All contractors shall provide a list of at least three references of work of similar nature to that being bid so that Franklin Township can judge experience, skill and business standing.
All contractors shall have a State of Ohio Certificate of Qualification from the Department of Transportation accompany each bid.
A competitive bidding affidavit must be submitted with the bond (copy enclosed).
Bidder will be required to verify that all employees used in the work will be paid the minimum wage rates established for each classification by the Ohio Department of Labor and comply with Chapter 4115 of the Ohio Revised Code as it applies to prevailing wage rates.
A bid bond, certified check or official bank check in the amount of 10% of the bid shall accompany each proposal as a guarantee to contract, which shall be returned promptly to the unsuccessful bidders upon acceptance of a bid by Franklin Township.
Franklin Township reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informality in the bids.
Awards will be made to the lowest and/or best responsible bidder.
In case of default by the bidder or contractor, Franklin Township may procure the article from other sources and hold the bidder or contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby, or may cause any performance bond posted to be forfeited.
The bidder shall list on a separate sheet of paper any variations from or exceptions to the conditions and specifications of this bid. This sheet shall be labeled “Exceptions to Bid Conditions and Specifications” and shall be attached to the bid.
Bituminous distributor and aggregate spreaders shall have computerized rate control that automatically adjusts the spread rate to the ground speed.
All materials shall comply with all applicable sections of the current issue of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation construction and Materials Specifications.
Delivery shall be made when ordered by Franklin Township.
Heatable storage of 10,000 gallons must be maintained in close proximity of Franklin Township during the road work to insure proper temperature and speed of work.
Specifications for 140 lb. bituminous road mix leveling course
The work shall consist of the careful cleaning of the existing road surface and the construction thereon of a course of aggregate and bituminous material, mixed and placed by means of a self-contained, power-propelled, continuous type mixing unit, with a full floating vibratory screed having a minimum depth strike off device of an approved design. Machines without vibratory screed and power extensions WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. Compaction equipment shall meet the requirements of Section 401.11 of the Ohio Department of Transportation “Construction and Material Specifications” latest issue.
Insurance provision
It is agreed that the bidder will save and hold harmless Franklin Township, its employees, agents and officials against any liability in connection with the work or service performed by the bidder for Franklin Township.
The bidder agrees to furnish Franklin Township with a certificate of insurance showing proof that the bidder has liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 bodily injury liability and $500,000 property damage liability, and that the bidder also has contractual liability coverage.
To furnish and deliver all materials as specified and to do and perform all work necessary to furnish said materials as ordered.
The undersigned bidder understands that the quantities of material as shown herein are approximate only and are subject to increase or decrease, and agrees to furnish the material whether the quantities are increased or decreased at the unit prices stated in the bid.
Name of bidder
Acceptance of bid by Franklin Township
The trustees will sign to accept this bid, converting it to a contract and forward a copy to the bidder.
Witnessed by
the Fiscal Officer
2012 Road Material BidsBlue limestone only
Option #1 / Chip & Seal
Material / Price/lb. or gal. / Amount of Material
per sq/ft
#8 Limestone
Option #2 / Motor Paver
Material / Price/lb. or gal. / Amount of Material
#67 limestone
#9 Limestone Seal aggregate
#411 Limestone Berm
Franklin Twp with specs