Calendar 101

The Campus Calendar is a calendar event publishing tool that allows you to submit events to newswire, Infohog as well as specific categories linked to your department. This courseis designed to train departmental webmasters and content contributors on the Campus Calendar. The Campus Calendar training will consist of a calendar overview, best practices and hands-on training.

Course topics include:

  • Calendar overview
  • Calendar guidelines
  • Creating an event
  • Categories
  • Recurring events
  • Calendar event creation (hands-on)


Kelly Bostick


You must preregister for this course on the EDP calendar.

Course Schedule:

Fourth Wednesday of every month from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Request Training:

If the regularly scheduled training sessions do not fit with your schedule you may request a coordinated training session for this course by contacting .

Additional Courses:

OU Campus 101

OU Campus 102

New Hire Training

Campus Calendar Guidelines

  • It isrecommended that you post your event as early as possible, but no later than one week prior to the event (event postings are approved daily by the administrator.) You may also want to use the Campus Calendar as a planning resource. Visit the calendar before planning your event to see what other events may be happening that day.
  • Event postings should be limited to open events. Open events are defined as those that are open to the entire campus community. For example, a large concert, lecture, play, informational, or fair.
  • Campus Calendar postings will be restricted to events sponsored or co-sponsored by organizations or departments affiliated with the University of Arkansas, except under special circumstances.
  • Please make sure to include contact information in the event entry form so the administrator may contact you if there is a question regarding your event posting.
  • All events must be approved by the Campus Calendar administrator prior to posting on the calendar. The administrator reserves the right to reject any event submitted to the Campus Calendar if it does not fall within the usage guidelines.
  • You must have your location reserved before posting your event on the calendar.
  • Do not use the Campus Calendar to submit a job posting or other non-event advertisements.
  • Webinars are approved on a case-by-case basis by the administrator.
  • Do not email your event to the administrator. Always submit them to the calendar.
  • Events can be included on newswire but newswire articles are not organized through the Campus Calendar.

Creating an Event

  • Go to

This is the home page for the Campus Calendar. On this page you can see the current calendar listings.

The ‘Display Format’ allows you to view the calendar in grid view, date and time view or location view.

You can search a specific day to see what campus events are taking place. You can search by date, location or keyword.

The ‘Submit Events’ feature in the top, right corner allows you to create a new event

  • Click on the ‘Submit Events’ option to create your event

Once you are on the ‘Submit an Event Request’ page, begin filling out the form.

Event Submitted By

The first section is the ‘Event Submitted By’ section. Enter the following:

First Name (required)(maximum 50 characters)

Last Name (required) (maximum 50 characters)

Email Address (required)(maximum 100 characters)

Phone Number (required)

Organization (required)

Event Information

The next section is the ‘Event Information’ section. Enter the following:

Event Name (required) (maximum 100 characters)

Event Categorization (required) – You may select one, multiple or all Category(s) or Category(s)/Subcategory(s) from the list box provided. Click the checkbox beside of the Category/Subcategory that you would like to add your event for classification on the Calendar.approval of these categories are at the discretion of the category administrator (maximum 50 characters)

Categories Include:

  • Art Exhibits
  • Charitable
  • Classes
  • Deadlines
  • Film Screenings
  • Free Food
  • Greek Life
  • Infohog
  • International
  • Lectures
  • Live Concerts
  • Newswire
  • Professional Development
  • Registered Student Organizations (For RSOs only)
  • Religious/Spiritual
  • Sports
  • Study Abroad
  • Sustainability
  • Technology
  • Wellness

Event Description (required) – you must provide a full, detailed description of your event (maximum 100 characters)This field supports 8,000 maximum characters. HTML can be entered within this field. You can also enter a hypertext link in this field using " " or " and the hypertext link will be automatically created for you once the event is approved and posted live to the Calendar.

Upload Image (.GIF and .JPG only – up to 80k)

Image Alt Text (Required with image) information to display describing what image is if image is not visible

*Including a photo is needed if event is selected as a homepage feature event

Upload Attachment (.PDF preferred – up to 5 MB)

Attachment Link Text (Required with Attachment) description of information in attachment

Event Location

*You must have your event location reserved before submitting an event on the calendar.

