Fort Frye Athletic Boosters Meeting
Wednesday September 14, 2011, 6:00 pm at Beverly Elementary
Present – Kim Schwendeman, Bryan Spindler, Linda Hart, Mary Pennock, John Bostic, Tammy Bates, Phil Lowe, Susan Dyar, Chris Combs.
Meeting – Called to order by President Bryan Spindler.
Minutes – The minutes from the August 2011 meeting were read and approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Linda Hart gave the Treasurer’s Report with a balance of $87,064.43 between both the booster and individual sport accounts. The balance of the Booster portion is $50,448.45.
Motion to approve: Kim Schwendeman Second: John Bostic Motion Carried.
Old Business:
Volleyball Debt – There has been a substantial payment towards the debt. Treasurer Linda Hart will provide an exact figure at the next meeting.
Baseball backstop – Sonny mentioned to Bryan that the quote to fix the backstop was $1000 more than what the insurance would pay. Sonny was inquiring about the boosters paying the difference. It was determined that the $1000 difference was due to the schools deductible. After discussion, it was learned that Superintendent Bumgarner had already authorized a PO to pay the $1000 difference. The issue has been resolved.
Football Field Painting – At the August meeting, discussion was held regarding the painting of the “FF” on the football field before home football games. At that time, it was determined that the boosters did not want to take on the expense of the project. It was estimated that it would cost $1000. Tammy Bates attended the September meeting to inform the boosters that the cost to finish this year would be $100, not the $1000 that was originally estimated. A motion was made to allow the painting to continue for the remainder of the season, with the total cost not to exceed $150.00.
Motion to approve: Chris Combs Second: Susan Dyar Motion Carried.
Volleyball Floor – At the August meeting the motion to authorize $500 for the striping and pockets to the new gym floor at Lowell elementary was tabled. The motion was brought up again. A motion was made to approve $500 for the purchase of striping and the pockets to be installed when they install the new gym floor, contingent upon there being a net and poles available at the high school to be used with the new floor.
Motion to approve: Linda Hart Second: Mary Pennock Motion Carried.
Track – Phil Lowe presented some information that he had on the resurfacing project at the track. He stated that to complete the project, the price could range from $45,000-$185,000. He stated that the $45,000 would be a latex spray. He also stated that a medium quality track would cost approx. $70,000 - $80,000 plus $10,000 for striping. The medium quality track would have a life span of ~ 15 years. Total time to resurface the track is 1-2 days. They will not install it unless it is at least 60 degrees (therefore we would not be able to do it until after next track season). Phil stated that they would send specs to a Civil engineer and they could survey the area and make sure that it is in good enough condition to proceed. Discussion was held as to who we might want to contact to have the track looked at. No action was taken.
New Business:
Volley for a Cure – The athletic boosters agreed to front the money for the purchase of the Volley for a Cure T-Shirts. The boosters will be reimbursed before any donation is made. The shirts will be purchased from the shirt factory for $5.25 per shirt. They will purchase 200 shirts (100 FF / 100 WAT).
Athletic Booster Credit Card – There was discussion regarding which credit card the boosters should have. It has been stated that the Discover Card that is used for Sam’s Club is very difficult to get changed. Since there will be yearly changes (due to officer elections), it was suggested that we consider other options. It was discussed about using Citizen’s Bank for our credit card use. They are close, convenient, and easily accessible. It was decided that Linda would look into the credit card and/or debit card from Citizens. Pam Brooker also needs to be contacted to take care of closing the Discover Card and also making changes with the Sam’s club card.
300 Club Dinner – A committee was formed to work on the dinner. The members present who agreed to help were – Bryan Spindler, Kim Schwendeman, Linda Hart, Mary Pennock, Phil Lowe, Chris Combs, John Bostic and Missy Hesson. There will be a committee meeting held 9/18 at 7 pm at Beverly Elementary.
Athletic Changes – Recently there have been changes to some of the fall sports schedules. Mary Pennock spoke with Beth Brown, Athletic Director, to discuss. It was determined that Mary Pennock will be the booster contact for the remainder of the fall sports season. If there are any changes to any of the fall sporting events, Beth will contact Mary. The boosters will let her know who will be the point of contact for the winter sports season.
Cheese pump – The recently purchased cheese pump came in over what was approved at the last meeting. A motion was made to allow an increase in the amount not to exceed $52.
Motion to approve: Mary Pennock Second: Kim Schwendeman Motion Carried.
Next Meeting – The next meeting will be held on Wednesday October 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm at Beverly Elementary.
Adjourn: Motion by Mary Pennock. Seconded by Susan Dyar.
Respectfully submitted by,
Mary Pennock