“Like little seeds always aiming higher,
Give, Grow and Aspire”
September 2015
This handbook is intended to give information about the organisation and running of the school to all members of staff.
Please Note:
Goldington Green Academy has a non-smoking policy throughout the premises and grounds.
Goldington Green Academy
Staff Handbook
Description / Page numberSection 1
Section 2
Length of sessions, registration, playtimes / lunchtimes, assemblies and worship, timetables, PPA, records, staff meetings, Staff communications/information, Parents / Consultations, Volunteers, Resources / 10
Section 3
Rewards and sanctions, school environment / 27
Section 4
Goldington Green Academy
Staff Handbook
We have a code of professional behaviours, attitudes & values which we expect every member of staff to adhere to.
At Goldington Green Academy we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children.
A warm welcome from the Headteacher
Goldington Green Academy is an exciting, friendly and engaging place to learn and work.
This handbook is designed as a guide to ensure we are all working together as a team and to give the children the best possible learning opportunities.
The school enjoys a respectful, co-operative and mutually supportive staff team where the children are the centre of everything we do.
Goldington Green Academy is a learning community for pupils, staff, governors and the community.
Everyone has a responsibility to be positive about the school and promote the school’s aims.
If you have a question or need help in any way, just ask.
I operate an “open door” policy and I really encourage you to take advantage of this whenever issues arise or just to come in to say hello.
We are all here to help each other.
Our mission is to “Give, Grow and Aspire”.
We hope that you share our passion and find the journey enjoyable and inspiring.
This handbookisavailableto all staffandreadingitishighlyrecommended.Staff should alsorefertoother schoolpolicies whicharepublished ontheGoldington Green Academywebsite.ThishandbookincorporatesTheSaferCodeofProfessionalConduct.
Ifanyofthisinformationisunclear,orif wehavemissed outanythingthatyoufeelyouneedtoknow,pleasedonothesitatetoaskanysenior leaderorcurrentmemberofstaff;we areall heretohelpeachother.Pleasedonotfeelanyquestionistootrivial.Whatyou tell oraskus will enableus to improve this handbookforfuturecolleagues.Yourperspectiveasanewmemberofstaff member isvitalinthisprocess.
Thishandbookisorganisedintofour sections
Section1– Ethos,Culture and CoreValues
Section2–The Day to Day Organisation
Section3– Staff & Pupil Safer Code of Conduct
Section4– Health Matters & Emergency Procedures
TheEthos, Culture and Core ValuesoftheGoldington Green Academy
- Toprovideaneducationwhichplacesimportanceonthedevelopmentofthewholechild,academically,intellectually,physically,emotionallyandsocially.
- Toprovideanenvironmentwhereeachchildisencouragedtodeveloptothefullextentoftheirability.Whereeachpersonisvaluedandismadeawarethattheyhavethepotentialtomakeapositivecontributiontotheschool. Tohelpthechildbuildagoodself-image.
- Toprovideabroad-based,stimulatingandconnectedcurriculum,includingdeliveryoftheNationalCurriculum.
- Todevelopbasicskillsofcommunication,language,literacyandnumeracy.
- Todeveloptheabilitytoobserve,question,hypothesiseandproblem solve.
- Todevelopskillsoforacycommunicationandconfidence.
- Toencouragethepartnershipbetweenhomeandschool.Toencourageparentstotakeanactivepartintheirchild'seducation.
- Toprovideequalopportunitiesinworkandplay,andtreatallindividualsfairly.
- Tovalueandcelebratethediversityofoursocietyandtopromoterespectandtolerance.
- Toforgelearninglinkswithourlocalnurseries and pre-schoolsandourcluster middle and upper schools.
- Topromoteanddevelopaesthetic,culturalandcreativeunderstanding.
- Todevelopconceptsofbeautyinthenaturalandman-madeworld.
- Tointroducechildrenintotheworldofartists,writersandmusicians.
- Todevelopasenseofheritageandappreciationforthelocality,communityandworld.
- Todevelopasenseofspiritualawareness.
- Tousetechnologywhereappropriatetoenhancethechildren’slearning.
- To develop links with the community and promote community cohesion, to invite people from the community into the school and to make visits to the community from the school.
