resident Elect Harold “Hal” Graveswelcomed all to the lunch gathering and Mildred followed with My Country Tis of Thee.

Jim Robb delivered the invocation in asking the Lord’s blessings on us and our lunch.


PE Hal then asked Steve Woiler to introduce the guest speaker – Bill Sheldon, an old Navy (retired) guy and FM/JD Meals on Wheels (MOW) manager in his spare time.

Bill surveyed MOW describing it as a locally organized and antonymous nonprofit organization that belongs to a national voluntary association of MonWs. The local group began in 1974 as a consortium of 13 churches. Its territory covers DeWitt, Manlius, Lafayette and Tully. Its mission is to help people stay independent through temporary or permanent nutritional assistance delivered to their homes. Its annual budget is $200k of which some funds and oversight come from the County Office for the Aging, customer revenue based on their ability to pay, and subsidy by MonW to the tune of $25k annually.

They serve 100 +/- clients per day and can deliver lunch and/or dinner through 10 delivery volunteers. MOW is hosted by one of their member churches – Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Several years ago our Club participated in a capital campaign to build a MOW wing to the church to house the operations. Ave. cost of a meal is $6.50.

Volunteers are always welcomed especially drivers.


-Dick Robb recognized Samaritan Center volunteers who participated on SUNDAY while the Orangemen played b-ball. Thanks to Helen and Joe Kessler, Dick and Nancy Humpleby, Paul and Sandy Garrett, Hal and Jenna (daughter) Graves. 231 meals were served and the Orange won. Check our website for the next assignment. Thanks all!

Pancake Update:

-Sue Reisman reported that upwards of $6,500 has been sold in Pancake Day ads. Keep up the good work.

-Note: Pancake Day articles/pics from club program chairs and recipient organizations are due by April 16 – the same day that ads are due.

-Mark Strodel encouraged further ticket sales noting that over $1600 has been turned in to date.

-Helen Kessler asked for additional suggestions on volunteer groups who she can contact to help out on Pancake Day. To date, MPH, JD schools and Boy Scouts have been contacted.

-Lastly, Holly Wallace reminded members to sign-up for ticket sales at Shoppingtown on 4/24 and 5/1 between10:00AM and 2:00 PM.

Visitors and Guests:

Bill Sheldon, guest of Steve Woiler and guest speaker.

Upcoming Programs:

March 29 – AT DeWitt Fire Station – Betty Lamb of Women Transcending Boundaries to speak about volunteerism and 9/11.

April 5 – ATDunkin Donuts Preparatory Facility – Peat St.

April 12 – SU Athletic Director Daryl Gross

April 19 – Honorable Stephanie Miner, Syracuse Mayor

April 26 – Unusual Jobs of DeWitt Rotarians

May 3 – Pancake Day Rally

Program ideas? Send to Leo Eisner

Yours in Rotary, Dick