Dear Applicant
Freedom of Information Request Reference No:
I write in connection with your request for informationwhich was received by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 04/08/2013. I note you seek access to the following information:
Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide the following information:
The number of police officers and/or police staff in your force who have had an allegation recorded against them in relation to the misuse of social networking sites.
Please break these down into as much detail as possible - such as the nature of the offence, the punishment given (e.g. sacked, suspended, disciplined, or pending disciplinary investigation or disciplinary action), and their rank.
I would like the data divided annually for the past 3 financial years (2010-2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013). (N.B If you are unable to divide it into financial years, calendar years will do).
Please provide the data in electronic format.
If you need any further clarification, please email [ contact details given]
To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted at The Directorate of Professional Standards, The Performance Analysis Unit and Practice Support.
The searches locatedrecords relevant to your request.
I have today decided to disclose the located information to you in full.
Please find attached information pursuant to your request above.
Public Complaint -
Any complaint about the conduct of a person serving with the police which is made (whether in writing or otherwise) by a member of the public who claims to be the person in relation to whom the conduct took place
Conduct Matter -
Any matter which is not and has not been the subject of a complaint but in the case of which there is an indication (whether from the circumstances or otherwise) that a person serving with the police may have
(a) committed a criminal offence
(b) behaved in a manner which would justify the bringing of disciplinary proceedings
The number of police officers and/or police staff in your force who have had an allegation recorded against them in relation to the misuse of social networking sites.
This table will show police officers who have been the subject of a conduct matter allegation involving misuse of social networking, by year and by rank.
The following table will show the outcome of the 60 conduct matter allegations relating to misuse of social networking.
The following table will show the outcome of the 19 police officers/special constables where the allegation was substantiated and they then attended a Meeting/Hearing. The allegations against the 19 officers were proven.
The following table will show Police Staff who have been the subject of a conduct matter allegation involving misuse of social networking, by year and by grade. These cases all concluded in the financial year recorded and none are pending disciplinary investigation or action.
The following table will show officers and police staff who are subject of a public complaint allegation involving misuse of social networking, by year and by rank. The category of police staff will include Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs)
The following table will show the outcome of the 2 public complaint allegations against police staff, relating to misuse of social networking .
The following table will show the outcome of the 9 public complaint allegations against police officers, relating to misuse of social networking .
Please note that the listed actions taken against the officers are sanctions that were used under the Police Regulations 2003, i.e. pre-Taylor, plus the new sanctions, introduced as a result of the Taylor Review into police discipline, which were implemented on 1st December by the Police Conduct Regulations 2008. The updated regulations introduced two defined levels of misconduct, 'Misconduct' and 'Gross Misconduct' cases are managed by local management and the maximum outcome will be a final written warning. Line managers are responsible for dealing with misconduct at the lowest level, e.g. formal misconduct meetings at local level which are described as Taylor Meetings. Gross Misconduct will be managed by DPS and these formal hearings are described as Taylor Hearings. The maximum outcome of a Taylor Hearing is dismissal from the Police Service. (Fines and reduction in rank are no longer available).
Management Action: This refers to anything that can be locally resolved to address the misconduct of an officer and can include:
Pointing out how the behaviour fell short of the expectations set out in the Standards of Professional Behaviour.
Identifying expectations for future conduct
Establishing an improvement plan
Addressing any underlying causes of misconduct.
Written Warning: Unlike the pre Taylor Written Warning, the officer does not have to agree, management can impose this sanction. The written warning is valid for 12 months and, if during that period the officer has another misconduct matter they may be given either a final written warning or else referred to a Misconduct Hearing managed by DPS.
All MPS police officers and police staff are expected to adhere to the MPS Information Code of Conduct which sets out the policy on the use of MPS Information and information communication and technology systems. The MPS Directorate of Information issues regular reminders to staff on the importance of ensuring they comply with this policy plus other relevant legislation such as the Data Protection Act. Line managers and staff should note the following policy statement; "Personal use of the internet is permitted up to the point where it impacts on an individual's ability to deliver their official or contracted duties." It is therefore a line management responsibility to positively task and ensure appropriate use of the internet is complied with. To re-inforce the gravity of computer/information misuse DPS, under the Professional Standards Support Programme, has taken responsibility for delivering training across the MPS which explains the importance of using all MPS systems in line with the Information Code of Conduct, the Data Protection Act and the Computer Misuse Act. This training aims to reduce the necessity of implementing misconduct procedures against staff who breach the Information Code of Conduct or any other legislation concerned with computer misuse.
It is important to note that the number of allegations is an extremely small proportion of the total number of officers and staff in the MPS which is over 50,000. The vast majority of our officers and staff carry out their service to Londoners in the manner the MPS and the public expects.
The MPS is committed to delivering a professional service of the highest standard to the public and expects its employees to conduct themselves professionally, ethically and with the utmost integrity at all times. Any instance where the conduct of our staff brings the MPS into disrepute is treated extremely seriously by the MPS.
This notice concludes your request for information. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in the MPS.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write or contact Margaret Bunker on telephone number 02071616511 quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Margaret Bunker
Information Manager