“Teaching is an importantand responsibleprofession,whosemembers can haveaprofoundandlastinginfluence onthe development andlife chances ofthechildrenandyoung people withwhomtheywork.The economic andsocialwellbeingof thecountry,andthe successof everyotheroccupation,reliesinnosmallpart ontheknowledge,skill,judgement,energyand commitmentof teachers.”
Compassion,Kindness, Collegiality andCooperation
“Ours is avery friendly,welcomingandcaringschool. We believethat peopleachievemorewhentheyfeelhappy,secureandvalued.Ourphilosophyistoeducatethewholeperson;we wantthe children to enjoytheir learningand wehavehighexpectationsfortheiracademic,creativeandsocialprogress.Teamspirit isverymuchpartoftheethoshere andthere ishighexpectationsof allstaff,pupils andparentstoworkcooperatively,tomakeapositivecontributiontothelifeof theschoolandtogivetheirbest.
Thereis afocusedcommitment on “Teachingand Learning”,which includes, staff,familiesandthe communityandwe areproudofwhat wedo.There is anemphasison mutualsupportthroughwhichwedevelopoursharedprofessionalism.Wearereflectiveand adaptivein ourpractise.Thisisasafeplaceto makemistakes– makingmistakesisagoodwayto learn! We arehappytotryoutnewideas,becausewewanttoensurethatevery child succeeds.”
Thecorevaluesof theteaching profession
Giventheimportanceofteachingtochildrenandyoungpeople,parents,employersandtowider society, itisvitalthattheprofessioncontinuestodevelopexcellentteachingpracticeandteachersadheretohighstandardsofprofessionalconduct.
Thestaff are accountable tothe children andcommunityitserves andhave aresponsibilitytocarry-out theirprofessionaldutiesmindfulofthehighregardandimportant positiontheyholdinourcommunityandsociety.ThestaffofGoldington Green Academywillfoster aculture ofthehighestprofessionalstandards.Thishandbookandthe Safer CodeofConduct setoutthestandardsexpectedandthedutyupon stafftoabidebythe principlesofprofessionalpracticeincludingconfidentiality,courtesy,collegiality,respectandintegrity.
Allstaff,governorsand volunteersasappropriatetothe role and/or jobdescriptionoftheindividual, must:
- placethewell-beingandlearningof pupilsatthecentreoftheirprofessionalpractice.
- have highexpectationsfor allpupils,be committedtoaddressingunderachievement,andworktohelppupilsprogressregardlessoftheirbackgroundandpersonalcircumstances.
- treatpupilsfairlyandwithrespect,taketheirknowledge,views,opinionsandfeelingsseriously,andvaluediversityandindividuality.
- modelthecharacteristicstheyaretryingtoinspireinpupils,includingenthusiasmforlearning,aspiritofenquiry,honesty,tolerance,socialresponsibility,patience,andagenuineconcernforotherpeople.
- respondsensitivelytothe differencesinthehomebackgroundsandcircumstancesofpupils,recognisingthekeyrole thatparentsand carersplay in pupils’education.
- seektoworkinpartnershipwithparentsandcarers,respectingtheirviewsandpromotingunderstandingandco-operationtosupport theyoungperson’slearningandwell-beinginandoutof school.
- reflect on their own practice, develop their skills, knowledge and expertise, and adapt appropriately to learn with and from colleagues.
Propriety,Behaviour, Reputationand Appearance
Allstaffhavearesponsibilityto maintainpublicconfidenceintheirabilitytosafeguardthewelfare andbest interestsofpupils.Theyshouldadopthighstandardsofpersonalconduct in ordertomaintaintheconfidenceandrespectoftheirpeers,pupilsandthepublic in general.Anindividual'sbehaviour, either inoroutoftheworkplace,shouldnotcompromiseher/hispositionwithintheworksettingorbringtheschoolintodisrepute.
A person’s dress and appearance are matters of personal choice and self-expression. Staff should consider, however, the manner of dress and appearance appropriate to their professional role which may be different to that adopted in their personal life. Staff should ensure that they are dressed decently, safely and appropriately for the tasks they undertake. Those who dress or appear in a manner which could be considered as inappropriate could render themselves vulnerable to criticism or allegation. This means that adults should wear clothing which:-
- Promotes a positive and professional image.
- Is appropriate to their role.
- Is not likely to be viewed as offensive, revealing or sexually provocative.
- Does not distract, cause embarrassment or give rise to misunderstanding.
