Engaging HS Learners Pre-Assessment July 20, 2009
What’s WRONG with US high schools today?
Too many responsibilities for HS teachers
Lack of funding or unequal funding for HS
Overemphasis on standardized testing
Not teaching to the whole student
Lack of respect for teachers
Lack of support for underperforming students
Lack of uniform curriculum nationally
Learning as “banking theory” and end product
Unequal treatment of students
Students who are bored witless and stalemate between bored students and teachers
Lack of teacher assessment to support ongoing teacher professional development
Limited course options for students
Low student scores in math/science compared to other nations
Overcrowded classrooms
Limited access to community resources/after school programs
Tracking of students
Lack of parent involvement
Tenure systems are problematic
Discrepancies in funding
Lack of teacher training to deal with diverse students
Not much emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills to all learners
Cuts in arts and extra curricular programs
No uniform dress codes
No uniform standards at elementary and middle schools for student knowledge; social promotion
What’s right with US high schools
Teachers challenge students
Teachers respect their students (no name calling by teachers)
Students are good
Opportunity for student involvement in co-curricular activities
Relevant education prepares students for adult responsibilities of life
Schools are safe havens for students from less than desirable home lives
Great diversity of courses in well funded high schools/districts
Despite economic disincentives, schools still attract well qualified teachers
Optional high school programs of choice
Two-way communication between students and teachers as learners
Growing number of alternative, charter, small schools
Peer interactions teach social skills
Students learn through cooperative group projects
Greater exposure to diversity in high schools today
US school system provides “Free” basic education
Emphasis on preparation for college
Growing sense of own self identification in high school
Tracking encourages high performance for engaged students
Schools work with at-risk students who are dealing with trauma
Freedom of religion/ expression allows less restrictive knowledge base
Access to community college/vocational training
Teachers who engage and inspire students
High schools partner with local businesses, career apprenticeships, volunteer opportunities
Teachers LOVE to teach and are creative
Technology in the schools