Our NEXT Field Trip is Coming Up!
June 19, 2013
Dear Parents:
On Friday, June 28, 2013, Spark-a-Smart will go to The Catoctin Zoo. We will be leaving around 9:00 a.m. and will return no later than 3:00p.m. We will be using the Church vans to transport the Children.
Please sign the permission slip below and return it to school as soon as possible. Students who do not return their permission slips will not attend the field trip. We must have the permission slip on file in order for your child to attend. Please bring this form and payment for the trip in no later than Wednesday the 26th.
* Please apply Sun Screen on your child before arriving to the daycare. We will reapply sunscreen in the afternoon. Some of the walking paths are covered over my trees and some of the Safari ride as well.
* We will use sanitizer as well as hand washing throughout the trip.
* Your child should be dressed appropriately and should wear TENNIS shoes, as we shall be walking. We will provide a picnic lunch, snack and plenty of water.
* Please bring with your child a small bag/back pack with a change of clothes in case of emergencies and a zip lock bag of a few baby wipes and two extra diapers/pull-ups for children who wear them.
The extra cost for the field trip is as follows:
Children Under 3 get in free but the Safari ride is $8.00 and animal food with souvenir cup is $2.00 each child. Total required = $10.00 each
Children 3 and up admission is $8.75 plus Safari ride is $8.00 and animal food with souvenir cup is $2.00 each child. Total required = $18.75 each
Thank you,
Please return this top portion of the signed form. Thank you.
All parents that wish to chaperone will need to have a Criminal background check before the field trip (this can take up to two days). Parents interested in attending can either follow us to the location or meet us there and pay to get in.
I give ______my permission to attend the field trip to:
Child Name
Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo
13019 Catoctin Furnace Road,
Thurmont, MD 21788
Phone: 301.271.3180Date of Trip: June 28, 2013
Payment for Trip paid by: Check ______or Cash ______
(Parent’s Signature)(Date)
Emergency Phone Number ______
------DETACH Contact Information for you to keep! ------
June 28, 2013
Spark-a-Smart Daycare Ministry
Field Trip to:
Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo
13019 Catoctin Furnace Road,
Thurmont, MD 21788
Phone: 301.271.3180