China Summer Immersion Course 8th-26th July 2017.
The Summer Immersion course is a culture and language course organised jointly by the Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools and Hanban. Pupils from across Scotland enjoy a 2 week trip to Beijing, Tianjin and Shandong province. The course includes Mandarin and cultural lessons at the Tianjin International Chinese College, sightseeing in both Beijing and Tianjin and a visit to the home town of Confucius in Shandong province. All participants are asked to pay £600 towards the cost of this trip. On successful completion of the course pupils will receive SQA accreditation and the YCT (Youth Chinese Test) certificate. Pupils must complete 10 hours of Mandarin study in Scotland before going to China, for pupils with no prior knowledge of Chinese this will be provided during May. To read about previous trips, please refer to Winter 2015 Newsletter
Selection Process
Pupils who are interested in attending the trip and who meet the selection criteria should complete and return the short application form which follows. Completed forms should be sent by e-mail to by 9am on Monday 13th February. Please include “Summer Immersion Course” in the title of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be acknowledged, if you do not receive an acknowledgement, please phone the school on 01577 867100 to ensure that your application has been received.
Places on the trip are limited and applicants will be considered on the basis of this application form, and a short interview.
Selection Criteria
- The pupils must have an interest in studying Chinese or already be studying Chinese and be able to continue their language learning on their return.
- The pupils should understand that the purpose of this visit is to learn about Chinese language and culture and much of their time will be spent in class.
- The pupils must be willing to be flexible and understand that many customs and experiences will be different from the UK, including the food.
- Pupils will need to be open to experiencing other people’s cultures as they will be taking part in a short home visit to a carefully selected family unaccompanied by their teacher.
- Pupils should be able to cope with a physically demanding programme.
- Pupils should currently be in S4 or S5 and no younger than 15 at the time of the trip.
- Pupils should be in possession of a passport which is valid for 6 months after the date of travel and has 2 free passport pages
China Summer Immersion Course 8th-26th July*
Please note that dates may vary slightly due to the availability of flights.
Personal Details
Date of Birth
Current school
e-mail address
Subjects and level studied (2016/17)
Parent / Carer Details
e-mail address
Personal Statement
Please indicate the skills and qualities that you have that support your application for the summer immersion course (No more than 400 words)
Please give the contact details of a school referee who will confirm your suitability for this immersion course.
I confirm that the information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete and that I am prepared to study 10 hours of mandarin in preparation for the course.
Applicants Signature: / Date:
I confirm that I support my daughter/son’s application for this Immersion course and understand that the financial commitment required may include some additional costs for local transport.
Parent/Carer’s Signature: / Date:
Return completed form to by 9am on Monday 13th February.
Please note that if support is required for a pupil to participate in this opportunity, please contact your guidance teacher to discuss.