- Is absent of any political or otherwise contentious slogans.
- Is not considered to be discriminatory and is culturally sensitive.
No jeans are to be worn unless permission is sought from the Headteacher in advance.
Shorts are permitted, but must be smart and knee-length; hot pants are not allowed.
Inappropriately low cut vests and T-shirts, or halter neck tops, are not appropriate in this environment.
Body jewellery and/or body tattoos must be either discreet or covered.
Nails must be short and smooth to ensure that students and other colleagues do not get hurt if a need for physical support arises. This applies equally to personal hygiene support and behavioural support.
It is not permitted to eat, or chew gum, during lessons.
The Headteacher reserves the right to be the ultimate judge in any matters relating to the above and may request that a staff member leaves the premises to change their appearance before returning. Any such request will result in unpaid leave of absence being recorded for part of the day.
Personalpropertyof asexuallyexplicitnaturesuchasbooks,magazines,DVDsorsuchmaterialonanyelectronicmediamust notbe brought onto orstoredontheschoolpremises.
Socialnetworkingsitesandbloggingareextremelypopular.Staffmust not postmaterialwhichdamagesthereputationoftheschoolorwhichcausesconcernabouttheirsuitabilitytoworkwithchildrenandyoungpeople.Thosewhopostmaterialwhichcouldbeconsidered asinappropriatecould renderthemselvesvulnerabletocriticism or allegationsofmisconduct.Requests by staff that do not wish to have photographs of them publically circulated must be adhered to.
Weexpectstafftohaveanawarenessandhighregardfortheconfidential,sensitiveandimportantnatureoftheirroleandwillbemindfulofthisatalltimesincludingformalandinformaldiscussionswithparents,othermembersofstaff,childrenandthewiderschoolcommunity.Particularattentionshouldbepaidinpublicareasoftheschoolsuchascorridors,theplaygroundandthestaff room.
A“needstoknow”approachshouldbeadoptedtosafeguardthisprincipleandtoensurenochildorgroupofchildrenisunfairlystereotypedorunnecessarilyspotlighted.Wherepossiblenonamesshouldbeexplicitlymentionedwhetherforpositive,negativeorinformationpurposesinpublicareas,unlessitisonaneedstoknowbasisfor allpresent tohear.
Staffshouldavoidbeing‘drawn’intodiscussionswhichrelatetoschoolmattersormattersregardinganindividualchild,groupofchildrenortheirfamilies.IfthereareanyconcernsinthismatterpleasereferthemtotheHeadteacherorgovernors.Detailsrelatingtochildrenareconfidentialandshouldonlybesharedwithstaff,aspartoftheirprofessionalroleorwiththeparents/guardiansofthechild inquestion.
Confidentialrecordsincludingthoseinhard copy, onalaptop, ipador on amemory stickshould bekeptinasafeplace at alltimesand shouldnotbe left inopenplacesinschool at homeor left incars. Any confidential data can only be on an encrypted device.
Staff Absence/ Lateness/ Leave of Absence
Your presence at work is fundamental to the delivery of education and care to the students at our school. It is, therefore, essential that you attend work every day, in line with your contractual agreement.
Staffshouldbeinschoolingoodtimetobegintheirschoolday. Ifyourealiseyouaregoingtobelate,e.g.becauseofbadtrafficorcarproblems,pleasetrytophoneinsothatwecanmake thenecessaryarrangements.
If you are absent due to sickness or other unforeseen circumstances, you must report your absence to the school as soon as possible and by 7:30 am at the latest. Messages should be left on the answering machine, clearly specifying the reason for your absence, with an indication of your expected return to work. If your absence is more than one day, you will be asked to telephone on every subsequent day of absence to report your readiness for return to work.
You must remain contactable during your absence so that the School Business/Absence Manager or your immediate Line Manager can contact you.
Please note; it is not acceptable to ask a third party to phone on your behalf, except in exceptional circumstances.
If you are an absent teacher, there is an expectation that work will be set for your classes and that you will communicate directly with your Key Stage Leader to pass on all instructions regarding the lessons. On your return to work, all staff must complete a self-certification form of absence and a return to work meeting will be arranged with the School Business/Absence Manager. This must take place on the first day of your return.
For staff working directly with children
Any holidays, medical appointments, attendance at your child/dependant’s school, personal celebrations, including weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or any other occasions, must be planned for outside of your working hours.
