Conditional-PREP Admission Process
1. Students scoring below 15 on the ACT or a 62 on the COMPASS Reading will be assigned a focused academic advisor and provided with an individual learning plan. “Conditional/PREP enrollment” students will be placed in specific courses based on their performance on the COMPASS. Participation in the individual course plan will continue for two semesters. Participating students will sign the individual course plan, a contract listing required preparation courses needed to advance to college curriculum. In addition, students will enroll in at least 12 but no more than 14 credit hours of course work and maintain the minimum GPA of 2.0 while completing that work. Participation in the PREP program requires that the student sign the “Conditional Prep” Admission Plan. (See Placement Scores and Conditional/Prep Admission form)
2. Each student in the Program will enroll in the degree program and will be registered in specific Semester 1 and Semester 2 courses. Each student will be placed in an individualized degree pathway and provided with comprehensive advising and supported by the college early alert system. All developmental classes (reading, English, and math) have mandatory supplemental lab co-requisites. All students will receive the following interventions:
Mandatory Orientation
Mandatory Supplemental Instruction
Focused Advising
Mandatory Student Success Courses ( EH 1023/SS 101 & EH 113/SS 111)
Student Success Learning Lab Access
3. All students in the College Prep program will be enrolled in the following courses (See Curriculum Outline, Pg. 2-3).
4. Students who successfully complete semester 1 and 2 maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.0 each semester will exit the Prep Program.
5. A student may require continued enrollment in math remediation after two semesters. The math remediation may be completed in a third semester of enrollment as long as the student has not exceeded 29 hours of credit after completing the curriculum assigned in Semester 1 and 2.
PCCUA has two courses to prepare students for Technical Math, MS 143 which is suggested for an AAS degree (Fundamental Math-MS 1013, Elementary Algebra- MS 1023). PCCUA has three courses to prepare students for College Algebra, MS 123 which is required for an AA degree (Fundamental Math-MS 1013, Elementary Algebra- MS 1023, and Intermediate Algebra-MS 1123).
DS 103, Intro to College Reading
DS 1031 Reading Lab / 4
OR / RWS 1014 & RWS 1012 (Combo for Reading DS 103 & Writing EH 1013)
Replaces DS 103 and EH 1013 / 6
DS 123 College Reading Strategies
DS 1251 Reading Lab / 4
Total Reading / 4-6 hours
EH 1013, Basic Writing I
EH 1011 Basic Writing I Lab / 4-5
EH 1023, Basic Writing II
EH 1021 Basic Writing I Lab / 4
Total English / 4 or completed RWS 1014 and RWS 1012
SS Student Success I / 0-1
MS 1013, Fundamental Math
MS 000, Math lab / 3
MS 1023, Elementary Algebra
MS 000, Elementary Algebra Lab / 3
MS 143, Technical Math
College Course / 3
MS 1123, Intermediate Algebra
MS 000 Intermediate Algebra Lab / 3
MS 123, College Algebra
College Course / 3
Total Math / 3 credits
SOS 103, Freshman Seminar / 3
Total SOS / 3
PE Elective / 1
Total Electives / 1
All courses to be selected form this list or approved by the advisor / 12 minimum
14 maximum
DS 123, College Reading Strategies
DS 1231 Reading Lab / 4
Total Reading / 4 credits
EH 1123, Basic Writing II
EH 1021 Basic Writing I Lab / 4
EH 113, Freshman English I
College level / 3
Total English / 3-4
SS 101 Student Success I / SS 111 Student Success II / 1
Total SS / 1
MS 1023, Elementary Algebra
MS 000, Elementary Algebra Lab / 3
MS 143, Technical Math
College Course
AAS degree seeking / 3
MS 1123 Intermediate Algebra
MS 000 Intermediate Algebra Lab
MS 123, College Algebra
College Course / 3
Total Math / 3
PSY 214 or SY 213 or other / 3
Total Credits / 3
PE Elective / 1
Total Electives / 1
14 Maximum
PREP Students Complete Several Steps When They Enter the Program
Students are___.
Step 1: Provided with a COMPASS Preview/Review
Step 2: Tested using the COMPASS (See Placement Scores, Pgs. 6-7).
Step 3: Assigned an advisor.
Step 4: Engaged in a discussion about “conditional enrollment” status.
Step 5: Sign conditional admission form (See Conditional Admission Form, Pg. 8).
