Patient Participation Group

Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 26 October 2016 at 1.00pm

Present: Susan Walters, Joyce Slater, Charles Smith, David Frankish, Kay Goodwin, Donald Pritchett, Sue Creasey (Waltham), Malcolm Duff (Waltham), Steve Galpin, John Brothwood

Apologies: Emma Gardner, Gill Smith, Mavis Roberts, Maureen Griffiths

Confirmation of Minutes

The previous minutes are to be amended as follows:

CQC – The Welby Practice had a meeting with CQC but have not had their CQC inspection yet.

The remainder of the minutes were agreed.

Matters Arising

DNAs (Did Not Attend Appointments)

A member of the group requested statistics and feedback from the practices regarding DNAs and complaints. The practices advertise the amount of time lost by patients not attending their appointments and review any complaints received. It was suggested that DNAs are put as an item on the newsletter to remind patients to cancel their appointments if they are unable to attend.

Belvoir Vale Surgery is planning to implement a text messaging service to remind patients of their appointments. The consent forms are currently being devised. The Welby Practice is currently obtaining consent for the text messaging service. A reminder was given that everyone must ensure that mobile telephone numbers are kept up to date.

Practice Update

No information was brought to the meeting regarding local publications. Donald Pritchett will source information regarding local publications and their publication dates.

Terms of Reference

A copy of the draft Terms of Reference was circulated prior to the meeting. The name “Belvoir Vale and Welby Practices Patient Participation Group” was agreed.

It was agreed to change the wording in The Purpose section to:

The purpose of this group is to give patients the opportunity to identify and influence improvements in health and care services …..

The remainder of the Terms of Reference were agreed.

Code of Conduct

A copy of the draft Code of Conduct was circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed to change the wording in the Confidentiality section to:

1.  Members should maintain absolute confidentiality about the surgeries, their patients and PPG members ……

The remainder of the Code of Conduct was agreed.

Election of Officers

Chair: Joyce Slater

Vice Chair:

Secretary: Donald Pritchett


Representation at the Patient Council: Sue Creasey & Joyce Slater

Newsletter/communications team:

Any member of the PPG who has any objection to the election of the above officers or who would like to be considered for any of the roles are to advise the Practice/Deputy Manager of their respective practice.

Joyce agreed to be Chair for one year at which point the position will be up for re-election.

It was agreed that a Treasurer was not required at present but if any member of the PPG would like to take on the role in future, please can they advise either the practice or Joyce Slater.

Joyce advised that more than one representative can attend the Patient Council Meetings as they would like representation from as many locations as possible. Sue Creasey requested information regarding the Patient Council which Joyce will forward to her.

Practice Update

Dr Glencross advised that from January 2017, Dr James Thompson will be covering his surgeries at Belvoir Vale Surgery. Dr Thompson will still be working at The Welby Practice as usual. Dr Glencross is meeting with Dr Thompson tomorrow (27 October 2016).

Medicines Management Consultation

The CCG are proposing changes to the prescribing of certain medications in order to reduce prescribing costs by approximately £17 million. The proposed changes are regarding restricting/limiting over the counter medicines e.g. Paracetamol, anti-histamines, etc, Gluten Free Products, Baby Milk and Oral & Nutritional Supplements. They are holding a consultation period until 18 November 2016 for people to complete a simple survey, either on-line, in paper form or by telephone, to give their views. The CCG are hoping to implement the changes in December 2016. A poster will be put up in surgeries to inform patients.


PPG Meetings

Agenda - It was suggested that patients’ comments and suggestions is a standard item on the agenda. This was agreed.

Venue – Harlaxton and Waltham surgeries have the facilities to hold the PPG meetings. It was agreed that the next meeting will be held at Belvoir Vale Surgery and future venues to be discussed at the next meeting.

PPG Members

It was agreed that all members will be named and contact details made available unless they advise the Chair or their practice that they do not want to be contacted.

Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 25th January 2017 at 1.00pm at Belvoir Vale Surgery