January 16, 2014


The Community Foundation provides 37 separate scholarships established by individuals or organizations.

The application has changed to an online system. Once a student has applied online, the application system automatically matchesthe students to the scholarship(s) and studentsmay need to answer additional questions, dependent on the scholarship. You may update your application at any time until the day of the February 26 deadline.After February 26, students can no longer make changes to the application.

  1. The Community Foundation has two types of scholarships—one type does not require students to submit the GWHS Local Universal Scholarship Application (LUSA). The secondtypeyou will see guidance nominated after the scholarship name. For the second type, you must completethe online application and the GWHS Local Universal Application (LUSA). The LUSA is due to Ms. McKinnie no later than noon February 13, 2014. The LUSA is located on the GWHS website and in the scholarship file in Guidance.
  2. Student applications, including the essay, recommendation letters, transcripts and any other supporting documents should be received by February 26 deadline.
  3. The Community Foundation will not review incomplete applications or those received after the deadline.

How to Apply: The application is located at Click on the Receivetab.

Deadline:Student applications, including the essay, recommendation letters, transcripts and any other supporting documents are due by the February 26, 2014 deadline. For the second type of scholarship, the LUSA is due to Ms. McKinnie by noon February 13, 2014.


The Pamplin Leadership Award is open to any high school senior who applies to Virginia Tech. The Pamplin ispresented annually to approximately 40 qualified students from among Virginia’s public high schools.

Eligibility: The applicant must be:

  • A senior enrolled at a Virginia public school
  • Have a 3.8 overall GPA and ranked in the top ten percent of his or her class
  • Mustenroll at Virginia Tech fall of 2014
  • Must be willing to join University Honors and work toward a University Honors Diploma

Award Amount:$5,000

How to Apply:Applications are located in the scholarship file in Guidance

Deadline: The completed application and supporting documents are due to Ms. McKinnie in Guidance no later than noon, Tuesday, January28, 2014.


In honor of Sonny Kingoff, a longtime supporter of academics and athletics at GWHS, a scholarship opportunity is available to a graduating senior who has participated in varsity sports (including cheerleading).

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be a graduating senior
  • Have participated in any sport, including varsity cheerleading.
  • Have shown high moral character, have maximized his or her ability in sports endeavors, and have exhibited leadership
  • Have achieved academically to the best of his or her abilities

Award Amount:$1,500.00

How to Apply:Complete the GWHS Local Universal Application (LUSA), located in the scholarship file in Guidance and on the GWHS website. The completed LUSA is due to Ms. McKinnie in Guidance no later than March 12, 2014.

Deadline:Wednesday, March 12, 2014 by 12:00 noon


Alpha Phi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated provides support to outstanding high school seniors.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be graduating high school seniors for the class of 2014
  • Plan to enroll in an accredited college or university
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Demonstrate participation in community service and/or extra-curricular activities

Award Amount:To be determined

How to Apply:Applications are located in the scholarship file in the Guidance.

Deadline:Postmark deadline for the completed application is February 21, 2014.


Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be a graduating senior
  • Planning to enroll in a two or four year college fall 2014

Award Amount:To be determined

How to Apply:Applications are located in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:Applications and requested documents are due by April 19, 2014.


The Virginia High School League (VHSL) and corporate partners sponsor four scholarships for college bound seniors.

Andrew Mullins Courageous Achievement Award

The Andrew Mulling Courageous Achievement Award recognizes a female or male student who had made significant contributions to one or more VHSL athletic and/or academic activities. The student currently has or has overcome a serious illness, injury or disability, has overcome great adversity, such as challenging social or home situations in a positive way; or other extraordinary situations, where the student has displayed tremendous courage against overwhelming odds. The award requires the student to have (1) a minimum 3.0 GPA (2) won at least one varsity letter or the equivalent in the VHSL sport/academic activity, involvement in other school sponsored activities, and (3)involvement in activities outside of school (work, charities, etc.). Application information is located in the scholarship file in Guidance. Return the application and all required documents toMs. McKinnie in Guidance by noon, Friday, February 14.

Allstate Foundation/VHSL Achievement Award

The award requires the student to have (1) a minimum 3.0 GPA (2) won at least one varsity letter or the equivalent in the VHSL sport/academic activity (3) involvement in other school-sponsored activities and (4) involvement in activities outside of school (work, charities, etc.). Application information is located in the scholarship file in Guidance. Return the application and all required documents to Ms. McKinnie in Guidance by noon, Friday, February 14.

