Zion Chapel High School
Business Education Department
Career Preparedness Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Sharon L. McConnell-Smith
29256 Highway 87
Jack, AL 36346
Preferred E-mail:
Internet, Email
1 credit
Career Preparedness A is taught first semester.
Career Preparedness B is taught the second semester.
Course Description
The Career Preparedness course focuses on three integrated areas of instruction-academic planning and career development, financial literacy, and technology. Course content ranges from college and career preparation to computer literacy skills to ways to manage personal finances and reduce personal risk. The area of technology is designed to be interwoven throughout course instruction. Mastery the content standards provides a strong foundation for student acquisition of the skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enables them to achieve success in school, at work, and across the life span.
Instructional Strategies
Class lectures, discussions via iCEV, CANVAS, eportfolios, Google drive, demonstrations, research, Prezi/PowerPoint presentations, assigned books, term papers, case studies, lessons, blogs, group work, and lab assignments will be instructional methods used in this course. Students will also participate to improve workplace, leadership and ethical behaviors. Human relations, good work habits, positive attitudes toward responsibilities, proper attitudes toward peers and authority figures, and the establishment of proper ethical values will be emphasized daily.
Required Text
Microsoft Word and Excel, Internet equiette
Classroom Rules
1. Respect Yourself
2. Respect Others
Classroom Expectations
Professional and appropriate workplace behaviors include: attitude, work ethic, responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity, time management, effort, and adherence to dress code.School-Classroom procedures and policies will be enforced at all times.
Class Requirements
Attendance, assignments, participation, lab work, quizzes and exams are required. Students must utilize all learning options to do well in this course. Reading, math, writing, and speaking skills are utilized throughout the class. These skills reinforce valuable academic skills and help promote lifelong learning. After this class, students will have the minimum qualities to consider in the future entering the workforce after high school or college.
Grading System / Grading ScaleAssessments 50%
Classwork/homework 15%
Projects/Term papers 20%
9 weeks Exam 15% / A = 100 – 90
B = 89 – 80
C= 79 – 70
D= 69 – 60
F= 59 – Below
Classroom Procedures
· Be in seat when tardy bell rings. If you are late, you will be counted as tardy. You will be written up on thirdtardy. If you have an excused tardy, you must have a written pass.
· Students should log in immediately. Students are expected to work quietly. If you have a question, raise your hand and wait for the teacher to come to you. No talking during announcements and during instruction.
· If a guest enters the room, students should continue working quietly. If a student has a question, he or she should wait until the guest has left the room. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
· Go to the restroom and get water between classes, at break, or at lunch. If a student misbehaves while out of the classroom, they will not be given a pass back out of the room and depending on the behavior, the student may be given a disciplinary referral.
· If we have a guest speaker, students will treat them as if they are the teacher. Disrespect will not be tolerated and will result in leaving the room and receiving a disciplinary referral.
· On field trips, school rules will apply. A signed permission slip from parents must be turned in before a student may leave school to go on a field trip. Any misbehavior on a field trip will result in a disciplinary referral and possibly the student will be excluded from future field trips. Remember you are representing our school.
· Students should not log out of their computer or stop working until prompted by the teacher.
· Substitute teachers are to be treated with respect. They should be treated as the teacher. Disrespect will not be tolerated and will result in appropriate consequences to be determined by the teacher. The substitute will determine if a student should receive a disciplinary referral immediately.
· Class will stop 5 to 10 minutes before changing classes.
· Clean up all trash from your workspace.
· I will dismiss students accordingly.(Do not get out of seat without permission)PLEASE DO NOT USE
Since every student is entitled to full participation in class without interruption, disruption of class by inconsiderate behavior is not acceptable. Students are expected to treat the instructor and other students with dignity and respect, especially in cases where diversity of opinion arises. Students who engage in disruptive behavior are subject to disciplinary action.
Discipline Procedures/Classroom Management Plan
1. Verbal Warning
2. Student + teacher conference
3. Break detention + parent phone call
4. Referral + parent conference
Note:Student will be given a disciplinary referral immediately for certain behaviors (fighting, disrespect).
Daily Agenda (See CANVAS)-Before, During, After Teaching Strategy
All weekly assignments should be submitted weekly. Students will until Sunday midnight to submit final weekly assignments.
I define substantive as follows:
· Providing a new thought, idea or perspective
· Citing an experience or example of what we are learning
· Adding a new twist on a perspective
· Critically thinking about an idea/concept
· Questioning or challenging a principle or perspective
I DO NOT consider these types of comments to be substantive
· Very basic comments such as ‘I agree’ or ‘I disagree’
· Simply restating what has already been said unless there is a direct purpose in doing so
· Disrespectfully disagreeing
· Answers that are not thought provoking
Formative Assessments Used by Teacher
Exit Slips
Oral presentations
Observational data
Separate assessments
Work products
Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
Zion Chapel is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Cheating will not be tolerated. If any student is caught cheating, they will receive a zero. Students may also be referred to the principal for cheating. Students should be responsible for their own work and take pride in ownership. Failure to give credit to sources for ideas, concepts and information as well as direct quotations is considered academic dishonesty. The usual penalty for this is a failing grade for any term papers, presentations or assignments in which the offense is committed.
