C:\My Documents\Lancy\Academics\temo04summer\Englsih\Panel_Guidelines_2.doc - 11 -
Yan Chai Hospital Lim Por Yen Secondary School
Guidelines for English Teachers (2004-05)
CA Refinement ( S1,2,3,4&6) IST TERM
Form / Uniform Test / Quiz / Other types of Continuous AssessmentG.E. & Compre.
100 marks out of 300
80 marks out of 300
40 marks out of 300
30 marks out of 300
40 marks out of 300
10 marks out of 300
Compo.(Paper I)
80 marks out of 300
G.E.(Paper II)
70 marks out of 300
Listening, Read.& Writing(III)
100 marks out of 300
Oral (Paper IV)
50 marks out of 300
Listening (Section A)
Writing (Section B)
Reading & Lang. System (C)
Oral (D)
Practical Skills (E) / S.1-3
S.6 / --
One (50%)
One (50%)
-- / 3 Qs (20%@)
4Qs (25%@)
2 Qs (10%@)
2 Qs (10%@)
2 Qs (25%@)
2Qs(25%@) / Notebook (10%), HW (10%),
Bk. Reports (10%)
Project (10%)
Total:100 marks
average marks for four comp. done = 80 marks
record marks for 5 ex. (20%@)
Total (100) x 0.4 = 40 marks
give 3 assessment marks
(every month) (10%@) Total:30
fix 5 Dict. & record marks (100%@:80 for Seen;20 Unseen)
average x 0.4 = 40
Total (100) x 0.1 = 10
average marks for 4 comps. done
self-access learning performance(10%)
2 projects ( 10%@)
record marks for 5 ex (10%@)
give 4 assessment marks (every month) (25%@)
average marks for all ex done in the bk(80%)
average marks for 5 comp. done (20%@)
record marks for 2 ex(25%@)
give 4 assessment marks (every month) (25%@)
record marks for 2 ex (25%@)
CA Refinement ( S1,2,3,4&6) 2nd TERM
Form / Uniform Test / Quiz / Other types of Continuous AssessmentG.E. & Compre.
100 marks out of 300
80 marks out of 300
40 marks out of 300
30 marks out of 300
40 marks out of 300
10 marks out of 300
Compo.(Paper I)
80 marks out of 300
G.E.(Paper II)
70 marks out of 300
Listening, Read.& Writing(III)
100 marks out of 300
Oral (Paper IV)
50 marks out of 300
Listening (Section A)
Writing (Section B)
Reading & Lang. System (C)
Oral (D)
Practical Skills (E) / S.1-3
S.6 / One (60%)
One (60%)
One (60%)
One (60%)
One (60%)
One (60%)
One (60%) / 2 Qs (10%@)
4Qs (25%@)
2 Qs (10%@)
2 Qs (10%@)
2Qs(10%@) / Notebook & HW (5%),
Bk. Reports (5)
2 Projects (5%@)
(subject to change if there’s attainment test) Total: 100
average marks for 5 comp. done (average=80)
record marks for 4 ex. (10%@)
Total (100) x 0.4 = 40
give 5 assessment marks
(every month) (10%@)
fix 8 Dict. & record marks (100@)
average marks for 6 comps. done
self-access learning performance(5%)
2 projects ( 5%@)
record marks for 4 ex (10%@)
give 5 assessment marks (every month) (20%@)
average marks for all ex done in the bk(40%)
average marks for 8 comp. done
record marks for 2 ex(10%@)
give 5 assessment marks (every month) (20%@)
record marks for 2 ex (10%@)
C Refinement ( S5&7)
Form / Uniform Test / Quiz / Other types of Continuous AssessmentCompo.(Paper I)
80 marks out of 300
G.E.(Paper II)
70 marks out of 300
Listening, Read.& Writing(III)
100 marks out of 300
Oral (Paper IV)
50 marks out of 300
Listening (Section A)
Writing (Section B)
Reading & Lang. System (C)
Oral (D)
Practical Skills (E) / S.5
S.7 / - -
average marks for all Sat tests (50%)
One (50%)
average marks for all Sat tests (33.3%)
average marks for all Sat tests (33.3%) / --
2 Qs (10%@)
-- / average marks for 8 comps. done
self-access learning performance(10%)
2 projects ( 5%@)
average marks for all ex done (50%)
give 5 assessment marks (every month) (20%@)
average marks for all ex done in the bk and past paper ex
average marks for all comp. done
average marks for all ex done (66.6%)
give 10 assessment marks (every 2months)
average marks for all ex done (66.6%)
Because of the above arrangements, teachers are reminded to have a good record of the marks and be consistent in marking.
