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TO:Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Standards Review Subcommittee (SRS) and Interested Industry Parties
FROM: Elizabeth Mallett, NAESB Deputy Director
RE:WEQ SRS Conference Call FinalMinutes –January 11, 2018
DATE:January 18, 2018
Standards Review Subcommittee
Conference Call with Webcasting
Thursday, January 11, 2018from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Central
- Welcome
Mr. Spontak opened the conference call and welcomed the participants. Ms. Mallett delivered the Antitrust Guidelines and Other Meeting Policies reminder. The participants introduced themselves over the phone and reviewed the revised draftagenda. The agenda items calling for the review of minor corrections and standards requests, were removed, along with a review of the Glossary Coordination and Review Matrix. Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sullivan,moved to adopt the reviseddraft agenda as final. The motion passed without opposition.
The participants reviewed the November 16, 2017 WEQ SRS draft meeting minutes. No edits were made. Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sullivan, moved to adopt the draft minutes as final. The motion passed without opposition.
The November 16, 2017WEQ SRS final minutes may be accessed at the following link:
- Coordination of Glossary Definitions
The Glossary Coordination and Review Matrix (Glossary Matrix) was not reviewed during this call, as no new definitions were available. The participants reviewed the posted WEQ SRS Review of NERC Glossary Terms Document prepared by Mr. Spontak. The document contains the NERC Glossary Terms that were updated and/or added to the NERC Glossary on January 2, 2018. The subcommittee determined that the definitions in the work paper did not need to be incorporated into the NAESB standards. The NERC definitions in the work paper include: “Balancing Contingency Event”, “Contingency Event Recovery Period”, “Contingency Reserve”, “Contingency Reserve Restoration Period”, “Most Severe Single Contingency”, Pre-Reporting Contingency Event ACE Value”, “Reportable Balancing Contingency Event”, and “Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE”.
Mr. Spontak noted that the NAESB definition for “Reserve Service” may be related to the NERC definition for “Contingency Reserve”. He stated that the NERC definition specifically refers to a “Balancing Authority”, while the related NAESB definition points to the broader term, “System Operator”. Mr. Phillips searched the WEQ Standards for the term “Reserve Contingency” and found that the term was utilized primarily in NAESB WEQ 015 (Measurement and Verification of Wholesale Electricity Demand Response). He suggested that the definition, “Reserve Service” refers to a demand response-specific usage, rather than a contingency reserve of the Balancing Authority or System Operator. The subcommittee agreed and concluded that no modifications to the WEQ standards were needed to accommodate the NERC definition for “Contingency Reserve”.
During the discussion regarding the NERC definition for “Pre-Reporting Contingency Event”, the subcommittee searched WEQ 005 (Area Control Error (ACE) Equation Special Cases) for the terms “Recovery” or “Pre-Reporting”. Mr. Wood stated that the NAESB WEQ 005 book merely contained the ACE equation, but not the aspects of ACE related to the NERC definition. The subcommittee agreed that no modifications to the WEQ standards were needed to accommodate the NERC definition for “Pre-Reporting Contingency Event”.
- Review Minor Corrections
There were no Minor Corrections available for review.
- Review Standards Request
There were no Standards Requests available for review.
- Review Recommendations
There were no Recommendations available for review.
- NERC Activity Report
Mr. Spontak reviewed NERC Project 2017-04 (Periodic Review of Interchange Scheduling and Coordination Standards- INT-004, INT-006, INT-009, INT-010) with the participants. He noted that the description of the NERC project states that it is seeking to retire several of the INT standards due to overlap with the NAESB WEQ Standards. He suggested that the standards being retired be reviewed by NAESB. The subcommittee discussed whether the review was needed at this time and several ways to move forward with such a review. Ms. Mallett stated that she would report back to the subcommittee with further options for its consideration.
Mr. Spontak reviewed NERC Project 2017-07(Standards Alignment with Registration) with the participants. He asked whether NAESB would remove the definition of Load Serving Entity (LSE) from the standards. The subcommittee determined that the LSE entity would still exist and the designation would remain relevant within the NAESB standards, even though the term and definition for the entity is being removed from the NERC Compliance Registry.
- New Business
Mr. Spontak noted that the FERC Staff Report, Assessment of Demand Response and Advanced Metering, mentions NAESB several times. He also stated that the December 21, 2017 FERC Order Cyber Security Incident Reporting Reliability Standards (Docket Nos. RM18-2-000 and AD17-9-000) may need to be reviewed by the NAESB WEQ Cybersecurity Subcommittee (WEQ CSS).
The next WEQ SRSconference call will take place on February 8, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Central. During the call, the participants will review Minor Corrections, Recommendations, and the NERC Activity Report, among other agenda items. The agenda for the meeting and all meeting materials will be posted on the WEQ SRS page.
- Adjourn
Mr. Wood moved to adjourn the meeting at 1:34PM Central. The motion passed without opposition.
First Name / Last Name / OrganizationJeff / DePriest / DTE Electric Company
Elizabeth / Mallett / North American Energy Standards Board
Joshua / Phillips / Southwest Power Pool
Robin / Rebillard / Manitoba Hydro
Kevin / Spontak / Midcontinent Independent System Operator
Robert / Sullivan / California Independent System Operator
JT / Wood / Southern Company
WEQ SRS Conference Call Final Minutes – January 11, 2018
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