Total AttorneyAwards FromAwardsAwardsRest
Fees DepositedLegal RightsFromFromOf
AttorneysWFPD 12GCO
1999$ 55,506
2000$ 60,998
2002$ 46,463
2005$260,256[ 79,982][80,857][ 99,417]
Fees Secured
Pending$135,846[ 50,638][21,245][13,950][ 50,013]
- Since January 1, 1999, the LRF has received $2,192,754 in attorneys fees. These funds have been expended solely on AFGE litigation-related activities. Much of these activities would otherwise have been paid by AFGE, AFGE Councils, or AFGE Locals.
- In 2007, deposits into the Fund have totaled $485,305, and another $135,826 in attorney fees has been awarded or settled and is now awaiting deposit.
- As the LRF has grown, the Fund has increased its payments toward AFGE litigation expenses, including attorney salaries. For instance, for the year 2005, the LRF funded the cost of the equivalent of one of the new Legal Rights attorneys at $60,000. In 2006, the LRF increased this payment to $90,000, and in 2007 increased it again to $120,000.
- The LRF also pays for certain operating expenses of the Office of the General Counsel that would otherwise be paid by dues money, such as certain research tools. For instance, Westlaw is totally paid by the Fund at the cost of over $25,000 annually,as is the intern program, costing over $40,000 annually.
- Because the Legal Representation Fund has continued to grow, in thiscurrent year (2007), the LRF has been able to refund to Locals $2000 toward the cost of arbitration in every attorney fee winning case. This new disbursement benefit is in addition to past year’s absorption of travel, lodging, and per diem costs (totaling over $40,000.00) for attorneys required to travel during the course of litigation. All these expenses were costs which previously were paid by AFGE, the Local or Council involved in the case.
- Future increases in reimbursements to AFGE, or additional direct payment of litigation services previously paid by AFGE dues money, will be implemented from increased growth in the LRF.
- The new Legal Rights Attorneys program has generated deposits from winning cases of $441,864 in less than 3 years of operations. As predicted, the recovery has grown significantly from the early months of each attorney’s practice. Considering the monies actually deposited and those already secured and awaiting deposit in this year, the Legal Rights Attorneys expect to recover $241,888in the third year of this new program.
- The steady growth of the LRF has enabled AFGE to provide attorney representation at a very low General Fund investment to over 166 cases handled by the Legal Rights Attorneys since 2005. Scores of members and officers have successfully challenged their terminations and suspensions as a direct result. Literally millions of dollars in lost pay and overtime have been recovered in this new program without the employee reimbursing private counsel for 33% of his or her recovery, as is often done in the private market. Furthermore, AFGE’s reputation with agency employers and representation profile in the public eye is greatly enhanced.
- While the success of the Legal Rights Attorney program and the growth of the LRF are mutually dependent, all practicing attorneys in AFGE (who otherwise would be supported entirely on General Fund monies) have also benefitted by the Fund’s payment of bonuses and other expenses such as the intern program, bar fees, library and internet research tools.
- A growing LRF has resulted in an equal growth in legal costs and payments for expenses, bonuses, interns, etc., first made from the AFGE General Fund and then reimbursed from the LRF to the General Fund.
LRFReimbursements of Attorney
Expenses To The AFGE General Fund