Curriculum Change Checklist
Make sure that you are using the latest versions of forms. These can be found on the Academic Affairs website. For CPAC’s convenience, please submit all completed forms in a single document, with page numbers.
Adding, removing, or modifying a course.
1) Each course which is added, removed (including removal from a distribution or flag), or modified must have an appropriate form. (There is a form for making small changes to an existing course. More substantive changes require the new course form.)
2) Each new course which is to satisfy a distribution or flag requirement must have a form.
3) Do any of your course additions, removals, or modifications change any of your majors, minors, or clusters? If so, you must have forms to change these.
4) Do any of your course additions, removals, or modifications change any majors, minors, or clusters in other departments? If so…
The relevant departments must be notified.
You must have forms for these changes.
5) Are other departments affected by this change (in terms of course rotation, availability of electives, number of seats available in courses, prerequisites, etc.) If so, affected departments must be notified.
6) Are any of these courses a prerequisite for other courses, and if so, do your changes create problems? If so, then any course that needs its prerequisite changed must have a form.
Adding, removing, or modifying a major.
1) Each major which you are adding, modifying, or removing must have an appropriate form. (There is a form for making small changes to an existing major. More substantive changes require the new major form.)
2) Majors must not exceed 40 credits for a B.A. degree or 56 credits for a B.S.
3) A B.S. major must not have more than 36 credits in any prefix or 52 credits in any two prefixes.
4) A B.S. major must contain courses satisfying the quantitative and empirical distribution requirements.
5) All course prerequisites must be part of the major.
6) Every major must have a capstone course.
Adding, removing, or modifying a minor.
1) Each minor which you are adding, modifying, or removing must have an appropriate form.
2) A minor consists of 16 to 24 credits.
3) All course prerequisites must be part of the minor.
Adding, removing, or modifying a cluster.
1) Each cluster which you are adding, modifying, or removing must have an appropriate form.
2) A cluster consists of 12 credits.
3) A cluster must be developmental; it must contain at least one course at the 300 level or above, or contain a course which has a prerequisite which is included in the cluster.
4) All course prerequisites must be part of the cluster.
Course rotation
If you are making changes which affect your course rotation, please submit a new course rotation table.
If proposing a new major, you should submit an assessment plan to the assessment office secretary (Kim Hawkins). If you are modifying a major, consider whether this requires modifications to your existing assessment plan.
This checklist is for your convenience. It does not need to be submitted with your proposal.