Friday or Saturday:

(April 25 or 26)

Pre-K :

Grades 1-2:

Grades 3-4:

Grades 5-6:


(April 27)

Monday or Tuesday:

(April 28 or 29)

Wed. or Thursday:

(April 30 or May 1)


April 25 – May 1

Parent reads Acts 1:7-12 (Jesus’ Ascension)

Parent asks child(ren):

What did Jesus do when hiswork on earth was all finished?

Pre-2nd grade: He floated back up to heaven.

Grades 3-4: He assured us through angels that he was coming back again.

Grades 5-6: He sent us to tell the whole world about him.


On Christ’s ascension I now build the hope of my ascension.

This hope alone has always stilled all doubt and apprehension;

For where the head is, there as well I know his members are to dwell

When Christ shall come and call them. Amen. (CW 173:1)

Parent assigns and teaches memory treasures:

Surely I am with you always.

Surely I am with you always to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

I believe…the communion of saints (3rd Article)

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

Books of the Old Testament: Genesis - Ruth

Jesus Christ the Righteous One, he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the world. (1 John 2:2)

Lead us…guard and keep us (6th Petition and meaning)

Parent brings child(ren) to Sunday School.

Sunday School teacher reviews lesson sheet on Doubting Thomas.

Sunday School teacher hears memory treasures.

Sunday School teacher presents Jesus’ Ascension.

Parent reviews the story of Jesus’ Ascension

with the lesson sheet on the back of this page.

Parent reads Acts 1:15-17,20-26 (Matthias Is Chosen)

How did Jesus blesshis disciples after returning to heaven?

Pre-2ndgrade: Jesus gave them Matthias to replace Judas.

Grades 3-4: Jesus led them to install Matthias as Judas’ replacement.

Grades 5-6: Jesus blessed their use of his Word and prayer when he

gave them a new witness, Matthias.


On Christ’s ascension I now build the hope of my ascension.

This hope alone has always stilled all doubt and apprehension;

For where the head is, there as well I know his members are to dwell

When Christ shall come and call them. Amen. (CW 173:1)


Sunday’s Devotion is the Primary Devotion and Friday’s Devotion is Secondary.