Resolutions passed by the Common Council of Star Valley

Resolutions for 2005


R 05-01Designating the election date and purpose

R 05-02Staggered terms for Council Members on ballot

R 05-03Standards of financial disclosure

R 05-04Approving the change of official name of Town

R 05-05Tentatively approving a tentative budget

R 05-06A contract for insurance/ risk management services

R 05-07Tax code of the Town of Star Valley

R 05-08IGA with AZ Dept. of Revenue

Resolutions for 2006


R 06-01Whether the Town should construct/acquire a public utility

R 06-02Whether the name of the Town should be changed

R 06-03Opening a bank account, line of credit, authorizing signers

R 06-04Declaring a firewise community

R 06-05Apply for a donation of funds from Tonto Apache Tribe

R 06-06The 2006 amendments to the tax code

R 06-07Authorizing the joining of the Town to CAAG

R 06-08Amending the authorized signers for the Town bank acct

R 06-09Planning and Zoning Ordinance

R 06-10Establishing Building Fees

R 06-11Public record : Town Code, IRC, IBC, IMC, IFC 2003

R 06-12Establishing Business Licenses/ Liquor License Fees

R 06-13Number not used

R 06-14Election notice – staggered terms for Council Members

R 06-15Whether Mayor shall be direct elected

R 06-16Granting a franchise, ordering a special election, ballot

R 06-17An agreement with the Town Magistrate

R 06- 18Number not used

R 06- 19Gila County Court Services

R 06- 20Gila County for professional prosecution/ admin services

R 06-21Deferred compensation agreement with IMCA-RC

R 06- 222007 amendments to the tax code

R 06 -23Amending the authorized signers for the Town bank acct.

R 06-24Requesting ADOT Planning study for an alternate route

R 06-25Public record of Appendixes IRC, IBC, IMC, IFGC 2003

Resolutions for 2007


R 07-01Requesting a separate zip code for the Town

R 07-02Investment in the LGIP

R 07- 03Prescribing standards of financial disclosure

R 07-04Submission of F/Y 2007 CDBG funds

R 07-05Adopting a residential anti-displacement/relocation plan

R 07-06Adoption of the Housing Rehabilitation Guidelines

R 07-07 – 18Requesting Tribal grant funds – Prop 202

R 07-19Establishing new building permit / plan review fees

R 07-20ADOT Section 5310 grant

R 07-21WIFA grant

R 07-22Growing Smarter Planning Grant Program

R 07-23GADA grant

R 07-24Establishing a special revenue capital account

R 07-25Management of Floodplain activites

R 07-26Penalties for failing to obtain building/manuf home permits

R 07-27Acquiring Brooke Utilities

R 07-28DWSRF Loan

R 07-29Declaring a State of Emergency

R 07-30Establishes a Water Task Force Committee

R 07-31Establishes a Flood Control Task Force Committee

R 07-32Election Date, Deadline for voter registration etc.

R 07-33Setting the compensation of the Mayor/Council Members

R 07-34Establishing certain administrative charges

R 07-35USFS land

R 07-36Proposing an alternative expenditure limitation

R 07-37Establishing a police agency for the Town

Resolutions for 2008


R 08-01Authorizing the submission FY 2008 CDBG Grant funds

R 08-02Adopting 2006 InternationalBuilding codes

R08-03Adopting the 2008 amendments to the Tax code

R08-04Declaring/adopting results of Primary election

R08-05Requirements of CDBG grant submission

R08-06Adopting a fair housing policy

R08-07Authorizing the acquisition of Brooke Utilities

R08-08Adopting a residential relocation plan F/Y 08/09

R08-09Authorization to implement CDBG F/Y 07/08

R08-10Adopting the official news agency for the Town

R08-11Authorizing the submission of TEP Application

R08-12Accepting the dedication of Cornerstone Way

R08-13Adopting IEBC and various amendments

R08-14Accepting the dedication of Hillside Dr

R08-15Amendments to the 2006 IRC and 2006 IBC

R08-16Amending the designation of the authorized signers

R08-17Number not used

R08-18Authorizing the acquisition of Payson Water Co.

R08-19Number not used

R08-20Number not used

R08-21Auth to submit applications for 2008 CDBG projects

R08-22Amending the signers for Town checks

Resolutions for 2009


R09-01Authorizing the dismissal of condemnation of Payson Water Co.

R09-02Submission of application for CDBG funds 2009

R09-03Tribal funds – Ak-Chin

R09-04Tribal funds – Colorado River Indian

R09-05Tribal funds – Fort McDowell-Yavapai

R09-06Tribal funds – Gila River

R09-07Tribal funds – Pascua Yaqui

R09-08Tribal funds – Salt River Pima-Maricopa

R09-09Tribal funds – San Carlos Apache

R09-10Tribal funds – Tohono O’Odham

R09-11Tribal funds – Tonto Apache

R09-12Tribal funds – White Mountain Apache

R09-13Tribal funds – Yavapai – Apache

R09-14Tribal funds – Yavapai-Prescott

R09-15Authorize the change in policy holder Workman’s Comp

R09-16 Fair Housing Policy

R09-17Amending the signers for Town checks

R09-18Setting an increase in copy fees

R09-19Change of Scope CDBG 2007

R09-20Number not used

R09-21Adopting a residential relocation plan for FY2009

R09-22Adopting tentative budget for FY 2009/2010

R09-23Adopting final budget for FY 2009/2010

R09-242009 tax amendments to the tax code

R09-25Call of the March 2010 election

R09-26Adoption of the TOSV Multi-Hazard Plan

Resolutions for 2010


R10-01Authorizing IGA w/ TOP to address water issues