· Looking on another classmates test.
· Showing a classmate test answers.
· Talking during a test.
· Copying classwork/homework.
· Plagiarism. Copying another’s work without giving them credit for the work.
Make-up Work
1. The student is responsible for any work missed during an absence. It is your responsibility to get all missed assignments. (See Google Classroom).
2. Anunexcusedabsence will result in a 0.
3. All weekly assignments are due by midnight on Sunday's. Students with anexcusedabsence have 3 days to make up any missing work and announced tests. The three day guideline may be extended with approval of the teacher in case of additional excused absences.
Exceptions will be made under certain circumstances such as an emergency and/or health related issues. If work is missed during an emergency or health related issue, it must be made up. Please check with the teacher to check for make-up work.
Homework is rarely given. With that said, when homework is given, it must be turned in the day it is due. Any homework that is given will be taken up for a grade. Late work will be accepted with a penalty of 10% deduction everyday the assignment is late.
Fire, Severe Emergency and Down Drills
1. During a fire drill, students will follow the teacher to the designated area outside the school building. Once outside the teacher will call roll. Students will remain outside with the teacher until released by administration or the teacher.
2. During severe weather drill students will follow the teacher’s directions on where to sit in the hallways. Students should enter the hallways quietly and remain quiet until released by administration of a teacher.
3. During a lock down drill, students will be instructed to find a seat away from windows and doors. Students should remain quiet during the drill and follow all of the teacher’s directions.
Remote Desktop
Teacher monitors ALL computers while you are working. All websites visited are been monitored and the teacher can shut the computer down at any time. DO NOT change the wallpaper on the computers. DO NOT visit any social media sites. DO NOT use business lab computers to complete other teacher assignments.
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) is a curricular component of the Business/Marketing program. This student organization enhances classroom instruction, develops leadership skills, and provides opportunities for professional growth and service.
· FBLA is an integral part of our instructional growth.
· Each student enrolled in a Business Education course (9ththrough 12thgrades) is invited and encouraged to join.
· Membership dues are $15.00/year.
Zion Chapel High School
Business Education Department
Classroom/Lab Safety Rules
1. Computers, printers, and other equipment MUST NOT be removed unless directed by the business instructor.
2. NEVER force a three-prong plug into a two-prong outlet.
3. Keep aisles and doorways clear.
4. Pull the plug, NOT THE CORD, to disconnect cords from electrical equipment.
5. Make sure hands and feet are dry when using electrical equipment.
6. Always WALK never run-through classrooms and labs.
7. Refrain from any practical jokes or horseplay in the classroom or lab.
8. DO NOT vandalize your computer or work area.
9. Follow your teacher’s instructions regarding how you should leave your computer when it is not in use.
10. Report any accident(s) to the instructor IMMEDIATELY.
11. Keep electrical cords free from obstacles.
12. Report damaged machines or equipment to the instructor.
13. Caution another student if you see a violation of safety practices.
14. DO NOT DISTURB another student while he or she is working.
15. If equipment or software does not work properly, please leave it as it is and notify the instructor IMMEDIATELY.
16. Whenever in doubt about a job or procedure, feel free to ask instructor.
17. Neatness of work area is the responsibility of each student. Follow teachers’ instructions for end-of-class activities.
18. Please do not leave papers in/on the printer. Place completed work in the designated tray.
19. Do not lean back in the chair or sit backwards in the chair. If your chair has casters for ease of movement, please do not roll around from workstation to workstation.
20. Do not sit on tables or lean on equipment.
21. DO NOT write on tables or computers.
22. Learn the controls before using any equipment or machines.
23. Keep hair, jewelry, clothing, etc. away from the operation mechanisms on equipment.
24. Know the location of the first-aid kit in the computer lab.
25. Know the procedures and the safest locations in the school for severe weather.
26. Know the approximate exits for fire drills and other emergency evacuations.
27. When leaving your chair, push the chair under the table in order to keep it out of the way of others.
28. Candy, gum, food, or drinks are NOT allowed in the computer lab.
29. Computers are for educational USE ONLY, don’t use inappropriate sites or social media.
30. Keep your work area neat (throw paper in the trash can as you leave class, close the textbook and place it on the shelf, and push your chair under the workstation before leaving the room). DO NOT write on anything that does not belong to you.
31. Remain seated until the bell rings at the of the class period. Do not log-out until instructed by the teacher.
32. Work only in programs the teacher has approved for your class period. No programs of files are to be saved, erased, altered, or loaded except for classroom work.
33. Use only your username and password and do your own work. Do not give your password to other students. If you do not do your own work, you will receive a grade of “0” on the assignment.
34. It is against school policy for students to bring disks (3 ½ floppy or CDs) into the computer lab.
35. All students using the Internet mush have a signed permission from on file in the office. The Internet is a privilege and misuse or using it without permission will result in disciplinary action.