Monteleone Junior High School
St. Tammany Parish Schools
The Monteleone Marlin Messenger
PTA Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 1
School hours: 8:45am -3:46pm Phone: (985) 951-8088 Fax: (985) 951-8083

A Message from our Principal, Ms. Donna Addison

Welcome to the fall semester here at Monteleone. I must say that we have a wonderful group of seventh and eighth graders and anticipate a great year.
Our students have transitioned back to school very smoothly. Seventh graders seem to be right at home as though they have been with us for many years. Students are managing their lockers and adhering to school rules and dress code policy. We are also happy to see that getting to class in a timely manner is a priority. The stage is comfortably set to move ahead with the business of instruction.
I would like to remind you to stay posted to our website for ongoing information concerning school news and activities. We hope that you will encourage your child to be actively involved in athletics and extra curricular opportunities in order to nurture a sense of belonging to our school community. We will soon sponsor a Club Day which will introduce students to the possibilities from which they can choose. Also, the STI Home system now allows you to remain in touch with your child’s academic progress continually. Please support our high expectations for your child’s commitment to his/her work. We present many opportunities to honor students who excel in behavior, academics, sports, citizenship and effort and we encourage you to do the same at home.
Thank you for being a part of the Monteleone family. Please contact us if we can help you or your child in any way.

Donna Addison

Sept. 17 Open House and PTA General Meeting, 6:30pm

Sept. 19 Picture Day
Sept. 23 Newsletter Deadline

Sept. 25 Volunteer Tea, 9:30am
Oct. 2 Bank Day
Oct. 3 Parish Fair Day - NO SCHOOL

Counselor’s Corner
Hi Marlins!

The Olympics just ended, and I imagine many of you were glued to the television just as I was! And what a perfect way to begin our school year ~ not because of all the gold medals we won (while that was certainly exciting!) but more about the message the Olympics left with us.

Hope. Overcoming Adversity. Never giving up. Each athlete has a story to tell, and more often than not, the stories leave us stunned. We are surprised by the countless obstacles faced and all the more inspired by the perseverance we witnessed. Isn’t this what we all want for ourselves and our children?

Let’s look at one particular athlete with an interesting story that I believe will resonate with you, our students, and anyone who has ever experienced or witnessed bullying.

Michael Phelps, 23 year old American swimmer. Earned 8 gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Michael was not only diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 9, but he was also teased and bullied mercilessly. Kids flicked his protruding ears, mocked his gangly body, and threw his baseball cap out of the school bus window. These hardships could have easily led Michael down the wrong path, but instead, he courageously used his struggles as “fuel for motivation”.

Michael’s story is an inspiration to all of us . . . a gentle reminder to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and KNOW THAT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE (although the road may be bumpy, at times). So, as we begin a new school year, I’d like to encourage everyone to start on a positive note! No matter what happened last year – with grades, teachers, parents, or friends (and this goes for children and adults alike), this is a new year. It can and will be everything you make of it!


Tasha Alvendia, M.Ed., LPC

Nationally Certified School Counselor

Builder’s Club
The First meeting after Club Day will be September 16th at 8:20am. We will be discussing BBQ Dinner and other important things.
Builder’s Club will be selling Kiwanis BBQ Tickets. The LMJH Builder’s Club will receive money back for every ticket sold. For more information see a Builder’s Club Member or Mrs. Bermond.

Bridget B Bermond
Monteleone Junior High

Co-President’s Article
Welcome back to a new school year! We are excited to see our returning students and look forward to meeting our new Marlins. The PTA has been hard at work preparing for the new year and have gotten off to a great start! A special Thank You to those of you who helped at summer registration, the back-to-school teacher’s luncheon, and with the first day packets. We also appreciate all of you who returned your PTA fees so promptly. If you haven’t already done so, please send them in at your earliest convenience. Since our PTA does not participate in any fundraisers, we rely solely on these fees to fund our programs. Thank you for your continued support.
There are many volunteer opportunities at LMJH. We encourage you to take advantage of them. Please send in the volunteer form marked accordingly and someone will contact you. We invite you to attend our Volunteer Tea on Tuesday, September 25 at 9:30am where you will learn more about these volunteer opportunities.
Please take a moment to look over the Important Dates to keep abreast of what is happening at LMJH. As always, if we can ever be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact either of us. We look forward to a great year.

Esther Fayard () Sheree Knauth ()
LMJH PTA Co-Presidents
! Empezando el ano ! (Beginning the year)
Espanol level 1 has practiced el alfabeto, los colores, the days of the week, the numbers, some months, the vowels, greetings, flashcards, fun phrases, and journaling. The class practiced in paris as a group, on grey slates and with parents and friends.
Besides an introduction to the text, students saw their first on-location video en espanol, listened to a CD and did some journaling.
Espanol level 2 learned “La Cucuracha” and made Me Gusta Posters. They did crosswords, journaled, read an easy story, and listened to CD’s/ Reviews included : weather expressions, seasons, months and dates, conjugation of “ar”, “er”, “ir” boot verbs, me gusta and other irregular verbs. Today they are working on la familia.

Saludos de Senora Sutton
Spanish Teacher

Talented Screenings
Are you talented? If you are exceptionally talented in the areas of art, music, or theater you may qualify for a special program. If you are interested in being screened for Talented Art, Talented Music or Talented Theater please give your name to your English teacher before October 15th.
Screenings will begin soon!
Thanks so much!

Shannon S. Ibert


Please join us for Monteleone Junior High’s annual
Volunteer Tea On Thursday, September 25th at 9:30 AM
In the School Library. Come meet others and learn about all the possible volunteer opportunities. Refreshments will be provided.
If you are unable to attend but would like to volunteer, please contact Janelle Meyers at Volunteers make a GREAT school!!!

2008 Volleyball Team Members

Lindsay Bagur Krislyn Lafitteau Anisa Vega
Amy Bavido Emilie Lanclos
Kathleen Butler Darien Loup
Lindsay Chaix Skylar Pepper
Blake Gassen Kara Richmer
Hannah Gregg Haley Stiebing
Baylie Knauth Sarah Sulzer

2008 Volleyball Schedule
Wed., Sept. 10 Slidell Home******
Thur., Sept. 11 Pitcher Away
Tues., Sept. 16 St. Tammany Home
Thurs., Sept. 18 Clearwood Away
Wed., Sept. 24 Creekside Home
Wed., Oct. 1 Pitcher Home
Thurs., Oct. 2 St. Tammany Away
Tues., Oct. 14 Clearwood Home
Tues., Oct. 16 Creekside Away

District Tournament will be held Oct. 20 at Pitcher Jr. High

2008 LMJH PTA Officers and Board

PTA Officers Committee Chair Email Address

Esther Fayard Co-President
Sheree Knauth Co-President
Janelle Meyers 1st Vice President
Julie Thames 2nd Vice President
Letiche Albers Treasurer
Michele Zitzman Secretary
Donna Addison Principal
Kenny Matthews Assistant Principal
Stephanie Bosco RHT/Teacher Representative
Amy Riddell Cultural Arts
Cindy Drake Grounds/Spruce Up Day
Cindy Travis Dance
Missy Leblanc Dance
Julie Thames Directory
Cheri Dufriend Faculty & Staff Appreciation
Beth Laderer Legislation/Grants
Kim Villars Marlin Magic
Sheral Robinson Newsletter
Cindy Rush Newsletter-Circulation
Janelle Meyers Volunteer Coordinator
Gwen (Alia) Casborne Publicity