Role: You will be Nitrogen
Audience: Oxygen
Format: Love Letter
Topic: Nitrogen Cycle
- The correct processes and path of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle (Underline3 different ways to change free nitrogen to a usable nitrogen compound. Circle 2 ways nitrogen compounds get back to the soil. Box how pure nitrogen gets back to the atmosphere) Points: 12 points
- Written in love letter format. How well did you take on the role of nitrogen? Were you writing to oxygen? Did you include the feelings you would have for oxygen if you were nitrogen. (20 points)
- Complete sentences with capital letters and punctuation at the end (10 points)
TOTAL: 42 points
Role: You are a travel agent: You are trying to sell the trip of the nitrogen cycle to your customers. They would be traveling like nitrogen.
Audience: Vacationers
Format: Travel Brochure
Topic: Nitrogen Cycle
- The correct processes and path of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle (Underline3 different ways to change free nitrogen to a usable nitrogen compound, Circle 2 ways nitrogen compounds get back to the soil, Box how pure nitrogen gets back to the atmosphere) Points: 12 points
- Written in travel brochure format. How well did you take on the role of a travel agent? Are you selling the trip to the vacationers? Did you include pictures of the trip and what you will you see along the way? (20 points)
- Complete sentences with capital letters and punctuation at the end (10 points)
TOTAL: 42 points
Role: You are nitrogen trying to get a jobwith a local farmer.
Audience: Farmer
Format: Business Letter
Topic: Nitrogen Cycle
- The correct processes and path of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle (Underline3 different ways to change free nitrogen to a usable nitrogen compound. Circle 2 ways nitrogen compounds get back to the soil. Box how pure nitrogen gets back to the atmosphere) Points: 12 points
- Written in business format. How well did you take on the role of nitrogen? Were you writing to the farmer? Did you include the reasons why you would be a good worker for the farmer? (20 points)
- Complete sentences with capital letters and punctuation at the end (10 points)
TOTAL: 42 points