Implementation Minutes
Financial AidTeam
Overview Training Session-Part 2
Meeting Information
Facilitator / Anna SwansonNote Taker / Chris Crandon
Attendees / Carol Claiborne, Angela Melton, Robin Lee, Cheryl-Ann Fogle, Angela Ezell, Donna Levine, Tabitha Huskey, Debbie Kightlinger, Chris Crandon
<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / Review of running a process and reviewing the output.GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / Deadline<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / What will show on the student’s bill?GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns: / A/R will decide this. A/R is the link between Finance and FA.
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / Deadline<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / Packaging and awarding-there is a separate process for Pell and all of the other funds to be awarded. These processes should be done in batch.GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made: / We will run processes in batch whenever possible.
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / Deadline<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / We can package Pell before the record is completely clear, i.e. when there are still outstanding tracking requirements.GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made: / Cameron will NOT package Pell until the record is completely clear.
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / Deadline<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / FA will roll set-up from current aid year to the new year. Will have to set up new budget figures, new disbursement dates, and put an amount in each fund that is available to award.GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / Deadline<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / FISAP is all on a temporary table. We can manipulate the data for Federal Work Study.GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / Deadline<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / Homework assignment: put the user guide on everyone’s hard drive.GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / DeadlineDONE. Every staff member has the user guide on their desktop.
<Topic Title>
Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / Homework assignment: go through the implementation guide and assign a person to document the processes as we go through the Banner and create internal documentation.GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns:
Action Items / Assignments
Description / Owner / DeadlineI am doing this for right now on an ongoing basis as we have training sessions.
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