Name of meetingBOARD MEETING
Date and timeTHURSDAY, 27TH MARCH 2014
PresentRoger Browning (RB), Joyce Guest (JG), Margaret Guy (MG), Roger Hayre (RH), (Chair) Sam Johnson (SJ), David Sargent (DS), Roger Tilley (RT) and Chris Williams (CW)
In attendanceCaroline Buxton (CB), CAiD
Lucy Cribb (LC) (Minutes), Help & Care
Martyn Jewell (MJ), Help & Care
Martyn Webster (MW), Help & Care
- Apologies for absence
- Additional agenda items
The Board asked for the proposed CQC inspections to be added to the agenda. MJ asked for the Annual Report to also be added.
- Declaration of interests
- Register of interests
- Conflicts related to items on the agenda
- Minutes of the previous meeting/matters arising (paper A)
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as accurate. SJ asked LC to forward him copies of all previous minutes so that these can be signed off. The Board agreed that once the minutes have been signed, they can then be added to the website and the signed hard copies can be stored.
- Partnership working
MW referred to a diagram and a table to illustrate how the delivery partners work together and to explain the roles and functions that the partner organisations deliver. DS asked MW to include finance within Board Support on the table. CB took the opportunity to remind everyone that the Citizens Advice BureauHealthwatch Leads hold quarterly meetings that DREC, Help & Care and the Board members are all invited to attend. In response to a question about working with diverse communities, MW confirmed that DREC’s remit within Healthwatch Dorset encompasses working with people from across all 9 with Protected Characteristics (as set out in the Equality Act 2010). MW and MJ agreed to devise a diagram that includes both the Board and the delivery organisations
- Delivery and performance against objectives
It was agreed that a Task and Finish group would be set up to discuss and identify outcome measures and the group will include MJ, MW, CW, MG, CB and AC. LC will set up a Doodlepoll to find a suitable date/time for the group to meet before the contract review meeting on 24/04/14. It was also agreed that CW and MJ will attend the contract review meeting in April with MW and CB.
- Strategy, vision and values
This item will be covered at the Away Day that is due to be held on 28/03/14. DS sends his apologies.
- Risk and governance
MG and MJ are due to meet to develop the priorities that are already in place. MG and MJ will also start the development of a risk register and will identify potential items for inclusion on it.
- Business planning, revenue regeneration
MJ and JG will establish some templates to use when they meet next week. SJ asked LC to put MJ against items 7 and 9 on future agendas.
- Finance
DS, AC, CB, MJ and DS had held a meeting to decide the format and content of financial reports. The Board agreed that any surplus shown by the CIC can be used to cover additional hours that MJ is working. DS and MJ will seek advice from Claire Foreman on VAT and corporation tax and will report back at the next meeting.
- Tenure of Non-Executive Directors
SJ asked LC to draft a letter to Mark Sharman to clarify the status of all Non-executive Directors and their tenure and also the process that needs to be carried out to appoint CW. SJ asked MJ to check what is listed on the Companies House register and for LC to include this as an item on the next agenda.
- Business Manager
The Board took the opportunity to welcome MJ. MJ said that he is hoping to spend some time with everyone individually and to find out people’s roles and responsibilities.
- Any other business
MW confirmed that data on the Out of Hours services for Dorset will be extracted from the CRM for the CQC inspections. The Board asked to be copied into any reports that are forwarded.
MJ and MW will meet in the near future to discuss the Annual Report and other issues.
- Future meetings
It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on Thursday 24th April 2014, from 6.30-9.00pm at Help and Care.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm / Actions by/Date