Term time absence will not be routinely authorised.
There are, however, circumstances outside of your control which may need to be attended to during term time. In such circumstances, the Headteacher will consider your request for special leave. Any such leave would be unpaid. If unauthorised, you will be required to report for work on the day(s) in question. In the unlikely event that you choose to ignore this instruction, a disciplinary hearing will be held to determine your commitment to the school and your future role within it.
For Senior Leadership Team
Presence of the Senior Leadership at school is essential for its smooth operation.
It is, however, recognised that the Senior Leadership Team members are expected to work flexible hours throughout the calendar year to ensure smooth running of the school. It is routinely expected that they will work beyond the 195 days a year and the 1265 hours of directed time, frequently attending breakfast and evening meetings and providing out-of-hours on-call response and working during the holiday periods. In recognition of that, it is appropriate for a degree of flexibility to be allowed for the SLT to attend to matters associated with the above-mentioned special leave during term time.
Any request for special leave will be considered by the Headteacher, who will decide whether the leave should be treated as time-in-lieu of worked hours, flexible working with an expectation of working the time back, or unpaid.
School Business Support Team
For staff employed to work 52 weeks a year, the above mentioned rules apply, with an exception of special leave, which could, in some situations, be paid and deducted from the total allowance of annual leave. As above, the Headteacher will consider individual circumstances and communicate her decision to you.
All staff are responsible for familiarising themselves with the Leave of Absence Policy. All absences during directed hours must be authorised by the Headteacher and/or the Chair of Governors. Forms are available from the school office and procedures must be followed accordingly.
Itisnotacceptableforanymemberoftheteachingorsupportstafftorequestleaveofabsenceduringtermtimeunlessitisunderexceptionalcircumstances.AllteachingandsupportstaffareexpectedattheINSETdaysandifthisisnotpossibletheHeadteachershouldbenotified in advance.
TheschoolacknowledgesthatstaffmayhaveholidaysbookedinadvanceduetofamilycommitmentsandavailabilitybuttheHeadteacher or Chair of governorswill need toauthoriseleaveofabsence before it is taken.
Day to Day Organisation
The School Day
8.45 am. / Doors open.Pupils may come into school at any time between 8.45am and 8.55am.
8.55 am / The school day starts.
10.25 am to 10.40 am / Mid-Morning Break KS1
10.40 am to 10.55 am / Mid-Morning Break KS2
11.45-12.45 / EY’s Lunch break
12.15 pm to 1.15 pm / Lunch break KS1 and KS2
KS1 and KS2 staff are expected to continue their duties until 12.15pm and may not, except in exceptional circumstances, leave the school premises before this time.
12.45 / EY’s afternoon session begins1.15 pm. / Afternoon session begins
3.20 pm / End of the school day.
EY’s Hours
Full Time / 8.55am to 3.20pmMorning Session only / 8.55am to 11.25am
Morning session and lunch / 8.55 to 12.45
Afternoon Session only / 12.50pm to 3.20pm
Lunch and afternoon session / 11.30 to 3.20
Morning Session
8.30 am - Staff Briefing in the Staffroom (Monday to Thursday). Friday team meetings.
8.45 am - All staff to collect their children from the playgrounds, KS1 andReception from Classroom doors.
The KS 2 cloakroom areas are monitored between 8.45 am and 9.00 am.
8.55 am-The children should be in their classroom ready to start the day’s activities.
Assembly and Worship
Assemblies are held every day. All staff are expected to attend as the assembly rota states unless permission given by a senior member of staff. Everyone is expected to come into an assembly quietly, to sit down and listen to the assembly music. At the end of the assembly they must leave quietly. At all times the children should be escorted into and out of the assembly by their teacher. Assembly times should be regarded as a time for quiet reflection and staff must support this ethos and act as role models.
Those children who, for religious reasons, are excused attendance at assembly must read quietly in the area just outside the hall, with adult supervision.
Day of the week / Location & time / Type / Assembly LeaderMonday / Whole School at 9.00am / Celebration / Headteacher
Tuesday / KS1 at 9.00am / Music and Singing / Assistant Head
KS2 in classes / Assistant Head
Wednesday / KS1 2:45pm, KS2 1.30pm / RE / Visitors / Assistant Head
Thursday / KS1 2:45pm, KS2 1.30pm / Values / Year Group - Rotas
Friday / Whole School at 9.00am / Class assembly/ PSHE / Deputy Head / Assistant Head
See rota of staff in the staffroom.
