Wednesday, February24, 2016

6 PM – 8:15 PM

What is the Free Small Business Legal Clinic?

At the clinic, attendees are able to meet one-on-one for up to 45 minutes with an attorney fromManatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLPto discuss specific questions and legal issues relating to the creation and running of a small business, including the following topics: (i) choice of entity, (ii) contracts/lease, (iii) intellectual property, and (iv) employment.

ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. To register, the attached form must be returned to PACE no later than Wednesday, February 17. Please email to or fax to 213-353-4665 (Attn: Swann).

Each registrant must schedule a specific appointment time in advance: 6:00-6:45 PM, 6:45–7:30PM, or 7:30–8:15PM. We cannot accommodate walk-ins and there will be a limit to the number of registrants. If you have returned this registration form to PACE and have not received a call by Friday, February 19to schedule your specific appointment time, please call 213-989-3275.

All relevant documents you wish to have reviewed by an attorney must be submitted at the time you submit your registration form.

Location: PACE BDC, 1055 Wilshire Blvd., #900b, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Parking: Street parking only. No validation available.


Please complete this registration form to the best of your ability and sign the Release and Waiver Form in Part IV. We cannot process your registration unless you provide ALL of the information requested. Completing this registration form does not automatically guarantee participation. PACE retains complete discretion as to which registration forms it accepts.

Rank your preferred appointment time 1 to 3 in order of preference (we cannot guarantee you will be scheduled for your top choice):

6:00-6:45pm: 6:45-7:30pm: 7:30-8:15pm:

Part I: Contact Information

Primary Contact Person:
Home Phone:
/ Cell Phone:
/ E-mail:

Part II: Business Information

Business Name (or desired name if not yet started):
Business Form (select one): Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation LLC Unknown/TBD
Source of financing/capital for the business:
Employees / Independent Contractors.
Number of Employees: / Number of Independent Contractors:
Describe your business (e.g., what is your product or service?):

Part III: Issues / Questions To Be Discussed At Clinic

Rank the following topics 1 to 4 in order of interest:

Choice of Entity: Contracts:

Employment: Intellectual Property (Patents/Copyrights/Trademarks):

In the space below, please describe (with as much detail as possible) your legal issue(s) / question(s) for the volunteer attorneys (you may ask additional questions at the clinic). We cannot accept your application if this section is not completed.

Part IV: Release and Waiver Form



Each person attending a preliminary consultation meeting must fill out and sign a Release and Waiver Form prior to the beginning of the consultation.


Legal Name of Business (if applicable):

Phone Number:


I have been informed, and I understand and agree, that today’s preliminary consultation meeting with the lawyer whose signature is below (the “Lawyer”) is limited in purpose to the provision of general information to me (the “Consultation”) and is under the auspices of a program sponsored by Public Counsel (the “Program”). In addition, I have been informed, and I understand and agree, that the Lawyer is employed at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP (the “Firm”) and the Lawyer is providing volunteer pro bono services solely for the limited purposes and on the limited basis described in this Release and Waiver form, and the Lawyer is participating in the Consultation under the auspices of the Program.

I understand and agree that (i) the advice provided to me by the Lawyer during the Consultation is free of charge and constitutes short-term limited services, (ii) unless the Lawyer, the Firm and I agree, and sign an engagement letter in accordance with the Firm’s usual procedures, neither the Lawyer nor the Firm will provide me with any ongoing advice beyond the Consultation and neither the Lawyer nor the Firm do now or will in the future represent me as my legal counsel in any matter discussed during the Consultation, and (iii) any actions undertaken by me on the basis of the Consultation are at my own sole risk and are not the responsibility of the Lawyer or the Firm. Further, I understand and agree that, except as otherwise provided in clause ii above, participation by the Lawyer in the Program, including the Consultation, will not create an attorney-client relationship between me and the Lawyer or between me and the Firm.

I give permission to the Lawyer to share (as the Lawyer deems necessary) any information provided by me to the Lawyer during the Consultation with any persons employed by, or otherwise affiliated with, the Program.

I have carefully read, and understand and agree to, the content of this Release and Waiver. I acknowledge that, prior to my signing this Release and Waiver, I have had the opportunity to ask the Lawyer any questions that I have about this document and its terms.

Please Sign Here: ______Lawyer Signature: ______

Print Full Name: ______Print Name: ______

Free Small Business Legal Clinic | Registration Form | Page 1