ACCESS POINT (less complex): 6.SL.L. Student will ask a familiar listener a question relevant to a topic, text, or issue under discussion.
  • Everyperformancetaskmusthaveatleastfiveuniqueitems.
  • Thefiveitemscanrelatetoonetopicorto multipletopics.
  • Taskcanincludefiveitemsthatrequirethestudentto askaquestionrelevant:
  • toatopic
  • toatext
  • toadiscussion
  • ora combinationofallthree
  • Inamultiple-choiceitem,aminimumoftwoanswerchoicesmustbeprovided.
Restrictions: None


Teacher direction: “Follow along as I read a passage about The Woodland Park Zoo. As I read the passage, think about a question you would ask about the zoo.” (Read the passage to the student.)
The Woodland Park Zoo is in Seattle, Washington. It has many animals like lions, penguins, and komodo dragons. There is also a carousel that you can ride on.
Teacher direction: “What question would you ask about the zoo?”
A. What are you eating for lunch?
B. What animal would you want to see at the zoo?
C. Do you have a pet cat?
Teacher direction: “Follow along as I read a passage about Trains. As I read the passage, think about a question you would ask about trains.” (Read the passage to the student.)
Trains are a type of transportation. People use them to travel. They run on tracks called rails. Trains are very fast. They are in lots of countries all over the world.
Teacher direction: “What question would you ask about trains?”
A. Where would you like to travel by train?
B. Where is the bathroom?
C. What kind of car do you have?
Teacher direction: “Follow along as I read a passage about Mt. Rainier. As I read the passage, think about a question you would ask about Mt. Rainier.” (Read the passage to the student.)
Mt. Rainier is a large mountain in Washington State. Many people like to hike, snowshoe, camp, and go to the visitor center at Mt. Rainier. Many animals live on Mt. Rainier like bears, cougars, and deer. It is a popular place for people to go during the summer.
Teacher direction: “What question would you ask about Mt. Rainier?”
A. Have you ever been to Montana?
B. Have you ever been snowshoeing?
C. Have you ever been on a boat?
Teacher direction: “Follow along as I read a passage about basketball. As I read the passage, think about a question you would ask about basketball.” (Read the passage to the student.)
Basketball is a sport that is played all over the world. In the United States there is the NBA, which is a professional group of teams that play basketball. Basketball is made up of teams that each have five players on the court at a time. A famous basketball player is Michael Jordan.
Teacher direction: “What question would you ask about basketball?”
A. What kind of baseball mitt do you have?
B. Does your school have orchestra?
C. Does your school have a basketball team?
Teacher direction: “Follow along as I read a passage about soda.” As I read the passage, think about a question you would ask about soda.” (Read the passage to the student.)
Soda is a carbonated beverage which means that it has bubbles. There are many different types of sodas that are different flavors. Sometimes sodas are endorsed by celebrities, like Beyonce’ who drinks Pepsi-Cola.
Teacher direction: “What question would you ask about soda?”
a. What is your favorite movie?
b. Do you like potato chips?
c. What is your favorite soda?