Step 6: Complete conditional enrollment curriculum.
Step 7: Exit conditional enrollment status.
Registrar will___.
Step 8: Document conditional enrollment completion and place the official Individual Student
Plan form in the student file.
Placement in the “Conditional Enrollment” PREP Plan
The PCCUA PREP curriculum includes reading, English and math remediation. Students scoring below a 15 on the ACT or 65 on the COMPASS Reading will be placed in the college conditional- PREP curriculum of study. The curriculum is divided into the three skill development areas and is designed to prepare students for success with college level course work. Reading and English have two courses of remediation and COMPASS placement determines the starting level for students desiring an associate degree Math has three levels of remediation for students desiring an Associate of Arts degree and two remediation courses for students desiring to earn an Associate of Applied Science.
Note: PCCUA is offering a combined reading and writing at for students concurrently enrolled in DS 103 and EH 1013. This pilot course is called Reading and Writing Skills, RWS 1014
Basic Level
Developmental Education : Basic Writing I, EH 1013 and Basic Writing Lab I, EH 1011; Introduction to College Reading Skills, DS 103 and Reading Lab I, DS 1031; Reading and Writing Skills, RWS 1014 and Reading and Writing Skills Lab, RWS 1012;
Fundamental Mathematics, MS 1013.
Advanced Level
Developmental Education : Basic Writing II, EH 1023 and Basic Writing II Lab, EH 1021; College Reading Strategies, DS123 and Reading Lab II, DS 1231; Elementary Algebra MS 1023 or higher. The math sequence has options. After Fundamental Math, MS 1013, students advance to Elementary Algebra, MS 1023 and to Intermediate Algebra, MS 1123, if they are pursuing an AA degree and planning to enroll in College Algebra. Students pursuing an AAS degree enroll in Technical Math, MS 143 after leaving Elementary Algebra, MS 1023(if they select this math option). Curriculum available for student enrollment: Freshman Seminar, SOS 103, PE Elective
College Curriculum available for student enrollment: General Psychology, PSY 213; Fundamental Sociology, SY 213, US History, HY 213 or HY 223; History of Western Civilization, HY 113 or HY 123; Fine Arts, FA 213; Computer Information Systems, CT 114; Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, BY 103; Introduction to Geography, GEOG 213
H 113 MS 123
PCCUA offers three unique pilot programs to certain students in remedial education courses. Students in DS 103 and EH 1013, the lowest remedial English and Reading course will be able to enroll in a combined Reading and Writing Strategies course and lab, RWS 1014 and RWS 1012 (supplemental instruction lab). Based on faculty input and identified “best practices” in the developmental education literature, the college will test this approach to instruction.
Exiting Conditional-Prep Enrollment Status
Students will exit the PREP Program by successfully completing the curriculum and the final assessment.
Pre and post assessment using Nelson-Denny
Completion of course work with a C or better
Completion of mandatory supplemental lab with a C or better
Pre and post writing assessment using common rubric, uniform prompt, standardized grading, Completion of course work with a C or better
Completion of supplemental instruction lab
Pre and post math assessment
Completion of course with a C or better
Completion of supplemental instruction lab
Failure to complete the PREP Conditional Enrollment contract will result in a transfer to a certificate program or an ineligibility to enroll in an associate degree program.
COMPASS Challenge -under certain circumstances, and with instructor approval, a student may challenge his or her placement in developmental education course work. If a student challenges developmental educational placement, that student will complete a COMPASS review in the Learning Lab and retest. If the score indicates that the student is performing at college level, the student will exit placement in developmental education for the course(s).
Legislative Act 1184
Act 1244 of 1991 (Arkansas Code Annotated § 6-53-203) required the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board to define the requirements of appropriate degrees and certificates at two-year colleges. As part of this requirement, the Board established policies regarding the admission of qualified students to a program of study leading to the awarding of an associate degree or certificate.
AHECB Policy 5.8 requires that all firsttime entering freshmen in all associate and bachelor’s degree programs be tested for course placement purposes in English, reading and mathematics. Further, Act 1184 of 2011 allows institutions to reassess students to determine their ability-to-benefit (be successful in a degree program) before enrollment in a specific program.
The Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board directs any state-supported college or university admitting first-time associate or bachelor’s degree-seeking students under the ability-to-benefit guidelines (outlined in AHECB Policy 5.14) to establish and implement a state-approved conditional admission plan.