Wells Fargo Citizenship Award

Students must have participated in one or more of the following VHSL activities to be eligible for the Wells Fargo Citizen Award. These include creative writing, debate, drama, forensics, magazines, newspapers/newsmagazines, scholastic bowl, yearbook,sportsmanship summit/committee, leader’s conference, baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, field hockey, football,golf, gymnastics, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track (indoor and outdoor), volleyball and/ orwrestling. The award requires the student to have a minimum 3.0 GPA, won at least one varsity letter or the equivalent in the VHSL sport/academic activity, involvementin other school-sponsored activities, and involvement in activities outside of school (work, charities, etc.). Application information is located in the scholarship file in Guidance. Return the application and all required documents to Ms. McKinnie by noon, Friday, February 14.

Virginia High School LeagueSavage Scholarship Award

Each year the VHSL awards $500 to one college-bound senior who has participated and excelled in school publications (magazine, newsmagazine, newspaper and yearbook) for at least two years andhas demonstrated outstanding personal qualities such as leadership, writing, proficiency, design aptitude, creativity, teamwork and character. The applicant must be: (1) A graduating senior with a minimum of two years as a staff participant in GWHS school publications; yearbook, newspaper, literary magazine or have achieved equivalent participation through contributions to community or professional publications. (2) Have demonstrated one or more of the following personal qualities, leadership, writing skills, design aptitude, creativity, organization, industry, teamwork, character and (3) Apply to an accredited college, university or educational institution beyond the secondary school level.The application and required documents are due to Ms. McKinnie by 12:00 noon February 1.


The Virginia PTA offers scholarships to graduating Virginia high school students who are planning to enter teaching or other youth-serving professions.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Attend a school that has a PTA or PTSA association in good standing
  • Reside in Virginia and graduate from a Virginia public high school
  • Plan to pursue a career in teaching or qualify for service with a youth serving agency
  • Enter a Virginia college or university in September following the date of application for the scholarship
  • Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better
  • Provide evidence of financial need and academic achievement

Award Amount:$1,200.00 scholarship memorializing M. Frieda Koontz

$1,200.00 scholarship honoring S. John Davis

$1,000.00 scholarships

How to Apply:Applications are available at and are located in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline: Return the completed application and required documents to Ms. McKinnie in Guidance by noon, February 18, 2014.


The RoanokeValley Wrestling Association awards an annual scholarship in memory of Stan Parker.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be a senior from the Blue Ridge, River Ridge, Three Rivers, Pioneer, Piedmont, Western Valley or one of the independent schools of Roanoke Catholic or North Cross
  • Attend a junior college, state or private college, or university
  • Be active in wrestling and student activities or the son or daughter of a coach, official, or connected to wrestling.
  • Have maintained a “C” average

Award Amount:$1,000.00

How to Apply:Applications are available in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:Applications are due to the Roanoke Valley Wrestling Association by March 28, 2014.


The Virginia Sheriff’s Institute Scholarship program provides an opportunity for young people in Virginia to pursue an educational curriculum in law enforcement or criminal justice. The scholarship is available to students in jurisdictions where sheriffs participate in the scholarship fundraising efforts. Students in this jurisdiction are eligible to receive the scholarship.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Live in a locality where the sheriff is a member of the Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute and has authorized the Institute to conduct a direct mail special appeal to raise funds for the scholarship program
  • Major in the criminal justice field (those majoring in law or pursuing a career as a lawyer will not be considered as a criminal justice major)
  • Attend a Virginia college

Award Amount:To be determined

How to Apply:Applications and information is located in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:Return the completed application and all supporting documents to Ms. McKinnie in Guidance by May 1, 2014.


The John R. Lilliard Scholarship program is to assist future aviation leaders and to honor John R. Lillard.

Eligibility:The student must:

  • Be a Virginia high school senior
  • Have a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA
  • Be planning a career in the field of aviation
  • Be enrolled or accepted into an aviation related program at an accredited college

Award Amount:$3,000

How to Apply:The application and information is located at and in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:March 14, 2014


The Willard G. Plentl Aviation Scholarship provides an award for Virginia High School senior that is planning an aviation career in a non-engineering area.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be accepted into a non-engineering, aviation-related postsecondary education program
  • Have an un-weighted GPA of a minimum of 3.5


How to Apply: Applications are located in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:March 14, 2014


The Armenian Education Center provides a scholarship to one Virginia high school student. The competition is open the ninth through twelfth grade students.

Eligibility:The competition is open the ninth through twelfth grade students.

How to Apply: Information is located in the scholarship file in Guidance and at the Armenian website,

Award Amount:$1,000

Deadline:Hard copies of essays must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2013. Essays must also be emailed by April 1, 2014.


