
A. 期刊論文

001. Yang, H.-Y., Shau, Y.-H., and Fann, M.-J. (1983) Petrology of spilite from Shihmen Reservoir area, northern Taiwan. Memoir of the Geological Society of China, 5, 97-116

002. Yang, H.-Y. and Shau, Y.-H. (1985) Petrography, mineral chemistry, and origin of degraded basaltic rocks along Northern Cross-Island Highway, northern Taiwan. Acta Geologica Taiwanica, 23, 19-33.

003. Shau, Y.-H. and Chen, C.-C. (1985) A study on properties and resources of foundry silica sand in Taiwan. Mining & Metallurgy (Bulletin of the Chinese Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers), 29, no. 4, 36-48 (in Chinese).

004. Shau, Y.-H. and Yang, H.-Y (1987) Petrology of basaltic rocks from Junghua, Taoyuanhsien, northern Taiwan. Proceedings of the Geological Society of China, 30, 58-82.

005. Yang, H.-Y. and Shau, Y.-H. (1988) Occurrence of pumpellyite-bearing basaltic tuffs in HsuehshanRange. Proceedings of the Geological Society of China, 31, 24-32.

006.Shau, Y.-H., Peacor, D. R., and Essene, E. J. (1990) Corrensite and mixed-layer chlorite/corrensite in metabasalt from northern Taiwan: TEM/AEM, EMPA, XRD, and optical studies. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 105, 123-142. (SCI)

007. Yang, H.-Y. and Shau, Y.-H. (1991) The altered ultramafic nodules from Mafu and Liutsu, Hsinchuhsien, northern Taiwan with particular reference to the replacement of olivine and bronzite by saponite. Special Publication of the Central Geological Survey, 5, 39-58.

008. Shau, Y.-H., Yang, H.-Y., and Peacor, D. R. (1991) On oriented titanite and rutile inclusions in sagenitic biotite. American Mineralogist, 76, 1205-1217. (SCI)

009. Shau, Y.-H., Feather, M. E., Essene, E. J., and Peacor, D. R. (1991) Genesis and solvus relations of submicroscopically intergrown paragonite and phengite in a blueschist from Northern California. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 106, 367-378. (SCI)

010. Shau, Y.-H. and Peacor, D. R. (1992) Phyllosilicates in hydrothermally altered basalts from DSDP Hole 504B, Leg 83---- a TEM/AEM study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 112, 119-133. (SCI)

011. Shau, Y.-H., Peacor, D. R., Ghose, S., and Phakey, P. P. (1993) Submicroscopic exsolution in Mn-bearing alkali amphiboles from Tirodi, Maharashtra, India. American Mineralogist, 78, 96-106. (SCI)

012. Shau, Y.-H., Peacor, D. R., and Essene, E. J. (1993) Formation of magnetic singledomain magnetite in ocean-ridge basalts with implications for seafloor magnetism. Science, 261, 343-345. (SCI)

013. Shau,Y.-H., Torii, M. , Horng, C.-S., and Peacor, D. R. (2000) Subsolidus evolution and alteration of titanomagnetite in ocean ridge basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program Hole 504B, Leg 83: Implications for the timing of magnetization. Journal of Geophysical Research—Solid Earth, 105, 23635-23649.(SCI) NSC83-0202-M-110-020 and NSC87-2611-M-110-010

014. Hsu, T.-W. and Shau, Y.-H. (2002) A petrographic and mineralogical study of volcanic rocks from the Mayaxueshan area, North Qilian Fold Belt, NW China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 76, 15-30. (SCI-Expanded) NSC85-2111-M-110-001 and NSC86-2116-M-110-002

015. Zhang, R. Y., Shau, Y. H., Liou, J. G., and Lo, C. H. (2002) Discovery of clinoenstatite in garnet pyroxenites from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, east-central China. American Mineralogist, 87, 867-874.(SCI) NSC87-2611-M-110-010

016. Shau,Y.-H., Torii, M., Horng, C.-S., and Liang, W.-T. (2004) Magnetic properties of mid-ocean-ridge basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187. In Pedersen, R.B., Christie, D.M., Miller, D.J. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 187 [Online]. Available from World Wide Web: and NSC90-2611-M-110-006-ODP

017. Liu,Y.-H., Yang,H.-J.,Shau,Y.-H., Meng, F., Zhang,J., Yang,J., Xu,Z., and Yu, S.-C. (2007)Compositions of high Fe-Ti eclogites from the Sulu UHP metamorphic terrane, China: HFSE decoupling and protolith characteristics. Chemical Geology, 239, 64-82.