ADHE Terminology-Conditional-PREP Admission
Focused Advising- Focused advising is provided by the professional advisor, and will continue a maximum of three semesters or until the student exits the Conditional–Prep Admission program. The professional advisor is responsible for completing the contract, completing the curriculum plan and providing a copy of the plan to the appropriate instructors and the Admissions Office. These advisors are also referred to as focused advisors.
Placement Scores in English, Reading, and Mathematics, Effective Fall 2012
PLACEMENT / COMPASS / ENHANCED ACT / NEW ASSET / *EXPLORE / *PLAN / SATEH 1013 (Basic Writing I) and EH 1011 (Basic Writing I Lab) / 0 – 37 on Writing Skills / 0 – 34 on Writing Skills
EH 1023 (Basic Writing II) and EH 1021 (Basic Writing II Lab) / 38 – 74 on Writing Skills / 35 – 44 on Writing Skills
EH 113
(Freshmen English I) / 75 or above on Writing / 19 on English / 45 or above on Writing Skills / 14 or above / 16 or above / 470 or above on Verbal
MS 1013
(Fundamental Math) / 0 – 48 on Pre-algebra / 34 – 41 on Numerical Skills
MS 1023
(Elementary Algebra) / 49 – 100 on Pre-algebra
or 0 – 40 on algebra / 42 on Numerical Skills
MS 1123
(Intermediate Algebra) / 49-100 on Pre-algebra, two years of HS algebra, and 14-18 on Enhanced ACT Math / 42 on Numerical Skills, 35-38 on Intermediate Algebra, and two years of HS Algebra; C or better in MS 1023
MS 123 (College Algebra) / 41 or above on Algebra / 2 years of HS Algebra and 19 on Enhanced ACT Math / 39 or above on Intermediate Algebra / 15 or above / 17 or above / 460 or above on Quantitative
MS 143
(Technical Math) / 22 or above on Algebra / 16 or above on Enhance ACT Math / 42 on Numerical Skills, 35-38 on Intermediate Algebra and two years of HS Algebra; C or better in MS 1023
MS 173
(Geometry) / 49 – 100 on Pre-algebra or 0-40 on algebra / 42 on Numerical Skills
DS 103 (Introduction to College Reading Skills) and
DS 1031 (Reading Lab I) / 0 – 65 on Reading / 0 – 34 on Reading Skills / 0 – 469 on Verbal
DS 123 (College Reading Strategies) and DS 1231 (Reading Lab II) / 66 – 81 on Reading / 35 – 40 on Reading Skills
Exemption from Reading / 82 or above on Reading Skills / 19 on Reading / 41 or above on Reading Skills / 14 or above / 15 or above / 470 or above on Verbal
RWS 1014 & RWS 1012 (Combo for Reading DS 103 & Writing EH 1013) / 0 – 65 on Reading Skills & 0-37 on Writing Skills
EH 1023 & EH 113 COMBO / Mandatory: 55 – 74 on Writing Skills / Completion of DS 123 or Exemption from Reading
MS 1123 & MS 123 COMBO / Grade of “B” or higher in MS 1023 / ACT 16 or above
*EXPLORE and PLAN can only be used for placement of High School students. Once the student has graduated, other test score.
PCCUA CONDITIONAL-PREP ADMISSION PLANAs a student who is eligible for conditional admission to PCCUA, you have rights regarding your participation and obligations for your successful completion of a preparation plan for remediation. Based on your entry level ACT/COMPASS placement score, you are assigned to a specific curriculum plan. You must complete this Plan within the first thirty hours of enrollment to meet the requirements of the conditional admission.
ACT/COMPASS or Equivalent Reading _____ English _____ Math _____ Comp.____
Assigned Advisor:______Phone Number:______
For help in understanding your plan be sure to speak with your advisor. If you need additional information you may contact the Vice Chancellor for Student Services.
Lynn Boone, VP Student Services
(870) 338-6474 ext. 1235
Student Name (Print):______
Student ID Number/Social Security :______
Contact Information
Town: ______State: ______Zip Code:______
Phone Number: ______Cell Phone Number:______
Student Signature:______Date:______
Space Below for Office Use Only
Status of Conditional Enrollment: ___ Requirements completed
Effective Date:______Requirements not completed
Signature of Registrar: ______
Place document in the official student file and provide copy to the student.
Individual Student Plan (over)