Curriculum Vitae
Maysa Husni Almomani, PhD, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Nursing/ Adult Health Department
Work: 962-2-720-1000. Ext: 23741
- Doctorate of Nursing Philosophy, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA: 2011
Specialization: Adult Health Nursing/Diabetes Nursing
Thesis Title: Chronic psychosocial stress and the development of type-2 diabetes
- Master degree in General Nursing Education, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan: 2000
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan: 1993
Work experience:
1. Jordan University of Science & Technology/ School of Nursing/ Adult Health Nursing Department
- Assistant professor, 2012-presnt
- Chairperson of Adult Health Nursing Department: Sep 2012- Sep 2014
- Full-time Lecturer and Clinical Director: 2000-2006
- Clinical Instructor: 1993-1997
Courses taught:
Graduate Courses:
NUR 711 Advanced Health Assessment
NUR 791 Clinical Project (Non-thesis option)
NUR 798 Comprehensive Exam
NUR 717 Acute Care Nursing, Advanced Practice II
Undergraduate Courses
NUR 201 Fundamental to Nursing
NUR 203 Fundamental of Nursing (Lab)
NUR 206 Adult Health Assessment in Nursing (Theory)
NUR 208 Adult Health Assessment in Nursing (Lab/Clinical)
NUR 221 Adult Health Nursing I (Theory)
NUR 223 Adult Health Nursing I (Practicum)
NUR 227 Adult Health Nursing II(Theory)
NUR 228 Adult Health Nursing II(Practicum)
NUR 100 Health Promotion( Non Medicine,Nursingand Midwifery).
Graduate and Research Scholarships: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: (2006 – 2011)
- Teaching Assistantship for various undergraduate courses.
- Project assistant with Dr. Karen Morin: obesity among females.
- Project assistant and data analyst with Dr. Jeanne Hewitt on the Healthy Latino Families and Schools project.
Leadership/Organizational Participation/ Services:
- Amember of the Diabetes mellitus Examination committee, JNC, 2016-Till now
- Participated in the Jordanian Diabetes Retinopathy Project as a member of advisory board for thisLDS Charities' project, 2014-2015: project planning and students training for data collection. I also designed the protocol for glucometer testing, and referring participants to the local MOH (Ministry of Health) clinic/ RHAS (Royal Health Awareness Society) clinic for a second blood glucose testing and for retinal examinations.
- Participated with the Royal Health Awarness Society in the “Training of the Trainers for the Health Promotion Course within the program of Shababna: Youth for Help”, 8-10, 2015.
- Participated with the Royal Health Awarness Society in the “Training of the Trainers for the methodologies for Health Promotion within the program of Shababna: Youth for Help”, 8-10, 2015
- Served as an external examiner in the Comprehensive Exam for Clinical Training and Professional Adaptation Nursing Course at Jordan University (2013).
- Participated in planning and implementing different scientific activities for students at Jordan University of Science and Technology.
- Advanced CPR training course.
- Participated in developing and implementing different projects for teaching Syrian nursing students, through WHO plan and directed other projects in collaboration with Italian academics.
- Participated in the Middle East nursing research and practice conferences in Jordan.
- Participated in many committees at School of Nursing (at JUST) on clinical education, library, and laboratory committees.
- Committee member : College of Nursing Journal Club - Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), 2015-2016.
- A member of the "Department Research Committee" at the School of Nursing: Evaluation Committee for Faculty and Master’s students– JUST, 2013-2016
- A member of the " Department Research Committee" at the School of Nursing:Evaluation Committee for Faculty and Master’s students– JUST, 2016-Present
- Head of the "Labs Development" committee at the School of Nursing for the academic year 2012-2015
- Head of Comprehensive Exam Committee for graduate students at Adult Health Nursing Department 2012, 2013, and 2014.
- Member of the "Labs Development" committee at the School of Nursing for the academic year 2012-2015
- A member of the "Graduate Studies" committee at the School of Nursing for the academic year 2012-2015.
- A member of the "Curriculum" committee at the School of Nursing for the academic year 2012-Present.
- Member, Jordan Nurses and Midwives Council.
- Member in Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International.
- Member in the Golden Key International Honor Society
- Member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
-“Healthy Latino Families and Schools” abstract submitted for the Wisconsin Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes (WiPOD) for presentation in the “Linking Research, Community Action and Policy to Prevent Obesity” conference on June 2nd.