Staff MorningBriefings / Monday to Thursday 8.30am–8.45am / Diaryissuesandstaffbriefings.Allstafftoattend.Standingagendaitems: PupilIssues,ShareanIdeaand the weekahead.
Email copy of the weekly bulletin is sent to all staff.
CurriculumMeetings / Wednesday3.40–4.40pm / Staffcurriculumandtraining.Allteacherstoattend.
SLTMeeting / EveryMonday at 10.00am. / Core SLTmemberstoattend,
This meeting is heldintheHT office.
Phasemeeting / Half termly key stage meetings / Curriculum and strategies, moderation
Year Group / Fridays at 8:30 to 8:45 / . Year group curriculum and issues for pupil support
EarlyYearsmeeting / ThursdaysEveryWeek3.30-4.30pm / AllEarlyYearsStafftoattend
InclusionMeeting / Half termly / Head,DeputySENCo
TeachingAssistantssupportstaff / AlternateTuesdaysorThursdays2.15pm-2.45pm / SpecificallyforTAsbutopentoall staff.
TobechairedbyInclusion Manager
SchoolCouncil / Weekly meeting
ECOschools / Mrs Violatoarrangeweekly as part of Eco Club
Meeting / TermlywiththeHeadteacher
Premises/HT/School Business Manager / Weeklymeetings–Wednesday2.15pm
committeemeetings / Agreeddatesintheschooldiary.
The attendance register should be completed at the start of each morning and afternoon session and taken to the office. In the morning the registers should be taken to the office after the second bell has been rung at 8.55am. Each register has its own special clipboard. The register should be completed in pencil in the manual format and marking codes and letters should be adhered to. All marking codes are displayed in the register. Letters from parents should be placed in the clipboard.
Check that children who arrive late have reported to the office before coming into the classroom. If in doubt, please send children to the office to ensure they have been registered. Children who arrive after 9.20am are regarded as late for registration purposes.
Mid-Morning Break Duty
Teaching staff are expected to do at least one duty in the playground each week. Support staff have a rota to cover approximately twice per week. One member of support staff is nominated first aider and will be situated in the medical room.
Always ensure that you are punctual, in getting into the playground at the start of break and in blowing the whistle at the end of the break & collecting your class from the playground if you are not already on duty.
Children should never be allowed on to the playground without supervision. If the adult on duty has not arrived staff must remain with their class.
Blue Play buddies are on duty in the playgrounds at lunchtimes. Healthy snacks are allowed to be eaten at playtime and waste is placed in the bins.
Staffonplaygrounddutyshouldbein the agreed zones and aware of what pupils are doing. Staff will wear orange High Vis vests so staff are easily visible to pupils.
Phase LeadersneedtoalwaysbeawareofthetimeandifthepersonondutyhasnotwhistledpromptlythenPhase Leaderswillneedtogentlyremindthem.
The teacher on duty is responsible for checking the time and ensuring that the whistle blows punctually.
Playground Procedures at the end of break
In the summer when the children are on the field the bell is rung 2 minutes before the end of playtime to tell the children to come onto the playground.
At the first whistle the children stand still and listen to the adult on duty.
At the second whistle the children walk quietly to their line.
The class teachers must be waiting to receive the class and escort them quietly into the classroom.
Wet Break times
The teachers/support staff in parallel classes cover each other for a part of the break. Classes must not be left unattended.
Generally speaking, children fit enough to attend school should be expected to take part in outside activities including breaks. In exceptional cases, the child may sit near the office during break, office staff must be informed if this is the case.
If children are required to stay in the classroom to complete a task or for any other reason, the teacher must stay to supervise the work.
In the case of bad weather, the lunchtime supervisor will remain in the classroom with the children. Please ensure that a “Rainy Day Box” containing games, drawing materials and scrap paper etc. is available for use on such occasions. Please ensure that your supervisor knows where to find the box and is aware of your instructions regarding distribution and packing up at the end of the session.
At the end of the morning session the lunchtime supervisor will arrive at the classroom and wait for the children to be dismissed. In EY’s the EY’s staff will take the children to the hall at 11.45.