Grade 10 Applied History

Practice Test - WWII

Your Answers

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35
36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40

1.  This June 1940 WWII battle is often referred to as the Miracle Evacuation when British troops, trapped on a beach by the advancing German army, escaped by ship back to England.

a.  D-Day

b.  Dieppe

c.  Dresden

d.  Dunkirk

2.  A group of supply ships and freighters sailing together for protection from submarines attacks is called….

a.  Caravan

b.  Column

c.  Convoy

d.  Fleet

e.  Procession

3.  When Germany invaded this country, war was declared.

a.  Austria

b.  France

c.  Czechoslovakia

d.  Poland

4.  What was the name of the Act that allowed Hitler to change any German law including its Constitution?

a.  Beer Hall Putsch

b.  Enabling Act

c.  Final Solution

d.  Law for the Protection of the People and State

e.  Treaty of Versailles

5.  Who did Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney apologize to in 1988?

a.  Japanese-Canadians jailed in WWII

b.  NAZI

c.  Jehovah Witnesses

d.  Gays

6.  To practice bombing runs before WWII, the German air force attacked the non-military city Guernica during this 1936 war killing over 1,600 civilians.

a.  Spanish Civil War

b.  War of the Roses

c.  Prussian-Franco War

d.  War on Terrorism

7.  Canadian troops were slaughtered in this August 1942 battle attacking the French coastline.

a.  D-Day

b.  Dieppe

c.  Dresden

d.  Dunkirk

8.  On 9 November 1938, a German-Jewish student, upset that his parents were not allowed to leave Germany, shot and killed a German immigration official in Paris. That night, Jews were attacked in Germany. The event is called Kristallnacht or “Night of Broken Glass.” Why?

a.  Hitler declared the start of the Final Solution.

b.  Upon hearing the news, Hilter threw a wine glass on the ground. It broke and Hitler demanded that all wine glasses owned by Jews be broken.

c.  The windows in all stores owned by Jews in Germany were broken and the stores ransacked.

d.  All eye-glasses belonging to Jews were broken

9.  The Allied liberation of wester-Europe began after this successful 6 June 1944 attack that included almost 3 million soldiers.

a.  D-Day

b.  Dieppe

c.  Dresden

d.  Dunkirk

10.  What 7 December 1941 air attack brought the United States into WWII?

a.  Hiroshima

b.  Hong Kong

c.  Midway

d.  Pearl Harbour

11.  What did soldiers at the British Commonwealth Air Training Program (BCATP) in Newfoundland do?

a.  Train for the attack on Dieppe

b.  Train to fly planes

c.  Train to jump out of airplanes for the D-Day raid

d.  Train to shoot down German airplanes

e.  All of the above

12.  Who said “The victor will never be asked if he told the truth”?

a.  Adolf Hitler

b.  Oscar Schindler

c.  Prime Minister Mackenzie King

d.  Ghandi

13.  When the Japanese army invaded China, they raped, tortured and killed most of the women in this city.

a.  Beijing

b.  Hong Kong

c.  Nanking

d.  Shanghai

14.  What world organization formed after WWII to maintain world peace?

a.  Human Rights Watch

b.  Greenpeace

c.  League of Nations

d.  United Nations

15.  What is the term meaning “The systematic extermination of one group.”

a.  Final Solution

b.  Genocide

c.  Holocaust

d.  Firestorming

16.  To gain political power, Hitler linked this 1919 treaty to Germany’s economic woes during the 1930s.

a.  Charter of Rights and Freedoms

b.  Munich Agreement

c.  Statue of Westminster

d.  Treaty of Versailles

17.  What was the name of the 1943 Italian battle did that Canadians fought house-to-house against the German troops and used a technique called mouse-holing (i.e., attacking from the attics)?

a.  Ortona

b.  Dieppe

c.  Normandy

d.  Hong Kong

18.  The Allied air forces firestorm bombed with German non-military city.

a.  D-Day

b.  Dieppe

c.  Dresden

d.  Dunkirk

19.  In June 1939, this ocean liner arrived on Canada’s Atlantic coast with 907 Jewish refugees. The Canadian Government refused entry for the Jews suggesting they would not make good settlers. The ship returned to Germany and many of the refugees died in Nazi concentration camps. What was the name of the ship?

a.  S.S. St. Louis

b.  USS Arizona

c.  Bismark

d.  S.S. Athenia

20.  What Western European country sends Canada tulips every spring to thank Canadians because (1) Canada protected their Royal Family during WWII and (2) it is the country Canadians freed from the Nazi?

