Office: (662)846-4098
Cell: (662)-822-5870
Doctor of Education degree (ABD), with 42 graduate hours in the academic field of Geography, 18 graduate hours in Geographic Information Science, 18 graduate hours in History, and 18 graduate hours in the academic field of Criminal Justice/Criminology. Seven years of experience teaching undergraduate geography courses. Trained in human/cultural geography with focus on public memory and the geopolitical landscape. Other areas of expertise include: Accreditation processes as pertaining to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), instructional leadership and social studies curriculum development on both state and national levels.
Doctor of Education, Delta State University, Spring 2015
Dissertation: Student Perceptions of High-stakes Testing in the Rural Mississippi Delta.
Chair of Dissertation Committee: Dr. John Alvarez
Master of Education:GeographyConcentration, Delta State University, May 2007
Thesis: Public Memory Suppression in the Post-Conflict Landscape of Honduras.
Major Advisor: Dr. Mark A. Bonta
Bachelor of Science in Education, Delta State University, May 2003
Social Science Major with Eighteen UA Hours in Mathematics
Delta State University, August 2009 – present
Instructor of Geography and Social Science Education
Program Supervisor for Social Science BSE program
NCATE accreditation coordinator for Division of Social Sciences and History
Courses Taught:
Undergraduate Geography: (a) World Regional Geography
(b) Introduction to Human Geography (c) The Geography of Africa (d) Cultural Geography (e) Economic Geography (f) Special Topics in Geography (g) Professional Geography (h) The Geography of Crime (I) The Geography of Multiculturalism and the U.S. Criminal Justice System (j) Geography in the Digital Age
Graduate Geography: (a) Special Topics in Geography
(b) Professional Geography (c) Economic Geography
Undergraduate Education: (a) Methods in Teaching Secondary Social Studies (b) Methods in Teaching Secondary Social Studies II (c) Social Sciences in the Secondary Schools (d) Special Topics in Social Science Education (e) Directed Teaching
Graduate Education: (a) Trends in Teaching the Social Sciences
(b) Social Sciences in the Secondary Schools (c) Directed Teaching
Mississippi Valley State University, Fall 2007 – Fall 2009.
Adjunct Professor/ Geography / Courses Taught: World Regional Geography and Human Geography, Physical Geography, and Geography of North America
Itawamba Community College, Fall 2008 – Fall 2009
Adjunct Professor /Geography/ Courses Taught: World Regional Geography, and Human Geography, / On-Line
Riverside High School, Western Line School District, Avon, Mississippi,
August 2006 – May 2009. Instructor/ Mathematics/ Algebra -1/& United States History
Murrah High School, Jackson Public School District, Jackson, Mississippi, August 2005 – May 2006. Algebra –1, Algebra II, Trigonometry and Calculus
Greenville-Weston High School, Greenville Public School District, Greenville, Mississippi, June 2003 – May 2005. Geometry, Algebra – 1, Algebra – 2, and Calculus
Association of American Geographers
Political Geography Group: Association of American Geographers
Education Group: Association of American Geographers
Latin American Group: Association of American Geographers
Conference of Latin American Geographers
Southeast Division of Association of American Geographers
National Council for the Social Studies
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Education Association
Mississippi Association of Educators
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Scholarship Board: Benevolent and Protective Order of Elk (Elk’s Lodge – BPOE #148)
Lamb, Shannon, (Co Author),National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS),
National Standards for Social Studies Teacher Education, June 2013.
Lamb, Shannon, (Co Author),Mississippi State Department of Education Social Studies Curriculum Framework, November 2011.
Lamb, Shannon. Measuring Completers’ Impact on P-12 Student Learning, and the Effectiveness of Teacher Education Programs: The Impact Assessment Template (IAT), Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, National Conference (CAEP), April 2015, Denver, CO.
Lamb, Shannon. Geography of the Mississippi Delta Blues: Strategies for Field-Based Pedagogical Methodologies. Association of American Geographers, April 2015, Chicago, IL.
