Lakewood Rotary Board Meeting, June 11, 2008

Present: Bob Zawilski, Astrid Arola, Ben Sclair, Steve Mazoff, Clint Johnson, Dave Guttu, Duncan Cook, Mary Covelli-Johnson, Greg Rediske, Joel Feldman, Greg Horn, Paul Guy, Jon Calder, Paul Wulfesteig, Janine Messenger

Not present:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Secretary’s Report
  3. Review of Membership List
  4. 125 members. Down one as Mike Swanson resigned this week.
  5. Debbie LeBeau and Mike Turner info meeting set for June 20 (hopefully).
  6. May 2008 – 74%, 2nd in area, 15th in district
  7. 30 members – exempted status
  8. 39 total members below 50% attendance (18 active | 21 exempt)
  9. 63 total members below 70% attendance (39 active | 24 exempt)
  10. Treasurer’s Report
  11. Review hand-out of money to be carried to RY 2008-09.
  12. General discussion held on finances.
  13. Sportsman's Dinner net will drop to close to $80,000.
  14. President’s Announcements
  15. Remaining budget items
  16. Library Summer Reading Program - $1300, could we do $1510 to take to $10,000 total?
  17. MSC. Move $210 from Publicity to bring program to even $10,000.
  18. Clover Park Shelter, $5,000. Funding will carry to Joel's year.
  19. Shelter Box, $1750, could we add $250 to make it 2 boxes? MSC. Move $250 from World Affairs Conference to bring ShelterBox balance to $2,000 or two ShelterBox's.
  20. Rotoplast. Should we do anything from the Board level?
  21. International Baccalaureate Effort. Position Report: CPSD has filed an intent to apply (with the hope to place in 5-12 from CPSD perspective). 12 teachers (5-12, Lakes and CP) have/are taken/taking training. School board has stated (unofficially?) that they will accept the money. Issue will be addressed at an upcoming board retreat. $40,800 in budget predicated on start up costs on this Rotary year.
  22. Clint: This is what we've been waiting for. Took nine months longer than hoped. In process.
  23. Greg Rediske: Will IB accept 5-12. McGowan is better to answer.
  24. Bob Z.: Middle school program is much different from high school.
  25. Mary: Are there any models for starting middle school? Ron: Yes, but there is a varying degree of success depending on the school.
  26. Steve M.: The status is different from what was presented so perhaps we should re-present to the club.
  27. Joel: Risk – This is basically re-introducing the whole project as the fundamental level.
  28. Ron Adkins: The early intent to apply was a fast-track schedule. Much discussion has taken place on where to place IB, even though we wanted to place it in CP or Lakes.
  29. What worked – PEN to PETS, Club photo's on PowerPoint, PEN work with Sportsman's Dinner, Inspirational Moment, Club Runner, Student & Educator recognition DVD & Bumper Stickers and ShelterBox at Sportsman’s Dinner.
  30. What could work better – Public Relations, Community Meeting, New member integration

Directors’ Reports:

