Scottish Saltires MPC membership runs from 1 Jan to 31 Dec
Personal Details (All data provided is for SSMPC/Pent GB use only and will be held in strictest confidence)
Address (inc Post Code)
Home Tel No
Mobile No
Email Address
Date of Birth
Sports Already Involved In (Please circle)
Run Swim Shoot Ride Fence
Membership Category (tick as appropriate) :
Existing Membership Renewal / Yes No
Student(U26) and all U19 £8 (£5 if renewal before 31/1/14)
Senior £10 (£5 if renewal before 31/1/14)
Note:Pentathlon GB membership runs from when you joined. Membership of Pentathlon GB is also required to take part in competition. If you are not a member of Pentathlon GB you will aromatically be given First Steps membership which is free. This covers you for run/swim biathlon only.
/ Part B – Pentathlon GB Application/Renewal
Pentathlon GB membership runs from when you joined.
Existing Membership Renewal / Yes No
Membership No (if known)
Membership Category (tick as appropriate) :
Student(U26) and all U19 £10
Seniors £25
Scottish Saltires MPC is affiliated to Pentathlon GB. All members are required to sign up to the following agreement:
I apply for membership of the Pentathlon GB and/or Scottish Saltires. I agree to be bound by the relevant Rules and Regulations and undertake to contribute to the assets on a winding up such amount as may be required not exceeding £1. I give permission to the Committee to use photographs of club events to be used on the SSMPC website and for promotional material. I confirm that I am aware that the use of any substance defined as a banned class by the World Anti-Doping Agency is strictly forbidden. I accept that I am liable to dope testing at any time in/out of competition and that refusal or failure to comply may be treated as a positive test. Everyone attending any event or activity held under the Rules of Association (or any affiliated body) must take positive care for their own and other’s safety and guard and insure against the inherent risks of participation or attendance, including the risks of bodily injury
and damage to property.
Signed Date (Signature of parent or guardian if member is under 18)
Return w/payment (cheques payable to SSMPC) to Trish Prise, Forest Lodge, East Brotherfield, Kingswells, Aberdeen, AB15 8QN