- “Healthy Latino Families and Schools” WiPOD poster
-Dalky, H.F., Al-Momani, M., Al-Darabha, T., Al-Jarrah, S. (2016) Eating Habits and Associated Factors among Adolescent Students in Jordan. Clinical Nursing Research.DOI: 10.1177/1054773816646308
-Khater W., Al-Momani, M.,Qasem B. Nurses' Knowledge and Practices of Physical Restraints Use in Intensive Care Units. (Under review).
-Khater W., Al-Momani, M., Ababaneh, H. The impact of hospital accreditation on patient safety and quality of care as perceived by health care providers in Jordanian hospitals. (Under review).
Funded Project:
-Principal investigator for the research project entitled “knowledge, attitude and practice about diabetes among type 2 diabetes patients in Jordan. Funded by Jordan university of Science and Technology” (2721JD).In process
-CO-Principal investigator for the research project entitled "Promoting Healthy life styles through University Education for Young Adult in Jordan; A Cross Sectional Interventional Study” Funded by the Royal Health Awareness Society, 2016
Advising Graduate Students:
Master Theses
-Effectiveness of mobile phone text messaging on self-care management of type 2 diabetes among Jordanian patients, Esraa Almomani, RN, MSN at School of Nursing/Jordan University of Science & Technology;In process. (Advisor)
-Cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge and skills of registered nurses in Jordan, Nedaa' Eseile RN, MSN at School of Nursing/Jordan University of Science & Technology; In process. (Advisor)
-Knowledge of Hypertension Risk Factors, Symptoms & Complications among Public in Jordan, Majd Taha Alsayyed, RN. In process. (Co-Advisor)
-The impact of hospital accreditation on patient safety and quality of care as perceived by health care providers in Jordanian hospitals, Heba Ababaneh, RN, MSN, 2017. (Co-Advisor)
-Eating habits and associated factors among adolescent students in Madaba city Jordan, Taghreed Kh. Al-Drabaah, 2014 . (Co-Advisor),
-Nurses' knowledge and practices of physical restraints use in intensive care units, Baha'a Aldin Qasem, RN, MSN 2014.(Co-Advisor).
-"Attitudes toward family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation at emergency rooms of Jordanian military hospitals: Perception of health care providers, and patients` families", Nehad Mahmoud Araydah, 2016. (Committee Member)
-“Perceptions of adolescents with type 1 diabetes and their parents of motivation, self-efficacy and family responsibility in relation to dietary self-care and metabolic control (HbA1c levels), Khalid Yaseen, 2016.(Committee Member)
-The impact of heart failure symptoms on the life of patients with heart failure and their management strategies”, Ola Shreideh , 2015. (Committee Member)
-Nurses’ Views Of Electronic Health Record Use, Quality, And User Satisfaction, Mahmoud Rabay’ah, 2015. (Committee Member)
-Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence And Facilitating Conditions Of Computerized Patient Record Use Among Registered Nurses At Prince Hamzeh Hospital, Manar Masoud Al-Khatib, 2013.(Committee Member)
-The impact of the degree of motivation toward health-related behaviors on blood sugar level among Jordanian adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus,Motaz Mohammad Aburas,2013.(Committee Member)
Conferences & Workshops
- Guest speaker tothe 5th Congress of the Jordanian Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism (JSED), 11-14 May 2017, Amman – Jordan: " Therapeutic Goals Of Diabetes".
- Guest speaker to the 5th Congress of the Jordanian Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism (JSED), 11-14 May 2017, Amman – Jordan: " Diabetes Self-Care Management".
- Advances in Diabetic Foot Care, 2013 and 2014, University of Jordan.
- Qualitative Nursing Research, Philadelphia University, November 23-24, 2013
- Integrating the Role of the CNS Into Health Care System, Jordan university of Science and Technology,23, 05, 2013.
- Attending a two days workshop on Advance Statistical Analysis “SPSS” held at the Academic Development Center at Jordan University of Science & technology, Jordan, 2013.
- The “TTT (Train the Trainers)” workshop held at Consultative Center of Jordan University of Science and Technology, and fulfilling the basic requirements for certified Trainer. Jordan, 2013[Certified in “ Train the Trainer”, 2013].
Certifications and Liscence:
- Certified as "Clinical Nurse Specialist/Diabetes", 2016
- Certified as “Professional Trainer (TTT)”,2013.
- Certified in “ Testing and Evaluation”, 2012.
- ACLS provider license, 2011
- UWM Chancellor's Award, 2007-2008.
- UWM Departmental Scholarship Award, 2009-2010.
- The Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award, 2010
- The Sigma Theta Tau Graduate Student Research Award 2010; Sigma Theta Tau International – Eta Nu Chapter