B. 研討會論文

035. 歐淑芳、蕭炎宏、鳥居雅之、洪崇勝(2001) ODP 504B井位蓆狀岩牆岩心中鈦磁鐵礦的特徵與轉變。中國地質學會九十年年會暨學術研討會,論文摘要集,第345-347頁(附英文摘要)。NSC89-2611-M-110-007-ODP

036. 蕭炎宏、鳥居雅之、洪崇勝、歐淑芳、梁文宗(2001)海洋鑽探計畫187航次玄武岩岩心之岩石磁學研究。中國地質學會九十年年會暨學術研討會,論文摘要集,第153-155頁(附英文摘要)。NSC89-2611-M-110-028-ODP

037. Shau, Y.-H., Torii, M., Horng, C.-S., Ou, S.-F, Liang, W.-T., and Shipboard Science Party, ODP Leg 187 (2001) Magnetic properties of oceanic ridge basalts from the Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 187. Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS) 2001 Fall Meeting, C21-04. NSC89-2611-M-110-028-ODP

038. Ou, S.-F, Shau, Y.-H., Torii, M., and Horng, C.-S. (2001) Characteristics and transitions of titanomagnetite from sheeted-dike basalts at DSDP/ODP hole 504B: Implications for magnetization processes of oceanic crusts. Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS) 2001 Fall Meeting, C21-P113. NSC89-2611-M-110-007-ODP

039. 蕭炎宏(2002)北祁連褶皺帶老虎山地區變質火山岩中片狀矽酸鹽礦物之研究。第三屆海峽兩岸祁連山及鄰區地學研討會—中央造山帶的演化,論文摘要集,第153-156頁(附英文摘要),國立成功大學地球科學系,台南。

040. 蕭炎宏、鳥居雅之、洪崇勝(2003)海洋鑽探計畫187航次洋脊玄武岩之岩石磁學性質。中國地質學會九十二年年會暨學術研討會,論文摘要集,9頁(附英文摘要)。NSC90-2611-M-110-006-ODP

041. 蕭炎宏、洪崇勝、鳥居雅之(2004)東南印度洋脊地區中洋脊玄武岩之磁性礦物與岩石磁學性質研究。中國地質學會九十三年年會暨學術研討會,論文摘要集,9頁(附英文摘要)。NSC91-2116-M-110-001


043. Shau, Y. H., Zhang, R. Y., and Liou, J. G.,(2004)Exsolved rutile and enstatite within corundum in a ultrahigh-pressure garnetite from Donghai area, Sulu terrane. Workshop on Origin and Exhumation of UHP Metamorphic Rocks, Abstract volume, 9-11. NSC92-2116-M-110-002

044. 蕭炎宏、王秀文、王明光、邵屏華、飯塚義之(2005)林口台地紅壤之礦物學與岩象學研究。中國地質學會九十四年年會暨學術研討會,論文摘要集,第218頁。

045. 蔡憲璋、蕭炎宏、劉永欣、余樹楨、楊經綏、許志琴(2005)中國蘇魯超高壓變質帶東海地區榴輝岩之礦物析出物研究。中國地質學會九十四年年會暨學術研討會,論文摘要集,第309頁。NSC93-2116-M-110-001

046.Shau, Y.-H., Tsai, H.-C., Liu, Y.-H., Yu, S.-C., Yang, J., and Xu, Z. (2005) Transmission electron microscopic studyof quartz rods with intergrown amphibole within omphacite in eclogites from the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane, eastern China.Mitt.Österr.Miner.Ges.150, 139. 7th International Eclogite Conference.NSC93-2116-M-110-001



049. 邵屏華、陳華玟、謝凱旋、游舒麟、蕭炎宏、王明光(2006)台灣北部地區之紅壤研究。第十一屆台灣之第四紀研討會,論文摘要集,5頁。

050.Shau, Y.-H., Torii, M., and Horng, C.-S. (2006) Petrographic study and rock magnetic properties of mid-ocean ridge basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187. Kochi International Workshop on Paleo-, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, KochiUniversity(invited). NSC94-2611-M-110-006

  1. 技術報告及其他

012. 蕭炎宏(2001)海洋鑽探計畫187航次岩心樣品之礦物學與岩石磁學研究。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,5頁。NSC89-2611-M-110-028-ODP

013. 蕭炎宏(2002)超微磁性礦物是大自然拼圖遊戲的見證者。科學發展,第358期,2002年10月,4-11頁。

014. 蕭炎宏(2002)海洋鑽探計畫187航次岩心樣品之礦物學與岩石磁學研究(II)。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,8頁。NSC90-2611-M-110-006-ODP

015. 蕭炎宏(2003)海洋鑽探計畫187航次岩心樣品之礦物學與岩石磁學研究(III)。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,9頁。NSC91-2116-M-110-001

016. 蕭炎宏(2004)超高壓變質岩中超微礦物與析出物之穿透式電子顯微分析研究。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,9頁。NSC92-2116-M-110-002

017. 蕭炎宏(2005)大別-蘇魯地區超高壓變質岩中超微礦物與析出物之穿透式電子顯微分析研究(I)。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,9頁。NSC93-2116-M-110-001

018. 蕭炎宏(2006)大別-蘇魯地區超高壓變質岩中超微礦物與析出物之穿透式電子顯微分析研究(II)。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,14頁。NSC94-2116-M-110-001

019. 蕭炎宏(2006)中洋脊玄武岩之磁性礦物學研究(ODP 187航次及ODP 504B井位岩芯)。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,8頁。NSC94-2611-M-110-006