Biology 211 Flowering Plant Taxonomy Fall 2004

Discussion 1



A.  Taxonomy (Systematics) — Study of taxa, classification methods, philosophies, the diversity of life, and the evolutionary processes that have given rise to taxa.

B.  Phylogeny ¾ evolutionary branching history; ancestor-descendant relationships

C.  Ancestor ¾ a species that gave rise to one or more descendant species through evolution.

D.  Taxon (pl. taxa) — A group recognized in a system of classification.

E.  Classification — a systematic arrangement of taxa according to established criteria.

F.  Hierarchy ¾ Taxonomic ranks or levels in a classification. Higher ranks are more inclusive.



Division (Phylum)




Genus (pl. Genera)

Species (pl. Species) - The name is a binomial that begins with the genus name.

G.  Nomenclature — the rules for naming the taxa in a classification.

H.  Identification — assignment of a specimen to a taxon in a classification.

I.  Classification, Identification and Nomenclature refer to quite different taxonomic processes.

J.  Character — feature of the organisms under study used as a basis for comparison (e.g., petal color).

K.  Character state — a particular expression of a character (e.g., petals red).

L.  Description — assortment of character states associated with a taxon.

M.  Flora — the assortment of plants found in a geographical area at a particular time.


1.  Are taxa such as individual species, genera, and families “real” in a biological sense or are they artificial human constructs to assist in communicating about the diversity of life?

a.  Are taxa the product of evolution or are they more like a cataloging system to facilitate the storage and retrieve information?

2.  As a biologist, what does the classification tell you about the organisms you are studying?

a.  What does the grouping of species into genera tell you about those species?

b.  Does knowing the classification allow you to predict anything about the pattern of features among the species?