This subject guide will help you access general information--relevant to Education and its issues--on the Web and in the Miller Library. This guide will lead you to Reference materials, books, journals, magazines, newspapers, associations, internet resources & government documents available through the Library’s holdings, services and databases. It will also direct you to on-line locations of full-text journals. As always, carefully evaluate all sources before you choose to integrate them into your papers, assignments and presentations. For more specific issues and subject areas, look for other Miller Library Subject Guides.
Reference Books
Resources for Early Childhood: A Handbook (1994)—REF 016.305 N962r
This text contains a selective cross-section of literature to meet information needs. Topics such as AIDS and computers are addressed. All selected material is based on its timelessness, contribution to the field, and relevance to professionals and parents.
Encyclopedia of Human Intelligence (1994)—REF 153.9 E56
This two volume set provides essays on related topics and provides bibliographies as well.
Reader’s Guide to the Social Sciences (2001)—REF 300.3 R286
This set contains two volumes which provide an alphabetical list of entries on numerous aspects of the social sciences.
Handbook of Children and the Media (2001)—REF 302.234 H236
This handbook contains information relevant to the effects of Media on learning, cognitive skills and social attitudes.
Gale Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence (1998)—REF 305.231 G151
This two volume set provides information of on different ethnic groups within the United States.
Taking sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Educational(2004)—REF 307.1 T136
Student Rights: A Reference Handbook (2001)—REF 344.73 H659s
Offers an overview of student rights with a chronology of legislation & court cases, & a discussion of current issues, and includes info on organizations, further reading and internet resources.
Education Reform (2004)—REF 370 F911e
Understanding Educational Reform (2002)—REF 370 H813u—Explores the origins, context and patterns of reform from the mid- 1800’s to 2002.Topics include multiple viewpoints with the pros and cons explained.
Career Opportunities in Education (2001)—REF 370.23 E18c
This a guide to more than 90 careers in education providing detailed position descriptions, salaries, special skills and requirements, advancement prospects, unions and associations.
Encyclopedia of Education (2003)—REF 370.3 E56
The eight volumes include references which cover a broad spectrum of education topics.
Elementary Teachers Guide to FREE Curriculum Materials (2002)—REF 371.3 E38
The text offers free teaching aids, new items and over two-hundred resources.
Ensuring SafeSchool Environments (2003)—REF 371.7 E59
Presents “research findings and information about school violence with a focus on strategies for increasing school safety.”
Special Education: a Reference Handbook (2001)—REF 371.9 S121s
The handbook covers development of regular education, special education, legal implications and funding, and other topics covering government agencies, teachers organizations and other institutions.
Handbook of Learning Disabilities (2003)—REF 371.92 H236
This text is divided into five sections covers foundations and current perspectives in the field. Reviews major landmarks in learning disability research, and definitional questions, legal and policy concerns and culture and school placement models.
Character Education (2002)—REF 372.01 M141c
The book provides over 300 resources and focuses on specific trait or virtue and identifies dozens of picture books, novel, biographies and nonfiction titles that illustrate the trait and offers topics discussions material.
Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Education (1992)—REF372.21 E56
This text contains information on the historical and philosophical roots of early childhood, and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts and other historical and social related topics.
Learning on the job: when business takes on public schools(2006)--REF 379.1 W753L 2006
Sex, Youth, and Sex Education: a reference handbook(2002)—REF 613.9 C198s
Following an introduction topics covered are chronology of sex education, sexual violence, youth with disabilities, organizations and selected publications.
Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education (2004)—REF 707 H236
Adult Non-fiction
Education is translation: a metaphor for change and teaching(2005)--371.102 C771e 2006
The collaborative advantage: lessons from K-16 educational reform(2005)--371.2 C697 2005
All children read: teaching for literacy in today's diverse classroom(2005)--372.41 A416 2005
Being normal is the only way to be: adolescent perspectives on gender and school(2005)--371.8 M386b 2005
Authentic learning environments in higher education(2006--378.1 A939 2006Does God belong in public schools?(2005)--379.28 G795d 2005
Designing and implementing mathematics instruction for students with diverse learning needs(2006)--510.71 H886d 2006
Education is everybody's business: a wake-up call to advocates of educational change(2005)--370 B646e 2005
Equity and excellence in American higher education(2005)--379.2 B786e 2005
Forced to fail: the paradox of school desegregation(2005)--379.2 C145f 2005
Gender differences in mathematics: an integrative psychological(2005)--510 G325 2005
High stakes: poverty, testing, and failure in American schools(2006)--371.26 J66h 2006
Historical and philosophical foundations of education: a biographical introduction(2005)--370.82 G983h 2005
How students learn: mathematics in the classroom(2004)--370.15 N277h 2004
Inside teaching: how classroom life undermines reform(2005)--371.1 K36i 2005
Into the classroom: developing the scholarship of teaching and learning(2006)--371.102 H361i 2006
Understanding ethics in early care and education(2005)--372.11 B222u 2005
Using technology in the classroom(2005)--371.33 B624u 2005
When sex goes to school: warring views on sex--and sex education--since the sixties(2006)--613.9071 L954w 2006
Library of Congress Subject Headings
These subject headings may be used when searching for books and other materials related to Education. They are most useful for searching online catalogs, but they can also be used in searching indexes and abstracts as well as the Internet.
/RT Schools
/ NT Distance EducationUF Children—Education /
/Early Childhood Education
Education of Children / Teaching / Economic development—Effects of education onPedagogy / SA subdivision Education under names of denominations, sects, orders, etc., / Education, Elementary
Youth—Education / Jesuits—Education / Education, Secondary
BT Civilization
/Blind—Education Children of migrant laborers
/ Learning, Psychology ofRT Coeducation /
NT Adult education
Culture / Basic education / Moral EducationLearning and Scholarship / Business Education / Multicultural education
Mental Discipline / Career education / Sex differences in education
Some Call Numbers Related to Education
370 / Education / 371.9 / Learning Disabilities370.15 / Educational Psychology / 153.15 / Learning—Psychology
371.26 / Educational Tests / 305.231 / Child Development
371.102 / Teaching / 155.4 / Child Psychology
371.3078 / Teaching Materials / 649.1 / Child Care
Online Sources/Databases
Research about education is found in the literature of education, psychology, sociology, child development, political science, public administration, criminal justice, and others. To find related information, look in the indexes listed below under specific education topics or issues like head start, assessment, truancy, NCLB, pedagogy, learning, reading, etc. The indexes displayed below are more likely to have a greater number of references to relevant published materials. All of the indexes and abstracts listed below can be accessed through Miller Library’s home page.
American Fact Finder
From the U.S. Census Bureau. Information on population, economic and geographic data as well as some data sets.
ArticleFirstOn Campus Off Campus
ArticleFirst describes items listed on the table of contents page of individual issues of more than 13,000 journals
Book Source NonfictionOn Campus Off Campus
For school and public libraries, includes full text articles on civics, social studies, science, careers, health, sports, adventure, hobbies, technology, biographies from more than 2,100 popular nonfiction books.
EBSCOhostOn Campus Off Campus
Search multiple Ebsco databases at once.
Educator's Reference Desk
Largest source of education information with abstracts of documents and journal articles and limited full-text.
ERIC [via EBSCO]On Campus Off Campus
EBSCO offers a more user-friendly interface to the largest source of education information with abstracts of documents and journal articles and limited full-text.
Expanded Academic ASAPOn Campus Off Campus
General interest and scholarly resources across a variety of disciplines.
LexisNexis Academic On CampusOff Campus
News, current events, business, medicine and law with access to news transcripts.
NetLibraryOn CampusOff Campus
Access to digital versions of printed material such as books or journals, databases or any digital content. Available 24/7.
NovelistOn Campus Off Campus
Includes fiction authors, titles and themes. Provides suggestions of books that are similar to those of a particular author or a certain title.
Novelist K-8On CampusOff Campus
Information about more than 38,000 fiction titles of interest to students in grades K-8. Full text reviews from professional journals and book talks for selected titles are available in this database.
Professional Development CollectionOn CampusOff Campus
Information on education, psychology, children’s health and development & pedagogical theory and practice.
Proquest's PA Research IOn CampusOff Campus
Abstract and full-text database of general interest and scholarly resources.