Use the Event Location listing to include the location for your event. If the room number is listed, select the room number. If you select the building and the room number, both will be listed in the event posting.

Event Schedule

Use the event schedule to list the following:

Start Date: You may select from the drop-downs provided for month, day and year.

All Day: You may use this checkbox if you would like to designate that your event is an "All Day" event and has no specific start or end time.

Start Time: If you would like to designate a start time for your event, you may select the appropriate hour and minutes from the drop-downs provided.

End Date: This field will automatically default to the date selected to start the event. You may choose a different end date if your event spans across multiple days. You may select from the drop-downs provided for month, day and year.

End Time: If you would like to designate an end time for your event, you may select the appropriate hour and minutes from the drop-downs provided. If this is an event that occurs all day long (24 hours), check the All Day box. Otherwise, enter the specific times of the event. If the event ends at 12:00 a.m. of the following day, check the End at Midnight box.

Recur Type: If your event is part of a recurring series and follows a specific pattern, you may select that recurring pattern from this drop-down.

  • Number of Occurrences: If you have selected to repeat your event, you will be required to select the number of repeating occurrences you would like for your event series. As you change this selection, the Calendar submission form will show you the date of the last occurrences in your series.
  • If this is a single time event that occurs for one day, select None from the Recur Type dropdown menu and continue onto the next section. Be sure the Number of Occurrences is listed as 1.
  • If this event will occur every day for more than one day, select Daily from the Recur Type dropdown menu. Be sure that your event’s end date is the same as its start date. Enter the number of days the event will be happening in the Number of Occurrences field. The final date will automatically appear next to this field as Last Occurrence Date.
  • If this event will occur every week, select Weekly from the Recur Type dropdown menu. Be sure that your event’s end date is the same as its start date. Enter the number of weeks the event will be happening in the Number of Occurrences field. The final date will automatically appear next to this field as Last Occurrence Date.
  • If this event will occur every month, select Monthly from the Recur Type dropdown menu. Be sure that your event’s end date is the same as its start date. Enter the number of months the event will be happening in the Number of Occurrences field. The final date will automatically appear next to this field as Last Occurrence Date.
  • If this event will occur every year, select Yearly from the Recur Type dropdown menu. Be sure that your event’s end date is the same as its start date. Enter the number of years the event will be happening in the Number of Occurrences field. The final date will automatically appear next to this field as Last Occurrence Date.
  • If this event will be going on for many days straight in a row but for only one time (for example, a road closing), then select None from the Recur Type dropdown menu. Make sure you have selected your Event End Date correctly. Continue onto the next section.

If you have a recurring event, you can also set that up. Begin by selecting the Recur Type in the dropdown menu. The options are None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.

Next, include the ‘Number of Occurrences’ in the blank provided.

If your event is all day, check the box next to the ‘All Day’ option.

Event Contact Information

You must include a first name, phone number and a valid email address in the Event Contact Information section.

Form Preview

When you finish filling out all of the fields of the form, click the ‘Preview’ button in the bottom, left corner of the form.

If you form reappears with certain fields highlighted in red then your form is not complete. Fill in the fields highlighted in red with the full, correct information and click the ‘Preview’ button.

Preview Your Request

When a preview of your event request opens, look over it thoroughly for spelling errors and missing or incorrect information. Once you have previewed your event, click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the preview.

Event Submission Confirmation

After you click ‘Submit’ a confirmation should open on your screen that had ‘Your event has been successfully submitted’ at the top as well as your event submission details. If your submission was not successful, your email will include an error message in the top, left corner.

Confirmation Email

You should receive an event confirmation email stating that your submission was successful as well as your event submission details. If your submission was not successful, your email will include an error message in the top, left corner.

Event Review and Approval

The event will be reviewed by the appropriate Calendar administrator(s) and you will be notified via email once it is approved or denied for inclusion on the Calendar.

Withdrawing your Event from the Calendar

You may withdraw your event request from consideration at any time. You must have a copy of your original confirmation email in order to perform the automated withdraw option. Click the link included in your confirmation email and you will be asked to confirm that you want to withdraw the event. Click "Yes" to confirm the withdraw/delete action or "No" to exit out of the withdraw option.

For questions about submitting an event or the Campus Calendar, please contact Chad Woodard r Kelly Bostick .