  1. Membership & Fellowship (Janine Messenger)
  2. New Member Committee (). Need someone strong. Janine has propositioned 2 or 3 members.
  3. Fireside/Information (John Magnuson).
  4. Puffins (John Korsmo)
  5. Membership Mentoring (Joe Quinn)
  6. Club Sports (Bill Potter). Softball and golf are coming up.
  7. Fellowship (Janine Messenger). Not sure who is heading up CP Rotary fellowship. Part of budget will be used for picnic.
  8. Revolving Dinner (Bud Montgomery). Looking to expand.
  9. Floating Board (Joel Feldman). August/September time frame. Morris will chair and Dave Reames co-chair.
  10. Attendance (Greg Rediske).
  11. Community Service–General (Duncan Cook)
  12. Community Concerns (Paul Casey). Meeting scheduled for June 13.
  13. Partners for Parks (Ted Wier). Lakewood Summerfest, June 21, Ft. Steilacoom Park.
  14. Courage Classic (Dave Guttu). On track.
  15. Raffle (Ron Irwin). No report.
  16. Sportsmans Dinner (Tony Robinson/Paul Wulfestieg). Key committee members have met to review comments from this year's event and set April 4 as the 2009 date.
  17. Major Project (Bob Zawilski/Greg Rediske)
  18. CP has sent in the letter of intent.
  19. Committee is working with our wishes for IB and their wishes.
  20. IB@ 5-12 school is their wish to start with the middle school IB program
  21. We want IB at high schools and the diploma program
  22. 16 (not certain of numbers) teachers signed up for IB training (8 from 5-12 and 8 from Clover Park and Lakes)
  23. We will keep the board advised as we progress.
  24. We currently have $27,500.00 in our account for IB. (Non Rotary Money) Money we have collected from the community for the effort.
  25. Community Service–Youth (Steve Mazoff)
  26. Youth Sports & Activities (Eric Herbel).
  27. It was decided early in the 2007/2008 rotary year, that this committee would devote itself to improving its methods/practices to more closely reflect the methods/practices of the Community Concerns Committee. Community Concerns and Youth Sports & Activities each disburse large sums of money to the Lakewood community. Such large disbursements, and the corresponding commitment of Lakewood Rotary to Youth Sports in this area, deserve a higher degree of reporting, accounting and follow-up than may have previously been in practice. After consulting with the Lakewood Rotary Community Concerns Committee, this committee has begun to implement a few of the methods/practices of that committee:
  28. Annual Report to Board at the end of each Rotary fiscal year
  29. Calendar of disbursements that will build into a five-year calendar
  30. To allow for easier comparison year-to-year and project-to-project
  31. To be handed down to committees that follow in later years
  32. Formal Application for Funds
  33. Formal Letter to Recipients clearly showing expectations for follow-up & future applications
  34. Formal follow-up by committee members with recipients
  35. Commitment to encouraging more Recipients to make reports to Lakewood Rotary during a weekly meeting
  36. Additionally:
  37. Commitment by committee members to seek out a more diverse list of Recipients
  38. Further study on combining some sponsorships w/publicity efforts
  39. Calendar of Disbursements ($8,250):
  40. 09/27/07 Lk Steil Youth Athletics $750 (Lakewood football)
  41. 06/10/08 Steilacoom High School $500 (Drug-free Grad Party)
  42. 06/10/08 Lakes High School $500 (Drug-free Grad Party)
  43. 06/13/08 Lakewood Baseball Club $2500 (scholarships, equipment)
  44. 06/13/08 Young Life $2000 (camp scholarships)
  45. 06/13/08 Youth for Christ $2000 (Tillicum Youth/Family Center)
  46. Under Consideration ($1,750):
  47. Lakewood Baseball Club $1000 (addn to earlier donation)
  48. Lk Steil Youth Athletics $750 (earlier disbursement than last year)
  49. Scholarship/Student Recognition (Robert Peterson). Wrapped up for the year. Over budget but were previously discussed and budgets adjusted as appropriate.
  50. Next Step (Mike McGowan)
  51. Jim Rooks chair next year with Bud Montgomery vice chair
  52. 15 Rotarians currently participating
  53. Have taken on another high school (Charles Wright)
  54. 2 new members (Robert Peterson and Mark Blanchard)
  55. Finally getting Clover Park in line for Next Step
  56. Good results with our 2nd year students getting into desired schools and scholarships.
  57. RYLA & 4-Way Test Program (Jim Schultz). RYLA has concluded for this year and Jim Schultz has nothing further to report. It looks like we will have about $200 in unused budget money for this year.