Please refer to the following diagram for mark allocation:
Total Mark on report card
/ \
Term Mark Exam Mark
/ \
Uniform Term Test Cont.Assessment
/ \
Quizzes/Assignments/Projects/HW/Notebook/AttainmentTest/self-access work/others
S.1 to S.3
A. Course bk.
1. The teacher is supposed to cover the syllabus stated in the schedule & scheme of work agreed at the beginning of the term.
2. Worksheets or supp' sheets may be needed to assist teaching.
3. Workbooks must be done, checked & marked.
4. Project work, notebook & HW should be counted as continuous assessment.
B. Dictation
Dictation would be given on alternate weeks or more frequently. Passages were to be taken from the dictation section of each unit or elsewhere as thought fit by the teacher. However, teachers should not just read the passage to students and ask for direct dictation. Various forms of adapting are necessary to make ‘Dictation’ more task-oriented. Each complete dictation should include the following parts (seen, unseen):
For seen dictation (80%): -3% for each spelling mistake or missing word and -1% for each
punctuation mistake.
For unseen dictation (20%): -2% for each spelling mistake or missing word and -1% for each
punctuation mistake.
Dictation Corrections (For both Seen & Unseen)
1. Write 5 times for each (bracketed) phrase or sentence consisting of the mis-spelt word or missing word. Underline the mis-spelt or missing word.
2. Copy the whole sentence once for punctuation mistake.
3. 0 – 20 marks: Copy the whole piece 3 times.
Parent’s signature: ______
C. Composition
Suggested length of compositions :
S.1 100 - 120 words
S.2 120 - 180 words
S.3 180 - 250 words
1. The exercise should be designed so that students can have room for developing his own
ideas, with guided sentence structure or vocabulary. At least two writing exercises
should be set for one chapter in order that at least one long composition is written every
2 cycles.5-6 pieces of writing are expected within the first term and 8 in the second term.
All exs. should be marked according to the specified marking scheme and marking symbols.
2. All the compositions should be thoroughly marked on both language and content and style
or format etc; other short writing may be graded according to the length or content of the work instead of intensive marking.
3. Students should keep a writing book/file, to keep all long and short writing exercises. Handouts given during preparation or composition checklist issued after marking should also be kept well in the file.
4. Teachers should read students' correction for each marked composition. To get better
effort from students, teachers may sometimes try to grade a paper only after the correction
is done. Process writing is therefore much encouraged.
Marking Symbol
(The following symbols must be introduced to Ss at junior levels:
Sp, Ag, p, pl, sg)
Marking Symbols Examples
sp. spelling mistake English languge (language)
Ag. agreement Eric and Benny owns a car. (own)
He always work hard. (works)
p. punctuation He went to the United states. (States) (p.)
Michael said _ `I don't know.' (,)
pl. should be plural They forget to bring their book. (books)
W. wrong use of word He went to the library to lend some books.
sg. should be singular Thomas never combs his hairs. (hair)
A. articles (a, an, the) Jenny is the secondary school student. (a)
pp. preposition Stephen sleeps in 10 O'clock at night. (at)
( ) rewrite this part (Jacky Wong was my form teacher who was in F.5.)
(Jacky Wong was my F.5 form teacher./
Jacky Wong was my form teacher in F.5.)
* should be a new paragraph
T. wrong tense Yesterday, I met my old neighbour while I am riding on a bus.(was riding)
Last Sunday, I go to Shatin to see my grandmother. (went)
︿ something missing I go ︿ school every day. (to)
Marking Scheme for English Composition(S1-S3)
Marks should be awarded according to the following criteria:
Content (30) / Very Good26 – 30 / Making use of all the given cues / outline. Overall meaning is clearly presented.
The content is rich and relevant and shows originality and creativity.
21 – 25 / Making use of most of the given cues / outline. Overall meaning is clear.
The content is rich and relevant and shows some originality.
16 – 20 / Making use of some of the given cues / outline but some effort is required to understand the overall meaning.
