Career Research Project
A journey in self-discovery to set your pathway for your future
The 16 Career Clusters
- - Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- - Architecture & Construction
- - Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
- - Business, Management & Administration
- - Education & Training
- - Finance
- - Government & Public Administration
- - Health Science
- - Hospitality & Tourism
- - Human Services
- - Information Technology
- - Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- - Manufacturing
- - Marketing, Sales & Service
- - Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
- - Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
What do you want to do with your life? In order to make good choices for yourself while in high school, you need to consider your desires for your future. Successful people match their personal abilities, values, and interests with the attributes of their chosen career. They have a personal mission for their life that they follow.
Research a career in each of the career cluster that is of interest to you. Based on your findings, you will write a 2 paper using MLA documentation and create a power point. Due dates will be given at the start of each cluster.
Step 1: Discover who you are. Find out your personality type by taking an on-line assessment. . Take the Personality Type Quiz and printed off. Take quiz on page 5 of your careers workbook to identify your areas of interest.
Step 2: Next read about what the letters meanto help you verify your personality. Find someone in class with the same personality. Write a paragraph describing your personality by using what your letters mean. These results will be used to make small groups to discuss your results. Share your findings with someone who knows you well. Discuss how you interact with friends, parents, teachers, and other students. What are your strengths andlimitations?
Research Paper and Powerpoint:
Step 1: Create an outlineand profile of each career that you choose in each cluster for your paper in class. You will use this organizer to collect information for your research. You will locate and interview a person in this field. Create a list of interview questions to use to research your career and submit a copy of your interview questions to your teacher.
Step 2: As you find your sources use MLA style to create your bibliography. At least one book, one magazine, one or more internet sources, and one interview must be included in your bibliography.
Step 3: Write a 2 to 3 page research paper. State your thesis; organize your notes to follow your outline; write your first draft; revise your draft; write your final copy in MS Word.
Step 4: Create a powerpoint on your chosen career. Add graphics and hyperlinks. Be creative.
Powerpoint must include:
- Introduction, Skills, Education, Working Conditions, Job Outlook, Interview, SalaryConclusion, Bibliography
Personality Test:
What do these letters mean?