Rotary Club of Wortley
AGENDA for the Club AGM at Whitley Hall Hotel
on May ??? 2013
Minutes of last meeting to approve:
Committee Reports:
Treasurers Report (incl Budget and Membership Fees):
Election of Honorary Members:
Election of 6no Ordinary Council Members
Appointment of Committee Chairs
Appointment of Auditors
Election of 2no District Representatives
Other Officers
Other official appointments:
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next AGM to be advised in due course
COUNCIL MEMBERS for the YEAR2012/2013
Automatically on Council for 2012/2013
President Steven Patterson
President ElectHoward Mills
Vice President John Haggerty
Past PresidentAnne Willey
Treasurer Roger Hurst
Secretary David Humberstone
Rtn Peter Clarke
Rtn John Greaves
Rtn Stephen Dobson
Rtn Jack Slater
Rtn Philip Sherriff
Rtn Trevor Fletcher
Other Officers for 2011/2012
Sergeant-at-Arms Rtn Trevor Fletcher
Protection/Health & SafetyRtn Peter Clarke
PR / Bulletin EditorFoR David Atkinson
AuditorRtn Howard Mills
Project Committee Leaders: tba
InternationalRtn Barrie Clinton
Vocational tba
Scholarship Committee
Rtns Lewis Atkinson, Rod Wadsworth, David Humberstone, Stephen Dobson
Minutes of the Club AGM held at Whitley Hall Hotel
on Monday 14th May 2012.
Present:Anne Willey(President)
David Humberstone(Secretary)
Roger Hirst(Treasurer)
Stephen Patterson(President Elect)
Howard Mills(Vice President)
Trevor Fletcher
Philip Sherriff
Peter Appleyard
Keith Bailey
Mike Parden
Ken Brown
Anne Willey
Stephen Dobson
John Haggerty
Brenda Russell
Barrie Clinton
Peter Perry
Ann Winnard
Peter Clarke
Apologies:Rod Wadsworth(Immediate Past President)
Lewis Atkinson
Shani Barber
John Evans
Peter Boler
Bob Greaves
Jack Slater
Jacob Davies
Keith Addy
Peter Dimelow
President Anne Willey opened the meeting.
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd May 2011 were accepted; proposed by Rtn Steven Patterson, seconded by Rtn Philip Sherriff
Rtn Stephen Dobson reported on the past years events of VVR, SYF Car Parking, Carol Singing, Christmas Dinner, Burns Night, 40th Charter Night, Cat Club Car Parking, Scholarship with thanks to those involved.
The Club expressed their gratitude for the hard work of Rtn Stephen Dobson over the past year.
Rtn Philip Sherriff reported on the Music in the Gardens and thanks in particular to Rtns Rod and Brenda for implementing this involvement, and reported also on the Santa Sleigh, with thanks to Rtn Trevor, the Scout Hut 50’s night, with thanks to Rtn Peter Perry. There was also the Children of Chernobyl bbq, the Castleton Camp Visit (members were urged to continue this involvement this year), the Mock Interviews and the Alone at Christmas effort.
Rtn Ann Winnard reported on the ongoing efforts with Shelterbox and inroads to schools participation/education in this aspect.
President Anne thanked all for their valiant efforts.
Treasurers Report (incl Budget and Membership Fees)
Rtn Roger Hirst provided his report and budget for the year (appended)
General account (for running the Club) was low and possibly required further funds. The Sergeant-at-Arms box was considered as this was mostly raised by members funds and not public donations.
The Scholarship fund was scrutinised for possible better return options. Funding for this years scholarship still to be advised, pending applicants.
Election of Honorary Members
The following persons were duly elected to continue as honorary members for the year
Lewis Atkinson (approved)
Elizabeth Birkby (tbc)
Election of 6no Ordinary Council Members
The following persons were duly elected to Council for the year
Peter Clarke
Trevor Fletcher
John Greaves
Jack Slater
Phillip Sherriff
Stephen Dobson
Confirm Appointment of Club Structure & Chairs
The following persons were appointed as follows
Vice PresidentRtn John Haggerty
Sergeant-at-Arms Rtn Trevor Fletcher
Protection/Health & SafetyRtn Peter Clarke
PR / Bulletin EditorFoR David Atkinson
AttendanceRtn tbc
Projects/ActivitiesRtns Philip & Stephen D requested others be considered
AuditorRtn Howard Mills
Members raised the prospect of a 2 or 4 committee structure / involvement rather than the Project Heads as all appeared to fall on the same shoulders.
Incoming President Steven Patterson to consider and advise.
Confirm Appointment of Auditors
Rtn Howard Mills was asked to be Auditor
Election of 2no District Representatives
The following persons were appointed and ratified as Club’s District Representatives for the year
Rtn John Haggerty, Rtn Steven Patterson
Alternates : Peter Clarke, Peter Perry, Trevor Fletcher
The President closed the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next AGM to be advised in due course
Signed ………………………………………...... … Date …………………….....