Please review the following important Winter Concert information. This information, along with other music information, is also posted on the music department website. If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s ensemble director.

Concert Dates

The 7/8 Concert will take place on December 13th, and the 5/6 Concert will take place on December 21st. Both concerts will include a morning assembly at 9:00 AM. Students are asked to go to homeroom first and then to the music rooms at the beginning of first period. Students should come to school dressed for the concert. The night concerts will begin at 7:00 PM. Students should report at 6:00 PM.

Concert Attire

Please wear the appropriate concert attire for both the day and night concerts.

Day-Time Attire: Music Department T-Shirt, blue jeans, sneakers
Night-Time Attire: Long sleeved plain white collared shirt (tucked in), long black dress-pants, black socks/stockings, black dress shoes

Students participating in any music ensemble at T/EMS are asked to purchase a music department t-shirt. Students who purchased a shirt in previous years do not have to order a new one. We will wear the shirts during our morning concert assemblies and any out of school performances. T-shirts will be available for pick-up in room 172 the week of December 5th. Please bring $10 cash or check (made out to T/E Middle School) when you pick up your shirt. For financial concerns, please contact your child’s music teacher or guidance counselor.


Please be advised of the district’s parking guidelines. A copy is included below for your review.

Cars in Fire Lanes May Be Towed.

The T/E School District, in cooperation with local police and fire companies, has established fire lanes at each of the district’s buildings. The fire lanes are now clearly marked with “No Parking” signs to allow for unobstructed access for emergency vehicles seven days a week, even when school is not in session. Cars that are parked, stopped or standing in a designated fire lane may be ticketed by the police and/or towed by a private towing company, at the owner’s expense.

Parking will be available in the TEMS parking lots, along Howeville Road, and at the Network Operations Center building across the street from TEMS. Parking at Conestoga and in the field area (weather permitting) via Old Lancaster Road will also be available.

Cars parked in a fire lane will be towed. Parking on Old Lancaster Road requires a permit from the township. Please consider carpooling.