Troop 93, Uncasville, CT.

Parental/Guardian Consent Form

We are sending this parental consent form to both inform you of our NEW Troop 93 website and to request permission for your scout’s photo/image and Den/Rank affiliation to be published on the website.

We hope that both the Scouts and their parents will find this website helpful information resource as the scouts transition through the Boy Scout ranks. This web site is being created to keep scouts and their families up to date on the activities of Troop 93, as well as to promote the Troop and its activities for future scouts.

Of course, there are potential hazards associated with the posting of personal information on any website. For that reason we have made a commitment NOT to label any photos with any personal identifiers.* Photos will only be labeled with rank and/or Patrol Assignments. A Scouts whole name will not be used on any areas of the website.

We will maintain a calendar page for reference to upcoming activities. The date and time will be listed, but the location may not be detailed on the website for security reasons. The location, and other specific information will be available through Troop meetings or by directly using the scouts chain of command. (APL, PL, ASPL, SPL, ASM, SM)

We will have a page listing adult Committee Members and Scouters. Adult member information will include name, phone number and/or email address (if permission granted) for your reference.

Please check out the website and see for yourselves what a great resource this will be for Troop 93. The web address is:

Please check one of the following choices and return to the Scoutmaster ASAP. No photos will be published without a consent form

□I grant permission for a photo/image that includes my child/children without any personal identifiers to be published on the Troop 93 website.

□I DO NOT grant permission for ANY photo/image that includes my child/children to be published on the Troop 93 website.

Scout’s name______Patrol Assignment______

Name of Parent (please print) ______

Signature of Parent ______Date______

*Personal identifiers include: name, address, phone number, age, school attended.

This Consent Form will stay in effect (unless otherwise revoked in writing by a parent or the scout) until the above named Scout graduates from or leaves Troop 93.