Algebra 1
Teacher: Mr. GarrettRoom: 203 (or )
Phone: 983-2300 (school)Email: (school)
581-2966 (home) (home)
Course Description:
This course requires you to put forth your best effort on a daily basis. We will be working on building skills that you need for high school mathematics. Topics covered this year include: Linear Equations/Inequalities, Systems of Equations/Inequalities, Integers, Coordinate Graphs, Polynomials, Quadratics and other fun stuff!
Supplies. Students must have the following in class everyday:
- Algebra 1 Book: Big Ideas Algebra 1
- Pencils/Erasers (that means NO pen!)
- Paper/Binder/Notebook
Assignments – 10%
Daily assignments are a vital component of this course. Since homework is a time to practice and
think, it is essential for students to complete the requiredhomework. In order to receive full credit,
the assignment must be complete and all work must be shown. Math is a participation sport!
Late/Missing Work:Late work will receive half-credit (50%) and will be accepted
until the day of the test. If you are absent, it becomes your responsibility to find out
what you missed. If you choose not to do the work, you will earn a zero.
Quizzes – 30%
There will be regular quizzes given throughout each unit.
Tests – 60%
Tests will be given at the end of every unit. For every test, there will be a study guide.
Grading Scale:
93% - 100% A 83% - 86% B73% - 76% C60% - 66% D
90% - 92% A- 80% - 82% B-70% - 72% C- 0% - 59% Fail
87% - 89% B 77% - 79% C+67% - 69% D+
Additional Information:
This course counts as a high school math credit. It is designed to get students ready for Geometry and beyond, including the State EOC Exam/Smarter Balanced Assessment. Entry into Geometry requires students to earn a C or better in Algebra 1. I am available for extra help during the week, usually staying until 4:00, along with other math teachers from the department (Mrs. Wynn, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Norris, Ms. Redman, Ms. Rodgers, Mr. Morris).
In addition to the grades I input on the school system (Skyward), I will be emailing students’ grades every two weeks. I correct assignments/quizzes/tests on a daily basis, so grades are current. Feel free to email me anytime.
Methods of Instruction
This class will be taught using a variety of instructional strategies. You will be required to work individually and in cooperative groups. In addition to direct instruction, demonstration, differentiated instruction, and individual practice, you will engage in think-pair-share activities. Presentations, quizzes, tests, and assignments will be used to assess understanding and mastery of the concepts in Algebra 1.
Behavior Expectations
1. Prepared: Have your material/ assignments/questions about previous work readywhen class begins.
2. Prompt: Attend school daily and arrive to class on time.
3. Participate: Actively listen to explanations, discussions, and other’s questions.
4. Produce: Perform quality work and stay organized.
5. Polite: Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and your teacher at all times.
6. Positive Mental Attitude: If you have a positive outlook on life, positive things will happen.
7. Pride: Take pride in everything that you do. It is a reflection of you.
We have one purpose in this classroom: positive student achievement. In order to maintain our focus, we will create and preserve a positive environment that is conducive to student learning.
There will always be consequences – for both good and bad choices. When students make bad choices that require redirection, consequences can include these: a conference with the student, conference with the student and parent, after-school detention, or referral to administration.
Assignment Guidelines
First and last name, date, period, and assignment written at the top of paper.
Show ALL work neatly and in order. No work = No credit.
All assignments done in pencil. No work in ink will be accepted for credit.
If absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.
The math department has an earned re-test policy.
To earn this opportunity, students must:
1. Have completed ALL assignments for the chapter before the original test.
2. Make corrections on incorrect problems from their original test.
3. Obtain mastery on the skills assigned through the IXL program or textbook.
Signature Sheet
Please complete this page and return to me as soon as possible.
I ______understand the expectations and procedures listed and agree to abide by them.
(please print student’s name)
(student signature) (today’s date)
As the parent/guardian of the above student, I ______understand the expectations
(Please print parent/guardian name)
and procedures listed and agree to help my student abide by them.
(Parent/Guardian signature) (today’s date)
If your phone number and/or email is different from Skyward, please fill out below:
Phone Number: ______
Email: ______
I look forward to working together towards your student’s achievement. Feel free to call, email, or stop by the classroom if you have any questions or concerns. It’s going to be a great year!
Mr. Garrett