Lamb, Shannon. Geography of the Mississippi Delta Blues, Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, November 2011
Barton, Bonta, Brown, Lamb, Wrushing. Discussion Panel: Blues Heritage Tourism in the Mississippi Delta, Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, November 2011
Lamb, Shannon. Gender in Education: Battle of the Sexes for the 21st Century, Gender Studies Group, Brown Bag Luncheon Series, October 2009
Lamb, Shannon. Landscapes of Public Memory Suppression.Association of American Geographers, April 2007, San Francisco, CA.
Lamb, Shannon.Politics and Public Memory in the Post-Conflict Landscape of Central America.Delta State University Faculty Research and Scholarship Symposium, April 2007, Cleveland, MS.
Lamb, Shannon. Geography of Secret Wars.Association of American Geographers, March 2006, Chicago, IL.
Invited Lectures
The Physical Geography of Latin America. Guest Lecture for HIS 301, History of Latin America, January 2009 Mississippi Valley State University.
The Geography of Secret Wars.Guest Lecture for HIS 437, History of the Cold War, September 2009, Mississippi Valley State University.
The Secret Wars of Central America.Guest Lecture for GEO 505, Geography of Terrorism, November 2006, Delta Sate University.
Faculty Senate Services Committee (Chair), Delta State University, Fall 2014 - Present
Faculty Senate, Delta State University, Fall 2013 – Present
First Year Seminar Advisory Board, Delta State University, Spring 2014
First Year Seminar Instructor - FYS – 100 – Delta State University, Fall 2014
Search Committee (Chair), Delta State University – Criminology Position – Spring 2015
Search Committee (Chair), Delta State University – Geography Position – Spring 2015
Search Committee (Chair), Delta State University – Sociology Position – Spring 2015
Search Committee (Chair), Delta State University – Sociology Position – Spring 2014
Search Committee (Chair), Delta State University – Sociology Position – Spring 2014
Search Committee (Chair), Delta State University – Sociology Position – Fall 2013
Search Committee (Chair), Delta State University – Geography Position – Spring 2013
Search Committee, Delta State University – Criminal Justice Position – Spring 2012
Albert Nylander Scholarship Award Committee, (Chair), Delta State University, Fall 2013-Present
Assessment Committee – Delta State University, Division of Social Sciences and History Fall 2009 - Present
Assessment Committee – Delta State University, College of Education, Fall 2009 - Present
Teacher Education Council – Delta State University, College of Education, Fall 2009 –Spring 2014
Freshman Orientation - GST – 100 – Delta State University -Fall 2009 – Fall 2014
Division of Social Sciences and History, Honors Committee, Albert Nylander Award, Delta State University, Fall 2010 – Present
Assessor, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, July 2006, Charlotte, NC.
Auditor - Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) - Fall 2013 -Present
-Each Special Programs Assessor (SPA),( in this case NCSS - Social Sciences) names three to eight individuals (usually experienced reviewers) to serve on a SPA audit team. The role of the audit team is to assure that NCATE review team reports are generated correctly, and that interpretation of standards and application of decisions are consistent across all programs. Auditors review the reports completed by SPA review teams and can act as a “tie breaker” when a review team cannot reach consensus on the application of standards or recognition decisions. Finally, audit teams make decision as to “recognized” "not recognized" reports.
Appointed – Lead Reviewer - National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education – Fall 2011
-Lead reviewers act as the head of a three-person review team, and are asked judge the alignment of programmatic assessment data analysis submitted by an institution (University/College), and make as objective an assessment about the degree to which a given program meets national accreditation standards. Lead reviewers also responsible for compiling the final institutional report and clearly communicating the strengths and weaknesses of thee given program in relation to NCSS and NCATE accreditation standards.
Reviewer - National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education – Fall 2009
-NCATE reviewers are nominated by the specialized professional association (SPAs) (National Council for the Social Studies) whose national standards in their specialized field have been adopted by NCATE for use in its accreditation process. Program reviewers are trained in national accreditation standards and must attain certification through multiple assessments in their specific area as well as the NCATE program review process. Reviewers work as a member of a three-person reviewing team, and are asked to review program reports submitted by an institution (University/College), and make a judgment as to whether the program meets accreditation standards and qualifies for national recognition.