PsychArticlesOn Campus Off Campus
Offers full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology.
SPORTDiscusOn Campus Off Campus
Provided by the Sport Information Resource Centre, SPORTDiscus offers comprehensive, bibliographic coverage of sport, fitness, coaching, tourismand related disciplines. This database contains over 650,000 records with journal and monograph coverage going back to 1800
WorldCatOn Campus Off Campus
WorldCat contains more than 43 million items owned by libraries around the world. Materials covered in the catalog include: books, internet resources, films, journals, magazines, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, newspapers, slides, sound recordings, and videotapes. WorldCat does not include individual article titles or stories in journals, magazines, newspapers, or book chapters.
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource Collection-- >INFOMINE is a comprehensive virtual library and reference tool for academic andscholarly Internet resources, including Web sites, databases, and electronic resources.
National Center forEducation Statistics (NCES)-- federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and worldwide; site includes NCES publications, statistical facts, survey findings, and more
U.S. Department of Education--< includes descriptions of programs and services, statistics, information about funding and student financial assistance, full-text publications, and access to the ERIC database.< articles and Web links to assist teachers with curriculum planning for children from the infant/toddler ages to the kindergarten/primary grade level.
The Idea< >Provides early childhood education and resources.
National Network for Child Care (NNCC)-- reviewed articles, assistance from child care and child development experts, state by state statistical data and licensing information.
Zoom School--< an on-line elementary school classroom with lessons in geography, biology, language arts, and early childhood activities.
Chronicle of Higher Education--< site is a service of The Chronicle of Higher Education. Published weekly, The Chronicle is a news source for college and university faculty members and administrators.
Education Review--< publishes reviews of recent books in education, covering the entire range of education scholarship and practice.
Some Relevant Journals—in the Miller Library
American Journal of Sociology / Children Today / J of Educational Multimedia / Selected full-text Professional Development CollectionAmerican Sociological Review / Children’s Literature / J of Educational Research / Academic Questions
American Psychologist / Educational Psychology / J of Elementary Science Education / American Secondary Education
Child Development / Educational Review / J of Experimental Education / Cambridge J of Education
Chronicle of Higher Education / J of Education for Teaching / J of Instructional Psychology / Children & Schools
Communication Arts / The Reading Teacher / J of Interactive Learning Research / Children’s Literature in Education
Early Childhood News / Teaching Pre K-8 / J of Research in Childhood Education / Assessment in Education
Educational Technology Research & Development / Childhood Education / J of Research on Technology in Education / Curriculum J
Educational Psychology / Selected full-text available through Expanded Academic ASAP / J of Secondary Gifted Education / Early Childhood Education J
English J / American Journal of Education / J of Teacher Education / Education & the Law
Exceptional Children / AmericanSchool & University / J of Technology and Teacher Education / Educational Psychology
Families in Society / Arithmetic Teacher / J of Youth and Adolescence / Educational Theory
Horn Book Guide / Art Education Policy Review / Language, Learning & Technology / Gender & Education
J of General Education / Australian J of Education / Learning and Leading with Technology / High School J
Language Arts / Education / Learning Disability Quarterly / J of Curriculum & Supervision
Parents Magazine / Education and Treatment of Children / Phi Delta Kappan / J of Education for Teaching
Psychology Today / Educational & Psychological Measurement / Reading Research Quarterly / J of the Learning Sciences
Syllabus / Educational Leadership / School Arts / Paths of Learning
Young Children / Focus on Exceptional Children / School Psychology Review / Professional Educator
Selected full-text through Proquest / High School Journal / School Science & Mathematics / Psychology in the Schools
Adolescence / J for Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development / Science Activities / Research in Education
Assessment in Education / J of Adolescent & Adult Literacy / Teaching Children Mathematics / Teachers & Teaching
Cambridge Journal of Education / J of Computers in Mathematics & Science Teaching / Teaching History / Technology & Learning
Childhood Education / J of Developmental Studies / Technology Teacher / Theory into Practice
Weekly Reader
Revised 11/06/18 \Flynn\S:\Reference Desk\Guides\Subject Guides\Education--Subject Guide.doc