Minutes of the 25th Meeting of the

Parramatta Economic Development Board

held on 8 December 2004

at Shell Refinery, Camellia


Professor Kevin SproatsUniversity of Western Sydney

Frank WillsdonShell Refinery

Rob LennonNSW Premier’s Department

Judith McDonaldParramattaCity Chamber of Commerce

Stephen JenkinsMatthews Folbigg Solicitors

Clr Julia FinnLord Mayor, Parramatta City Council

Councillor Paul GarrardParramatta City Council

Illana HallidayGroup Manager Outcomes and Development, Parramatta City Council

Ann MartinParramatta City Council

Helen HughesParramatta City Council

Chris TweedieMedia Officer, Parramatta City Council

Marcelo OcchiuzziParramatta City Council

Alex HreljaSGC Economics

Tania FogartyParramatta City Council

Chair: Councillor Julia Finn – Lord Mayor


The Chairperson, Councillor Julia Finn, welcomed everyone to the meeting. A special welcome was made to Stephen Jenkins the new Board Member.


Michael Cuda, Paul Ogilvy, Clr Lorraine Wearne, John Neish,

3.Minutes of previous meeting – 11 August 2004

Minutes of the 24th Meeting of the Board, held on 13 October 2004, were confirmed as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

4.Matters arising from the Minutes:

Discussion about Parramatta Tourism, currently working on developing new tourism product and new programs, with a presentation to industry planned early in the new year. Council to offer assistance to Ken Bailey who is doing the work on behalf of the Chamber to help facilitate participation in the project by Sydney Ferries, Tourism Sydney and other major stakeholders.

  1. Presentation by Frank Willsdon – Future of Shell in Parramatta

Frank did a presentation on the Future of Shell in Parramatta.

  1. SGS – Consultant’s REP Economic Report – Update by Alex Hrelja
  • The consultant, Alex Hrelja from SGS Economics ran the Board through the report to review the economic basis of the REP and other issues that may hinder or promote economic progress in the city.

Some points raised included:

  • Need to ensure targets for employment are viable
  • Issue of finding large sites, and general availability of sites for major commercial development
  • issue of competition for office retail throughout Sydney including business parks in Baulkham Hills, Blacktown, Penrith and Rhodes.
  • Competition in the retail sector
  • Ongoing issues around urban amenity
  • Ongoing issues around transport, infrastructure & car parking

The report covered other areas that included potential commercial development targets in the city, the need to quarantine sites & mixed use sites while aiming to maximise development sites in the CBD. There are eleven recommendations in the report which will go to Council early next year.

7.Economic Well Being Strategy

  • The Draft Economic Well Being Strategy was presented to the Board for their consideration and input
  • The document is only in draft format and comments were, and continue to be invited.
  • An extensive range of consultation will need to take place early in the new year. Consultation to include telephone consultation, brand partners, businesses that were invited to the original workshop and also comments to be sought from the new Resident’s Panel
  • It was noted that the document was a good document – reads well, though too many strategies in the document. Need to look at approximately 5 strategies only under each theme.
  • The Strategy has pulled together everything the Board has talked about in the last 6 years
  • The Board will need to look at the Social and Environmental Strategies also to be able to look at the whole picture. The Social and Environmental Well Being Strategies will be distributed to the Board
  • Good style – destination, strategy – the strategy covers the whole LGA
  • The Board are invited to give further feedback to and make comments.

8.Master Plan North Church Street, North Parramatta Precinct

Discussion with the Board about the potential for this precinct, with a report to Council on Monday 13 December. There is a real potential for the area which is the gateway to Parramatta. 3D Modelling has been undertaken for the area to look at different scenarios aimed at to increasing development potential. If Council adopts the report – then approval will be sought from the Department of Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources to change the planning controls in the area

7. Other Business

  • Interviews to be held Monday 13 December for the new Business Relationship Manager to replace Daryl Buckingham
  • The new Parramatta Justice Precinct Newsletter was made available to the Board for information

9.Next Meeting

Next years Board Meeting dates to be set with the first meeting to be held possibly the 23rd February at Council.

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