a.  France

b.  Great Britain

c.  Holland

d.  Poland

e.  None of the above

21.  It means “My Struggle.”

a.  Mein Kampf

b.  Mein Holocaust

c.  Mein Libre

d.  Mein Chien

22.  The name of the sleek and fast ship used by Canadians to protect supply ships and hunt for German submarines.

a.  Corvette

b.  Destroyer

c.  Merchant Marine

d.  Submarine Chaser

23.  In this December 1941 17-day battle defending a former British colony, over 300 Canadians were killed before the remaining troops surrendered to the Japanese on Christmas Day

a.  Hiroshima

b.  Hong Kong

c.  Midway

d.  Pearl Harbour

24.  What was the name of the beach Canadians attacked on D-Day?

a.  Dieppe

b.  Juno

c.  Rose

d.  Utah

25.  What does the number 5,962,129 represent?

a.  The number of War Brides who came to Canada after WWII

b.  The number of Canadian soldiers killed in WWII

c.  The number of bombs dropped on Germany and Japan during WWII

d.  The number of Jews killed in the Holocaust

26.  Why is 7 May 1945 important?

a.  It is the day the Germans officially surrendered

b.  It is called Victory in Europe Day (VE Day)

c.  It is my birthday

d.  It is the day Nazi ceased to exist in Germany

e.  All of the above but C

27.  Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King believed he could talk to what person.

a.  His dead mother

b.  His pet gerbels

c.  Rocks

d.  Jake and Myles

28.  Under the pretence of homeland protection, what happened to Japanese-Canadians during WWII?

a.  They were denied their basic rights

b.  They were issued special clothing

c.  They were stripped of their personal belongings and property

d.  They were relocated into camps

e.  Their families were separated

f.  They were forces to live in very poor and isolated conditions while paying “rent”

g.  They were forced into manual labour

h.  All of the above

29.  What was the name of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima?

a.  Little Boy

b.  Fat Boy

c.  Fat Man

d.  Little Man

30.  What was the name of the most notorious German concentration camps for Jew during the Holocaust?

a.  Auschwitz

b.  Dresden

c.  Hiroshima

d.  Poland

31.  Why did the Dieppe raid end in disaster?

a.  Too much planning

b.  Not enough planning

c.  Too many soldiers attacking a narrow beach

d.  Not enough soldiers

e.  Pebble and rock beach prevented tank movement

f.  Over trained soldiers

g.  Too little naval support

h.  Too many boats

i.  A, C, E only

j.  B, C, E and G only

k.  B, F and H only

l.  A, D, E and G only

m.  All of the above

32.  In this 1940 battle codenamed “Operation Sea Lion”, pilots of the Royal Air Force shot down nearly 3,000 German planes over London.

a.  Battle of the Atlantic

b.  Battle of Britain

c.  Ortona

d.  Dam Busters

33.  Which of the following is a stage of the Holocaust?

a.  Stripping of rights

b.  Dehumanizing

c.  Putting in Ghettos

d.  Extermination

e.  All of the above

34.  In 1932, Hitler introduced his 25-point program. It described his plan for the Jews of Germany. What was his plan called?

a.  The Final Solution

b.  My Elimination Plan

c.  The Holocaust

d.  The End

35.  What did Prime Minister Mackenzie King say about conscription?

a.  Conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription

b.  I have the ability to compromise but not today

c.  Damn the torpedoes, conscription the lazy

d.  Everyone will have to fight

36.  What group in Canada was heavily opposed to conscription?

a.  Young males

b.  French Canadians

c.  Women

d.  Japanese-Canadians

e.  Everyone who had to fight

37.  What did Elsie MacGill do during WWII?

a.  Served as a nurse

b.  Served as the Minister of Defense

c.  Spied on German installations

d.  Managed the workforce that built the Hawker fighter plane

e.  Managed the scientific research to build the atomic bomb

38.  What laws did Hitler enact to isolate and persecute Jews living in Germany?

a.  Law of the Pure Race

b.  Forbodden People Law

c.  Nuremburg Laws

d.  Enabling Act

e.  War Measures Act

39.  How did Canada pay for WWII?

a.  Income Tax

b.  Luxury Tax

c.  Borrowed money from USA

d.  Special War Tariff

e.  Declared bankruptcy

40.  Canadians raided a beach in France to provide information about the future D-Day invasion. What was the name of the raid?

a.  Normandy

b.  Dieppe

c.  Dresden

d.  Dunkirk

Essay Questions

-  In 1938, Time magazine declared Hitler its “Man of the Year.” Write a short Opinion Piece debating whether Time’s selection of Hitler was appropriate or wrong? You must offer three specific examples with your idea.

-  Write a short Opinion Piece debating whether “Canada’s identity was dramatically changed by WWII” providing at least three specific examples.

-  D-Day was the invasion of France by the Allied Forces on 6 June 1944. It was the turning point of the war, and soon the Germans were in full retreat. Canadians advanced quickly, and some troops soon moved beyond support and supply lines. Many were captured. Between 7-8 June 1944, the SS Panzer Division Hitler Jugend executed 121 Canadians with a shot in the back of the head. In some cases, their bodies were dragged out on to the road, run over by tanks and left as a warning to other Canadian troops. Prepare a short Opinion Piece debating that these types of actions are commonplace and therefore, justifiable during war.

Correct Answers

1 D / 2 C / 3 D / 4 B / 5 A
6 A / 7 B / 8 C / 9 A / 10 D
11 B / 12 A / 13 C / 14 D / 15 B
16 D / 17 A / 18 C / 19 A / 20 C
21 A / 22 A / 23 B / 24 B / 25 D
26 E / 27 A / 28 H / 29 A / 30 A
31 L / 32 B / 33 E / 34 A / 35 A
36 B / 37 D / 38 C / 39 A / 40 B