5th Grade
Word Study / Spelling Homework
Directions: Each week you must score 50 points on your Word Study / Spelling homework. To earn points, pick assignments from the list below to practice your weekly Word Study / Spelling words. Homework will be collected on Fridays and checked to see if your have scored 50 points. On the top of each page, please write the point value for each activity.
5 Points- Type out your entire list of words on the computer. Change each vowel to a different color. Print out and hand in.
- Art Writing: Create art using your word study words. Write at least 15 words in a creative way using different shapes and designs.
- Type your list of words four times; with each list type in a different font.
- Sort and Add three: After sorting your words, add three extra words to each column that follows the pattern.
- Write each of your words from your list four times each neatly. These should be written across the page on the lines, not bunched up!
- Write your words in ABC order OR Reverse ABC order.
- Write a synonym or antonym for each word.
- Write a poem and try to use all of your word study words in the poem. Make sure you underline the word study words that you used in the poem.
- Spelling Triangles
15 Points
- Create a cartoon strip using at least 8 of the spelling words.
- Write a story using the spelling words. Make sure you underline the word study words used in the story.
- Put your words into question or exclamation sentences. (One word per sentence) Watch your punctuation!
- Use your words in descriptive sentences. Make sure and underline the word study words.
- Write a letter to a friend using at least 15 of your words. Underline the words used.
- Cut out a picture from a newspaper or a magazine and use the words from the word study list to write a story about the picture.
- Ransom words: Look through magazines and newspapers to find the letters that make 10of your words. Glue them together to make your words.
- Use a dictionary to find 10 of your words. List the page # and 2 guide words for each. Write the meaning for each word.