High Country Christian Academy will be administering the Terra Nova II

For odd grades 3through 11/12

(These are the only grades being offered)

Thursday, April 23rdand Friday, April 24th

9:00 a.m.– 12:30 p.m.

New Life Church

(All students must attend BOTH mornings, if a child becomes ill during these two days, arrangements can be made)


  • Terra Nova II – a nationally standardized test that meets the Colorado home school statute requirements. HCCA will be administering the core battery. For grades 3-5: vocabulary, reading comprehension, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, language usage and expression, math concepts, math problem solving, math computation. Grades 7-11: vocabulary, reading comprehension, spelling, and language - revising written materials, math computation, math concepts and problem solving, history and science.

Test scores given to parents will include the raw score, grade equivalent, percentile ranking, and a narrative report explaining highlights of results.

  • Orientation -One parent is required, unless prior arrangements are made, to attend an orientation inApril (Date and time to be determined. Registered families will be notified)

Testing packetswith class assignments, times, testing procedures, etc. will be given out and policies will be gone over as well as a Q & A time.

  • Test Scores -Parents can expect their student’s scores in the mail approximately the last week of June.
  • Confirmation -Confirmations will be emailed to you. You can expect a confirmation no later than March 15th If the grade level you’ve chosen is full, your check and one envelope will be returned to you.
  • Make-Ups-HCCA does not offer individual make-up testing due to the use of the facilities and time frame provided by the testing supplier.
  • Refunds -Once the tests have been ordered, there are no refunds available.
  • Special Needs - HCCA offers testing in a group situation, therefore we cannot accommodate

children with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, or any type of learning disability. We recommendparents do individual, one-on-one testing for these children.

Registration dates:

  • January 5th-31th– priority registration for High Country Christian Academy member families
  • February 1st-February28th – registrations accepted for HCCA, High Country Support Group members and High Country Enrichment Classes.
  • February 28th – March 15th –Registrations accepted for HCCA, HCSG, HCEC and non member groups.

(Registrations are accepted on a first come, first served basis.)



If you have questions, please email the academy at You may also call 278-9135 x4.

HCCA also offers an Achievement Test Score Repository. This service is available to families not enrolled with HCCA but want a private school to hold your student’s test scores. The cost is $30.00 per family for the entire time we hold the record. You do not have to test with HCCA to use this service. Repository forms are available on the web site.


Parents’ Names: ______Phone: ______

(first names) (last name)



E-Mail: ______

(Please write valid email address onlyit needs to be one that you check at least every week. This will be the form of communication used to contact you with testing information.)

*Please make sure you have filled in all information for each student before mailing.

(First)______(M.I.)_____ (Last)______
Circle grade level: 3 5 7 9 11
Student’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ / HCCA $45.00
All other $50.00 / $
(First)______(M.I.)_____ (Last)______
Circle grade level: 3 5 7 9 11
Student’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ / HCCA $45.00
HCSG/HCEC $45.00
All other $50.00 / $
(First)______(M.I.)_____ (Last)______
Circle grade level: 3 5 7 9 11
Student’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ / HCCA $45.00
HCSG/HCEC $45.00
All other $50.00 / $
(First)______(M.I.)_____ (Last)______
Circle grade level: 3 5 7 9 11
Student’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ / HCCA $45.00
HCSG/HCEC $45.00
All other $50.00 / $
(First)______(M.I.)_____ (Last)______
Circle grade level: 3 5 7 9 11
Student’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ / HCCA $45.00
HCSG/HCEC $45.00
All other $50.00 / $
Please attach additional sheet if needed


Test repository fee for NON Academy families $30 (lifetime per family) Total for Repository $______

Total Check $______

Please follow these instructions carefully --- all registrations must include:

  1. Completed registration form
  2. Signed parental agreement
  3. Check for testing fees made payable to: High Country Christian Academy
  4. One business-size self addressed, stamped envelope for every twostudents you are registering

*Note: we cannot accept small, letter size envelopes as the test results will not fit. Please be sure you are

sending business-size only. Sending the wrong size envelopes or not including envelopes will delay your

processing until the correct envelopes are received.

  1. Registrations must bereceived by March 15th. This is a postmark deadline.
  2. Mail to: High Country Christian Academy, P.O. Box 25966, Colorado Springs, CO 80936.
  3. No changes in grade level can be made/no refunds given after March 15th


This form must be signed and included with your testing registration.

Please read carefully before signing:


_____ 1. I have read the entire testing instruction page.

_____ 2. I will attend the parent orientation (Date and time to be determined).

_____ 3. I understand that no changes can be made to our registration after March 8th.

_____ 4. I understand there are no refunds of testing fees if my child cannot attend testing on the

scheduled days due to illness, family schedule conflicts, etc.(without approval)

_____ 5. I understand there is no individual make-up testing available if my child cannot attend

testing on the scheduled days.(without approval)

_____ 6. I understand that HCCA cannot accommodate children for testing with special needs.

______7. I will respect the policies of testing with HCCA and will make sure that my child respects them

as well.

Parent’s Signature ______Date______