Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication I (First) Semester Examination 2012-13

Course Code: BJM105 Paper ID: 0981205

Computer Application for Media

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

uksV % dqy N% ç”uksa dk mRrj nhft,A ç”u la[;k 1 vfuok;Z gSA

1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (4x5=20)

fuEufyf[kr ç”uksa esa ls fdUgh ikWap ds mRrj nhft,A ¼çR;sd mRrj ipkl “kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,A ½

a) Explain the working of computer in brief.

dEI;wVj dh dk;Zç.kkyh dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft,A

b) What do you mean by application software?

,Iyhds”ku lkW¶Vos;j ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\

c) Explain the working of mouse.

ekml dh dk;Z ç.kkyh dk o.kZu dhft,A

d) How the static website different from dynamic web site in media?

ehfM;k esa LVsfVd osclkbV Mk;usfed osclkbV ls fdl çdkj fHkUu gksrk gS\

e) Explain Blogs in detail.

CyksXl dks foLrkj ls le>kb;sA

f) Write steps to add grayscale in page publishing.

ist ifCyf”kax esa xzsLdsy fdl çdkj tksM+k tkrk gS\

g) Explain Vlogs in brief.

oh yWkx dks la{ksi esa le>kb;sA

h) What are the characteristics of multimedia?

eYVhehfM;k dh fo”ks’krk,a D;k gksrh gSa\

2. Explain the following hardware in brief: (5+5)

fuEu gkMZos;j dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft,%

a) Keyboard (dhcksMZ½ b) Hard-disk (gkMZ fMLd½

3. a) Write steps to solve subtotal and pivot table of MS-Excel. (6)

,e,l&,Dlsy dh fioksV Vscy vkSj lc VksVy gy djus ds fy, inksa dks fyf[k;sA

b) Write steps to insert picture in MS-Power point. (4)

,e,l&ikoj ikWbUV esa fp= fufo’V djus ds fy, mi;ksx fd;s tkus okys inksa dks fyf[k;sA

4. What is difference between Website and Portal? How Website can be more interactive for media? (10)

osclkbV vkSj iksVZy es D;k vUrj gksrk gS\ ehfM;k ds fy, osclkbV fdl çdkj vf/kd bUVj,fDVo gks ldrh gS\

5. a) What is the role of internet to media? (6) ehfM;k ds fy, bUVjusV dh D;k Hkwfedk gS\

b) What is Static Website? (4)

LVsfVd osclkbV D;k gksrh gS\

6. What are different development taking place in IT and its affect on media? (10)

IT eas gks jgs fofHkUu fodkl vkSj blds ehfM;k ij çHkko D;k gSa\

7. How the designing of website can be made more advantageous to media? (10)

osclkbV dh fMtkbfuax dks ehfM;k ds fy, vf/kd ykHknk;d dSls cuk;k tk ldrk gS\

8. Explain the following features of quark: (5+5)

DokdZ ds fuEu vfHky{k.kksa dk o.kZu dhft,%

a) Multiple View

eYVhiy O;w

b) Task based design

VkLd csLM fMtkbu