The content is relevant but shows little or no originality.
11–15 / Making inadequate use of the cues / outline provided. Overall meaning can be understood but with considerable difficulty.
Content is often not relevant.
0–10 / Not making use of the given cues / outline and the meaning is unintelligible.
The content is irrelevant.
Accuracy (40) / Good
30 – 40 / Overall communication of ideas is clear and coherent with only few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
Good use of vocabulary and sentence structures.
21 – 30 / Overall communication of ideas is clear with some grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
Generally appropriate use of vocabulary and sentence structures.
11 – 20 / Overall communication of ideas is often ineffective with frequent grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
Limited use of vocabulary and sentence structures.
0 – 10 / Comprehension is seriously impeded with constant and significant errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Meaning cannot be conveyed given the very limited and inappropriate use of vocabulary and sentence structures.
of ideas (10) / Good
8 – 10 / The organization of ideas is clear and logical.
Tidy handwriting, balance paragraphing, sensible arrangement of ideas.
5 – 7 / The organization of ideas is generally clear and logical but could be improved.
Tidy handwriting, evidence of continuity shown.
3 – 4 / The organization of ideas is quite confusing. Comprehension is frequently impeded.
Paragraphs poorly organized, clumsy expression, lacking in clarity, not easy to follow.
0 – 2 / The ideas are muddled. Often impossible to understand.
No continuity, no paragraphing, very difficult to follow, meaningless, jumbled of expressions.
* Intermediate marks can be given.
D. Oral
Teachers have to give assessment every month based on students' daily performance.
Marking Scheme for English Oral (S.1 - S.3) (for cont’assessment or exam reference)
1. Role play or dialogue Reading (10 marks)
2 - not audible
4 - audible but full of pronunciation mistakes
6 - little pronunciation mistakes but lack pause, stress & intonation
8 - fluent, good pronunciation, with pause, stress & intonation
10 - perfect reading, with expressions and feelings
2. Conversation (10 marks)
Suggestion: students will be asked several questions, and get an impression
E. Listening
Listening ex. should be done along with the course bk., at least 5-6 in
a term.
F. Reader
1. One reader to be covered in class (For S.1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C only).
2. For S1-3, there is special arrangement for ERS lesson (See guidelines for reader lesson).
G. Phonetics
1. Refer to the Phonetics teacher’s book.
S.4 to S.7 (Please also read the reminders to S4/5 teachers)
A. Course Bk.
1. Teachers should cover the chapters in the course bk., as agreed in the panel meeting at the beginning of the term. Follow the scheme of work closely.
2. For S4&5, teachers should not ignore the comprehension passages in their textbooks but instead should highlight the paragraphing and style of the passage. Students could be asked to solicit the topic sentences from each paragraph or vice versa, to summarize each paragraph, to boost their writing and organizing skills. Please refer to the suggested notesheet and make it compulsory for students to keep their notes.
3. For S6&7, teachers should encourage students to collect articles of the same theme for
reading purpose. Students should be exposed to as many registers as possible.
B Composition
1. S4&5: Process writing is a strategy to be adopted. 8 for S5 and 10 for S4 are expected during the year. This minimal number should not include the number of extended writing done after Listening . 4M and 5M classes should do at least double the amount of work. For S6&7, at least 8-12 full-length essays are expected in the whole year.
2. Other than full length composition, teachers should give frequent short writing tasks to students, e.g. in the form of news comment, diary or picture description or caption of some cartoon stripes, and in particular, letters of various purposes. etc.
3. All the compositions should be thoroughly marked on both language and content and style or format etc.; other short writing may be graded according to the length or content of the work instead of intensive marking.
4. Students should keep a writing file, to keep all long and short writing exercises. S6&7
students could also keep a clippings file where they can keep interesting articles..
5. Teachers should read students' corrections for each marked composition. Different degrees of process writing are encouraged .Peer-revising and peer-proof-reading exercises can be given to students.
6. All compo. should be marked according to the following marking symbols and marking
7. Self- access learning materials( could be online exs. Or ex. In MMLC) have to be given for S4 & 5 students and a minimal number of coverage have to be set and counted into part of their continuous assessment. S4 teachers are to assign particular types and amount of materials for students to do during the supervised lesson. S5 teachers are to keep track of what students have done in CALL lesson.