Stockbridge Ward Profile
May 2016
This profile has been produced by Policy and Partnerships, Knowsley Council
Contact: Policy and Partnerships (0151 443 2620)
The data used in this profile
No official data is available yet for Knowsley’s 15 new wards as they only came into effect for the local Council elections in May 2016. As an alternative, this profile has been compiled using data for Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs). These are smaller geographic areas that cover broadly similar numbers of residents and households. They are used by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to report census and other Government statistics. Data for several LSOAs is combined to provide figures for each ward. The boundaries of wards and LSOAs don’t always match, so the total ward figures are estimates. In the following map, the new Stockbridge ward is highlighted in blue, other ward boundaries are in red, and the LSOA boundaries that cover Stockbridge are black.
All data is from the 2011 Census unless stated otherwise.
Population of Stockbridge and change over time
The LSOAs covering the Stockbridge ward have a total estimated population of 10,188. As illustrated in the following chart, between 2004 and 2014, the population of Stockbridge decreased by 2%. This compares with a 2% fall in Knowsley as a whole and an 8% increase nationally.
Changes in the population by age
The following pie charts show the changes in population proportions by age between 2004 and 2014. Compared with the Borough and England, Stockbridge has higher proportions of population in the 0-4 (Pre-school age) age range, and lower proportions of 5-15 (School age). Proportions in the 16-64 (Working age) and 65+ age groups are in line with the Knowsley average.
Changes in the population by age
Between 2004 and 2014, the numbers of residents within the 0-4 age group in Stockbridge rose faster than the overall Borough trend. The 5-15 age group decreased in Stockbridge by a greater percentage than in Knowsley overall. In contrast, Stockbridge’s 65+ population grew by a slightly lower rate than the Borough average.
Household Composition
There are around 4,485 households in Stockbridge, with an overall average household size of 2.3 people. This is similar to both the Borough as a whole and the national figure.
Stockbridge has a lower proportion of families with no dependent children than both the Borough and England. However Stockbridge has a higher proportion of families with one dependent child.
Indices of Deprivation 2015
The latest Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 ranks every LSOA in England based on several different indicators covering Health, Income, Employment, Crime, Education, Barriers to Housing and Services and Living Environment.
The map shows the deprivation rank of each of the LSOAs that this profile has allocated for the Stockbridge ward.
The first number is the rank out of 32,844 LSOAs in England. The number in brackets is the rank out of Knowsley’s 98 LSOAs.
The lower the number the more deprived the area is.
LSOAs have been allocated to each new ward based on which ward the majority of the LSOAs households are located in. The following table shows that of the 98 LSOAs in the Borough, 45 fall within the most 10% deprived in the country. Five of those LSOA areas fall within the Stockbridge ward boundary.
All 6 LSOA’s assigned to Stockbridge fall within the most deprived 50%, whereas in Knowsley as a whole 84 of the 98 LSOA areas fall under the most deprived 50%.
2 of the 6 LSOAs in Stockbridge have seen their ranks worsening over the five year period, although the remaining 4 LSOAs have seen improvements in their ranking position.
Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)
Historically, Stockbridge has been an area that has seen higher levels of both crime and ASB compared to other areas in the Borough. Data in the 12 months leading up to April 2016 shows that Stockbridge recorded 591 crimes, which equates to a crime rate of 58 crimes per 1,000 population. This is slightly lower than the Borough rate of 64 crimes per 1,000 population (9,332 recorded crimes).
Stockbridge also recorded 474 ASB incidents, which equates to a rate of 47 incidents per 1,000 population. This is slightly higher than the Borough rate of 40 ASB incidents per 1,000 population ( 5,821 ASB incidents).
The percentage of residents (aged 16+), with all types of qualifications above Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) is lower in Stockbridge than across the Borough and than the national average. 44% of Stockbridge residents have no qualifications, compared with 35% in the Borough as a whole.
Economic Status
The following chart shows that the proportion of residents in the 16-74 age group, who are Economically Active, is lower in Stockbridge than in the Borough as a whole. Within the category of Economically Inactive, Stockbridge has a higher proportion of retired people, and residents who are either looking after home or family, long-term sick or disabled.
General Health
The following chart shows that the proportions of Stockbridge residents who identify as being in either very good or good health are lower than those in Knowsley overall.
Long term Health
Residents who have identified themselves as having a long term health problem were asked how these problems affect their day–to-day activities.
71% of Stockbridge residents said their day-to-day activities were not limited by their long term health problems. This is below the Knowsley figure of 75%. 18% of Stockbridge residents said their day-to-day activities were limited a lot by long term health problems, compared to 14% in the Borough as a whole.