Patient Participation Reporting Template 2014-2015
Practices are required to submit the patient participation report detailed below.
Please submit an electronic version of this report to by17th April 2015
If you have any queries, please contact Harriet Gill –
Practice details:Giffords Primary Care Centre
Practice code:J83011
Stage one – validate that the patient group is representativeDemonstrates that the PRG is representative by providing information on the practice profile:
Does the Practice have a PPG YES/NOYES XNO O
Practice population profile / PRG profile / Difference
% 18 – 24 - 7.9% / % 18 – 24 - 15.8% / 7.9%
% 25 – 34 - 10.8% / % 25 – 34 - 28.1% / 17.3%
% 35 – 44 - 11.0% / % 35 – 44 - 17.9% / 6.9%
% 45 – 54 - 14.8% / % 45 – 54 - 18.1% / 3.3%
% 55 – 64 - 13.4% / % 55 – 64 - 10.7% / 2.7%
%65 – 74 -13.1% / %65 – 74 -6.7% / 6.4%
%75 – 84 -7.8% / %75 – 84 -1.6% / 6.2%
% Over 85 -3.2% / % Over 85 -0.5% / 2.7%
White / White
% British Group - 99.0% / % British Group -82.5% / 16.5%
% Irish -0.04% / % Irish -1.4% / 1.36%
Mixed / Mixed
% White & Black Caribbean -0.04% / % White & Black Caribbean -1.2% / 1.16%
% White & Black African -0.03% / % White & Black African -0.7% / 0.67%
% White & Asian -0.09% / % White & Asian -0.5% / 0.41%
Asian or Asian British / Asian or Asian British
% Indian -0.08% / % Indian -1.2% / 1.12%
% Pakistani -0.007% / % Pakistani -0.9% / 0.89%
% Bangladeshi -0.04% / % Bangladeshi -0.9% / 0.86%
Black or Black British / Black or Black British
% Caribbean -0.03% / % Caribbean -0.7% / 0.67%
% African -0.01% / % African -0.2% / 0.19%
Chinese or other ethnic Group / Chinese or other ethnic Group
% Chinese -0.13% / % Chinese - / 0
& Any Other -0.54% / & Any Other -8.4% / 7.86%
% Male -50.5% / % Male -44.9% / 5.6%
% Female -49.5% / % Female -55.1% / -5.6%
Differences between the practice population and members of the PRG
Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population: / PPG is fairly representative of our practice population.
Annual open mornings are held in which we look to recruit new members and PPG application forms are included in new patient registration packs.
Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG? Eg a large student population, significant number of Jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community
YES O NO X / If you have answered YES, please outline measures taken to include these specific groups and whether those measures were successful:
Is the group virtual or face-to-face? / Both
How many members are there on the PRG? / 430
Step 2 –Review Patient Feedback
Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year: / Feedback from complaints and issues raised with PPG members were used.
How Frequently were these reviewed with your PRG / PPG meet on a monthly basis and the group meet with the surgery quarterly.
Priority Area 1
Describe the priory area: / ACCESS
Why was this priority identified: / Because we had received feedback from patients that this needed to be improved
What actions were taken to address this priority / a)PPG felt that it would be a good idea to have a samples box in the waiting room so that patients could deposit samples into the box instead of queuing at reception desk. This would improve physical access from the patient’s reception.
b)Improve patient’s access to their information by making some medical information available online, allergies and medication. To promote this service in the surgery.
c)Increase the number of appointments available for patient’s we have appointed an additional salaried GP, Dr Lara Worsley who commenced her post on 25.02.2015.
What were the results of the actions and what impact on patients and carers. / a)The best way of implementing this was being considered
b)This will be advertised within the surgery notifying patients that already use the online service that it will be automatically be added to their current service and advising those patients not currently registered how to go about registering.
c)Waiting time for routine appointments has decreased.
How was this publicised. / Practice Website
Priority Area 2
Describe the priory area: / PRESCRIPTIONS
Why was this priority identified: / To improve the prescription process
What actions were taken to address this priority / Improve the turnaround of prescriptions when medication reviews are due and to improve the communication with the local pharmacies.
What were the results of the actions and what impact on patients and carers. / Pharmacies are given a list of patients whose prescriptions are enclosed that they check and then sign that they have received them each time they collect.
How was this publicised. / Practice Website
Priority Area 3
Describe the priory area: / COMMUNICATION
Why was this priority identified: / Patient feedback
What actions were taken to address this priority / a)Improve communication with patients by introducing a leaflet with important information relating to the services of the practice that is not as big as the practice leaflet.
b)PPG suggested a board showing the GP’s and Nurses names and listing the areas they specialise in so that appointments could be make with the right GP in the first instance rather than seeing one GP and being told that another specialises in that area and having to make another appointment.
What were the results of the actions and what impact on patients and carers. / a)Need further discussion with PPG as to what exactly they would like included in this leaflet.
b)Already in place - GP’s names are already on the wall outside the surgery and information about each GP is included in the Practice leaflet, it is also on the website.
How was this publicised. / Practice Website
Progress on previous years
If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on the issues raised in the previous year (s)
Year 1The only issue raised and still outstanding for 2012 is “To improve the waiting area; seating; reception desk” some improvement work has already been carried out.
Year 2All issues from 12/13 were completed
Year 3All issues from 13/14 were completed
PPG Sign Off
Has the report been signed off by the PPG / Yes
What date was this report signed off: / 24.03.2015
How has the practice engaged with the PPG
How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population?
The practice holds annual ‘Open Mornings’ which are advertised in the local paper, within the Surgery and in the newsletter.
At the last one held in November 2014 we had representatives from Alzheimer’s Support and Carers Support available.
Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources
Yes, the practice receives feedback from the PPG, NHS Choices, complaints received and also comments on the Family and Friends Test responses.
How was the PPG involved the agreement of the priority areas and the resulting action plan?
A meeting was held and areas discussed.
How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan?
Waiting time for routine appointments has decreased.
Waiting time at the reception desk as reduced.
Leaflet – improved communication and giving patients information in a format they want.
Do you have any other comments about the PPF or practice in relation to this area of work?
Name of Individual Completing this Document:MANDY GURR
Email Address