  58. Educator Recognition (Tony Robinson). Wrapped up for the year. $900 unused from 2007-08 budget.
  59. Lakeview Tutoring (Mark Blanchard).
  60. No news re: tutoring efforts from Lakeview, it's either going great or so terribly no one wishes to talk about it. I choose great. Although, Shannon Krueger is having a wonderful time she tells me. I'm sure Greg the R can elucidate upon this. Hit it Greg!
  61. Over budget but were previously discussed and budgets adjusted as appropriate.
  62. Let us consider different reference materials for our next book give-away. Perhaps Almanacs (used widely in 4th and 5th grade) or atlases, thesaurus-es thesauri? Input form the teachers involved is forth coming..supposedly.
  63. Youth Exchange (Greg Rediske). Nick leaves on July 2 and there will be a going away party at Bill Allen's house on June 29. The committee is putting together a gift and all Rotarians are invited (just bring a pen as a gift). Youth Exchange has about $400 left, but will still be using a portion for Nick's gift. A framed picture of his four families will be the key item, unsure of expense involved yet for framing. Possibly something else, too. Don't take our money yet!
  64. Public Relations & Communications (Mary Covelli-Johnson)
  65. Publicity (Eric Herbel). Concern with publicity. Needs motivated person to push things along. Perhaps some joint Rotary club TV ads (cable can be cheap).
  66. Club Bulletin (Dave Sclair)
  67. Club Directory (Ben Sclair)
  68. Calendar (Dave Covey)
  69. Sunshine/Spiritual Support (Jan Luze/Jim Ray)
  70. Military Appreciation (Tracye Kakley). Will spend all the money. Even though Army is coming back, Air Force is going out.
  71. Risk Management (Bob Zawilski)
  72. Rotary Foundation & Rotary International (Clint Johnson)
  73. Paul Harris Foundation (Mike McGovern).
  74. Jim Schultz is chair for next year and Fulton vice chair
  75. Foundation (See McGovern) current chair
  76. $33,377.84 send into the foundation this Rotary Year with a couple more to go.
  77. Goal for 2008-2009-----$35,000.00
  78. All time giving as of June 7th $691,770.15
  79. 328 Paul Harris Awards
  80. 49 Benefactors
  81. Lakewood Foundation (Clint Johnson). No report. Was to be a meeting tonight but not sure.
  82. World Affairs Conference (Bill Price). Board took all the money, so no report.
  83. World Community Service (Mark Blanchard). Peru project has hit some snags as a VSG grant has been reject due to late Peruvian report. Contacting many local clubs to find new (possibly) location in Peru.
  84. Initially disinterested in Rotoplast, but are revisiting.
  85. Club Administration (Dave Guttu)
  86. Program (Larry Faulk)
  87. Attendance/Greeters (Dan Livingston/Jim Skar)
  88. Sgt-At-Arms (Bill Young)
  89. District Affairs (Norm Tremaine)
  90. Installation Banquet (Joe Ghilarducci)
  91. By-Laws (Sam Hunter)
  92. Long Range Planning (Judy Hosea)
  93. Set-Up/Equipment (Richard Simmons)
  94. Old Business
  95. Fall Raffle guidance to committee. Do we need a fundraiser to support to charitable side? If we continue raffle, we need a class E license ($970). If we don't have a fall raffle we only need a class C license ($400).
  96. Paul W.: Concern about putting all the financial load on the Sportsman's Dinner.
  97. Bob Z.: Ask long-range planning committee to look at other fundraising opportunities.
  98. Sense of the board is we don't see a suitable project for a fall raffle this year but see a need for fundraising/fellowship event.
  99. St. Clair's Project discussion Jon Calder. About 4000 patients per month at emergency / general admittance. Not enough privacy. So an effort is being made to remodel to admitting area.
  100. Architectural drawings are being worked on now.
  101. Overall cost is just below $1 million.
  102. Paul W.: Is this a specific fundraising effort of Franciscan? Don't know what he answered aside from[HP Author1] a $20,000 ask of Lakewood Rotary.
  103. Steve M.: Would this money go toward to operation, construction, etc? Can't answer this yet. Jon will bring that back to Franciscan to find a specific portion of the project.
  104. Bobby Z.: Time frame? Initial planning is underway, and waiting for final budget, then a decision following.
  105. Polling the BoD: Not really a major project, but there is interest in the project.
  106. New Business
  107. Preliminary budget (PR Joel). Any concerns should be directed to Joel either at the meeting or after. Some discussion about some line items.
  108. Directors will check with their committees to get refined amounts.
  109. Next Meeting: July 9, 2008
  110. Adjourn

[HP Author1]