Completed Program Report for continued accreditation of the Social Science B.S.E. program through NCSS/NCATE, Delta State University - submitted Fall, 2011.
-Successfully applied for and granted seven year renewal of accreditation through the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) for the Social Science (social science education) BSE program, Delta State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Division of Social Science and History, Spring 2012
Programmatic data collection and analysis for National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Special Programs Assessment (SPA) report Fall/Spring 2009 - Present
Developed assessment and data collection system for Social Science Education Program using guidelines specific to National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) standards.
Coordinator for Mississippi’s second congressional district’s We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution civic awareness program. A federally funded civic awareness program, administered by the Center for Civic Education. Duties for this position include facilitation of professional development for P-12 teachers in the areas of social studies and civic education in preparation for mock congressional hearing competition to be held each year on the campus of the University of Mississippi. During professional development activities it is my goal to help teachers to understand the civic awareness curriculum and its use in their individual classrooms. Local area teachers then select students for participation in the program. After teaching the civic awareness curriculum for one semester, participating students will receive a civics credit from their junior high or high school and participate in a “mock congressional hearing” competition. As the Center for Civic Education’s coordinator of the second congressional district for the state of Mississippi I also facilitate for travel arrangements for these junior and senior high school students and their teachers from North Bolivar School District to Oxford, MS for participation in mock congressional hearing competition held annually by the Center for Civic Education. Along with these other duties I also serve as a judge at the annual competition. Fall 2009-Present
Coordinator, Higher Education Literacy Council annual meeting and discussion panel DSU, Spring 2010 - Present
Coordinator, District Wide Mathematics Decathlon, Jackson Public School District, March 2006, Jackson, MS.
Site Coordinator, After School SATP Test Preparation, Linear High School, Jackson Public School District, April 2006, Jackson, MS.
Habitat for Humanity of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, July 2015, Biloxi, MS.
Habitat for Humanity of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, July 2009, Biloxi, MS.
Habitat for Humanity of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, July 2008, Gulfport, MS.
Habitat for Humanity of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, July 2007, Biloxi, MS.
Friends of Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge Volunteer, June 2006-2010, Shaw, MS.
Mississippi Elks Children’s Summer Camp, June 2006-20010, Hattiesburg, MS.
Mississippi Elks Annual Golf Tournament, June 2005 – 2014, Greenville, MS.
The Annual Jesse Brent Memorial Golf Tournament, June 2007-20014, Greenville, MS.
Delta State University “Year of Service” Grant, Fall 2012 ($500)
Student Engagement Champions, mini grant, Spring 2010 ($300)
Dulce faculty development Funds to attend NCATE, SPA review training, Fall 2010 ($1800)
Awarded faculty development funds from the office of the provost to attend the annual conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, DSU, Fall 2009 ($600)
Research Grant,from indirect funds, Provost/Office of Academic Affairs (2007), to attend Association of American Geographers annual conference ($875.00)
New Teacher Academy - Columbia University in conjunction with Greenville Public Schools(2004), funds to implement “Watch and Learn” experimental project in which students film group activities in math class. ($250.00)
Received advanced training through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and promoted to the position of NCSS/CAEP, Special Programs Assessment (SPA) auditor. Nominated to serve on the CAEP board of examiners. The board of examiners serves as a governing body for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, working with its accreditation partners to maintain and update standards and policies concerning the accreditation of teacher education programs nationwide. Examiners also conduct site visits with universities under review. Examiners review and analyze accreditation data, interview faculty members and administrators involved in the accreditation process and make final decisions, as a committee, as to the final classification of each university’s accreditation status.
Fall 2009- Ongoing
Observation/Evaluation of student teacher interns, throughout the state of Mississippi.
Summer 2015
Mediterranean tour
Summer 2008
Africa Tour
Summer 2007
Southeast and Central Asia Tour
Summer 2006
Central and South America Study Abroad Field Course..
Spring 2006
American Civil War Military Operations, Shiloh, TN.
Fall 2005
Military Geography Field Course, Vicksburg, MS.
Summer 2005
Central and South America Study Abroad Field Course.
Summer 2004
Europe Study Abroad Field Course.
Summer 2003
Europe Study Abroad Field Course.