The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program funded by the GM Foundation provides scholarship to high school seniors and undergraduates who plan to major in a field of study that focuses on engineering, technology, design or business with an interest in the automotive industry. The foundation will award scholarships, including renewable scholarships of up to $25,000 per year. First-generation college, female, minority, military veterans or a dependent of military personnel receive special consideration.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Have an excellent academic record
  • Have financial need
  • Have participation and leadership in community and school activities, work experience and interest in pursuing a career in the automotive industry

Award Amount:Up to $25,000 renewal up to four years for 100 first-time freshman and $2,000 one-time awards for an additional 1,000 students

How to Apply:The application and related information is located at

Deadline:February 28, 2014


The Danville Retired Teachers Association scholarship is given to a chosen candidate enrolled in a college to become a teacher.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be a senior planning to attend college for a career in teacher
  • Have maintained grades of a “C” average or better

Award Amount:To be determined

How to Apply:Applications are located in the scholarship file in the Guidance.

Deadline:Return your application packet to Ms. McKinnie Guidance no later than 3:00p.m. April 7, 2014.


The Carole Johnson Memorial Scholarship established in 1963 by friends to memorialize a young woman who devoted her time to a variety of academic, community, and extra-curricular activities at George Washington High School. The purpose of the fund is to recognize young women who show promise of future achievement and service. The recipient of the Carole Johnson Memorial scholarships is selected on the basis of; Christian character, unselfish service to others, potential for future contributions to the human community, extra-curricular activities, academic achievement and personality. The recipient who best exemplifies Carole Johnson’s commitment to academics, school and community service activities, and dedicated to unselfish service to others. Scholarship funds areawarded on a competitive basis to a student or students, who have been admitted to an accredited four-year college or university.

Eligibility:The student must:

  • Be a senior lady graduating from GW June 2014
  • Demonstrate outstanding commitments to academics, school and community activities, unselfish service to others and potential for future contributions to the human community
  • Plan to enroll in an accredited four-year college or university in the continental United States the following academic year

Award Amount:$8,000 approximately

How to Apply:Complete the GW Local Universal Scholarship Application located in the scholarship file

in Guidance and on the GW Guidance website. Return the completed application to Ms. McKinnie by3:30 p.m.Monday, February 10, 2014.


The Mary Jordan Memorial Scholarship established in memory of Mary Wescott Jordan who died at the age of 23 following heart surgery. The award is sent directly to the educational institution of the recipient’s choice.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be a graduating senior
  • Attend a college, university or seminary

Award Amount:To be determined

How to Apply:Follow the instructional page for the Mary Jordan Memorial Scholarships located in the scholarship file. The GWHS Local Universal Scholarship Application (LUSA) is located in the scholarship file in Guidance and on the GWHS website.

Deadline:Completed applications are due to Ms. McKinnie in the Guidance by noon Monday, March 31, 2014.


The American Legion Auxiliary Dan River Unit 325 offers a scholarship to a direct descendant; child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc. or a legally adopted child or a child/children of a spouse by prior marriage or dependent as defined by the United States of America Armed Services for Veterans of the United States military and National Guard.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Plan to attend an accredited college/university
  • Be a citizen of the United States and legal resident of Virginia or North Carolina

Award Amount:To be determined by the auxiliary

How to Apply:Applications are located in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:April 15, 2014


The American Legion Auxiliary Dan River Unit 1097 offers a scholarship to a direct descendant; child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc. or a legally adopted child or a child/children of a spouse by prior marriage or dependent as defined by the United States of America Armed Services for Veterans of the United States military and National Guard.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Have at least a GPA of 3.0
  • Plan to attend an accredited college/university
  • Be a citizen of the United States and legal resident of Virginia or North Carolina

Award Amount:To be determined by the auxiliary

How to Apply:Applications are located in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:March 3, 2014


The American Legion Auxiliary Dan River Unit 1097 offers a scholarship to a direct descendant; child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc. or a legally adopted child or a child/children of a spouse by prior marriage or dependent as defined by the United States of America Armed Services for Veterans of the United States military and National Guard.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be a senior in high school
  • Plan to attend an accredited college/university
  • Be a citizen of the United States and legal resident of Virginia or North Carolina

Award Amount:The three scholarships are in the amount of $3,500, $3,000, and $2,500

How to Apply:Applications are located in the scholarship file in Guidance.

Deadline:The complete application is due to the American Legion Auxiliary Dan River Unit 1097 on or before

March 1, 2014.


The Navy-Marine ROTC provides significant financial assistance at over 150 universities and colleges throughout the United States. The scholarship includes money for almost all areas of school expenses including tuition, books, fees and uniforms, along with extra cost associated with being a full-time student. Upon graduation from college and successful completion of the program, participantswill earn a commission as an officer.

Eligibility:The applicant must:

  • Be a US citizen
  • Be a high school junior or senior
  • Take the ACT or SAT test prior to deadline and receive the minimum listed score ACT Math of 21, ACT English of 22, SAT Math of 520, SAT Verbal of 530

Award Amount:$180,000 of which covers tuition, fees, and books and provides a monthly stipend of $250-$400 for 4 years of college

How to Apply:The application and information is located at Additional information is located in the scholarship file in Guidance.