that plastic bags should not be placed in the recycle bin, and that paper/cardboard may be placed in the recycle bin only if bundled and tied. Also, starting in October and running through March, the dumpster will be emptied bi-weekly instead of weekly.

Legal Committee – Susan Hughes had no legal issues to report.

Appearance and Grounds Committee – While everything seemed to be in top shape around the Lake, there will be an initiative to cut back some of the undergrowth along the road in order to help vision and allow more sun to penetrate this winter and help melting. Those who handled the cutting of grass at the entrance were thanked for a good job this summer.

Security Committee – Dave Wavrunek reported that there were no major security issues that he was aware of.

Community Affairs Committee – Hank Bacich reported that he had received a communication from Wisconsin Public Service about converting overhead electric lines to underground, at no cost to the property owner. We do not have very much overhead electric within the MLOA, but Hank will respond with respect to what we do have. Hank also mentioned that the Wausaukee Rescue Squad had sent the Association a thank you letter for our $125 contribution. This is from the sale of aluminum cans collected at our dumpster site by Jan Bacich.

Road Committee – Dennis Gusick reported that the road continued to be in good condition. He, Mike Reeb, and others had repaired a few spots that needed some asphalt patching. Bill Nelson mentioned that we had about $40,000 in the bank being saved for resurfacing the road when it became necessary, and that we continued to add about $10,000 per year. Dennis added that, depending upon the then cost of oil, the resurfacing could cost $60,000 or more.

Lake Committee – With Gary Gigante being absent, Bill Nelson reported on the status of the lake study. The field portion of the study has been completed and the report of the results had been received just days before this meeting. The Board had not yet had a chance to discuss the report, but Bill was able to convey to the membership some of the more significant findings. In particular, the phosphorus levels were within the normal range (a good thing), but ammonia in the water was too high. Vegetation in the lake was of the good variety, but did not offer very much diversification (only three varieties existed), and the plants were not as healthy nor as thick as we might want them to be. As to sediment, the muck has a high percentage of organic materials as opposed to inorganic like sand and clay, and there are some areas of the lake with very deep muck (up to 7 feet). Algae formation, especially the floating clumps of it, appears to be a problem that will need to be addressed.After the Board gets the second part of the survey report (i.e., suggestions for improving the lake, including muck remediation), and has had a chance to discuss the content, both reports will be sent to the membership. The question concerning the PVC pipes sticking thru the ice in the winter will be investigated by Bill. Bill also reported that we were still several hundred dollars short of the funds needed to pay for the study and that he would appreciate additional contributions from willing owners. For those who had not contributed initially (including new members), that suggested contribution was $120. For those who had made an initial contribution, an extra $25-$50 would be appreciated. Checks can be given to Hank Bacich or mailed to Bill. On other lake matters, Hank stated that he would solicit volunteers for another clean-up of the channel to the back bay.

Nominations Committee –Gary Gigante was absent, so Bill Nelson announced that he and Tracy Reeb had agreed to stay on as Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President, respectively. Both had been nominated and then elected by the Board as officers for their respective positions. Hank Bacich had previously announced that he would be retiring from the position of President as soon as a replacement could be identified. At this membership meeting, Jeff Walters was nominated to replace Hank. Jeff gave a brief overview of his qualifications, and was subsequently elected by the four directors present at the meeting. After discussions with the two current Directors whose terms are expiring (Susan Hughes and Dave Wavrunek), both agreed to run again for office, but Dave offered to retire if another member was interested in taking his place. At that point, Russ Van Rite was nominated and agreed to run for the Director position. Susan and Russ were then nominated for a two year term. Hank thanked Dave for his many years of good service to the Association.

Finance Committee – Bill Nelson provided a proposed budget for 2014 based on no increase in dues. In keeping with past practices the budget remained balanced and expenditures were budgeted at or about what they were budgeted for in 2013, as the amounts continued to be reasonable based on actual expenditure activity.Hank reminded everyone that, with the intention of increasing the fund faster, we had doubled the dues (with the entire $125 increase going to the road fund) at a prior year meeting. Given that there was no discussion raised, the 2014 Budget, as proposed was retained.


Hank Bacich announced that the Board of Directors had elected the following officers to serve a one-year term:

President – Jeff Walters Vice President – Tracy Reeb

Secretary/Treasurer – Bill Nelson

Hank asked the members to ratify these elections. By a unanimous vote, the election of officers was ratified. The membership at this time gave Hank a heartfelt thank you for all that he had done over the past 10 years as president.


Hank Bacich, representing the Nominations Committee, put forth a slate consisting of Susan Hughes and Russ Van Ritefor election to fill Board Member positions with two year terms. By a unanimous vote, the new Board Members were elected.


The 2014 Budget, as presented by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board was ratified by a unanimous vote of the members.


Dave Wavrunek reported that this summer there was a very low incidence of gypsy moth caterpillars and moths around MLOA property. In fact, very few moths ever appeared and very few egg masses can be spotted indicating that a gypsy moth infestation next summer is unlikely. This phenomenon was predicted by the DNR and attributed to a variety of factors, including the impact of bacteria and viruses on the caterpillars. As such, no action by the Association is anticipated for next year.

Oak wilt is still taking its toll on the red oaks and pin oaks in and around the lake. Several members have this summer treated their most important trees around their homes with the injection system owned by the Association. The season for treating the oaks is about over for this year (i.e., must be done while the trees are green and actively feeding). Spring will be the next opportunity to save your favorite trees, so any interested members should contact Hank then to get the equipment and obtain the fungicide; and get instructions on its use.

On that subject, members should not trim or cut oak trees until November 1st in order to help prevent the infestation of the oak wilt disease.


The Board brought no new business to the table.

Tracy Reeb suggested that we consider term limits for officers and directors in order to encourage other members to become active in the running of the MLOA, The Board agreed to add it as a discussion item at its next meeting.

Next Meeting: The Spring Meeting of the general membership was set for 9:00am on Saturday, May 24th, at a location to be determined.


Having discussed all of the issues brought to the table, the meeting was adjourned.

Bill Nelson thanked our host Russ Van Rite, on behalf of the Association.

Respectfully submitted by: Bill Nelson