Improvement and Learning CommitteeMeeting Minutes

Date:Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Time: 4:00 P.M.

Location:Mississippi Room Markee Pioneer Student Center

Officers: David Krugler (Chair), Christopher Frayer (Vice Chair/Secretary)


Present: Scott White, Elizabeth Frieders, Holly Attenborough, Christopher Frayer, Regina Nelson, Tyler Ostergaard, David Krugler, Mike Sharkey, Karen McLeer, Chanaka Mendis, Geoffrey Iverson, Daniel Wackwitz, Lisa Merkes-Kress

Absent: Venkatachalam Annamalai, Ali Soleimanbeigi, Robert Flum, Elizabeth Throop, Mohammad Habibi

Guests: Sharon Klavins, Les Hollingsworth

I / Opening of the Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
The minutes of Tuesday, December 06, 2016 approved as distributed.
II / Reports and Announcements / Presenter
Teaching and Technology Center (TTC) Update
  • The TTC will be organizing a series of four meetings on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
  • The Faculty Senate and Academic Staff Senate approved the captioning recommendations. TTC istrying to determine if they can provide the captioning at the same rate as an outside source.
  • April 26th is the UW-Platteville Pioneer Creative Activities and Research Day.
  • Klavins is reaching out to faculty and staff to identify how the TTC can provide better support.
/ Regina Nelson/
Chanaka Mendis/
Sharon Klavins
III / Unfinished Business / Presenter
Plagiarism Survey Results; AITC action
Chair Krugler forwarded the results of the survey to the Academic Information Technology Commission (AITC). After review of the survey, AITC voted unanimously to recommend Turnitin as an option in the new Learning Management Software. Now that the Requests for Proposals (RFP)are done, please note that vendors may call; please direct them to UW System Purchasing. / David Krugler
IV / New Business / Presenter
Textbook Center inventory study
Hollingsworth gave a synopsis of how this study began. He would like feedback regarding if this looks like a valid/viable measure. Hollingsworth has shared this with EMS advisory committee, EMS dean, and LAE dean. Extensive discussion ensued. Hollingsworth would like members to take this information back to their departments for discussion. / David Krugler/
Les Hollingsworth
Active Learning Classroom
The campus is considering creating a 36 seat active learning classroom. These classrooms are designed to foster interactive, flexible, technology, student learning experiences using central teaching stations. The funding would come from one-time monies that will be available and would be located in the Karrmann Library. There has been discussion regarding increasing to a 48 seat classroom. The question brought forward was should the campus invest in the type of classroom space? Some points discussed were the following:
  • The 36 seat limit is not practical or functional because class sizes are larger than 36.
  • There are classrooms with no technology. Why are we funding this classroom vs. those classrooms?
  • If funded, this classroom should be in a central location.
More information will be forthcoming and discussed at a future meeting. / David Krugler
V / Other / Presenter
Faculty Teaching Excellence Award and the Underkofler Award applications will need to be reviewed in March and April. / David Krugler
VI / Close Meeting
The next meeting is Tuesday, February 21, 2017– Meeting will be in the Mississippi Room
The meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.
Submitted by Lisa Merkes-Kress (Recording Secretary) and Christopher Frayer (Secretary)

TheImprovement of Learning Committee meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 4:00 p.m. for location, please see the Improvement of Learning (ILC) website. The agenda is composed of items from many sources and come from many resources, if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer. The meetings are open to the public university staff are invited to attend.